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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis; (1) penerapan program EOS dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa berbahasa Inggris; (2) mengetahui faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam pengelolaan program EOS; (3) mengetahui solusi untuk menghadapi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program EOS. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus, teknik penumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data, triangulasi teknik, dan memberceck. Hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut; (1) ada 4 hal yang menjadi dasar dalam terlaksananya program EOS: (a) penggunaan metode bilingual dalam pembelajaran di kelas unggulan; (b) metode belajar yang digunakan program EOS dirasa sudah tepat; (c) menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak lain untuk efisiensi pelaksanaan program; (d) meningkatnya kompetensi siswa setelah mengikutiEOS; (2) Ada beberapa faktor pendukung dan hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program EOS: (a) masalah biaya hidup; (b)kurangnya rasa percaya diri para siswa. Sementara itufaktor pendukung ada dalam penggunaan metode bilingual yang diterapkan di kelas unggulan; (3) Dalam menghadapi hambatan yang ada, pihak sekolah memiliki beberapa cara seperti menjalin silaturrahmi dengan wali murid dan mengupayakan setiap sumber daya yang ada. Kata kunci: program pembelajaran, bahasa Inggris, kompetensi siswa Abstract This study aims to identify and analyze: (1) The implementation of EOS program in increasing students’ english competences; (2) to know inhibiting and supportive factors in managing EOS program; (3) to know how is the solution to face obstacles in implementing the EOS Program. This study used descriptive qualitative approach with case study method. Data collected by observation, interview and documentaion study. the validity test of the data using triangulation of data source, triangultin techniques, and membercheck. The result of the study can be explained through these elaborations; (1) there are 4 basic things in implementing EOS program: (a) bilingual method are implemented on classical learning in advanced class; (b) learning method which is used in EOS is suitable; (c) in implementation ofEOS, it needs cooperative work with others to reach for the eficiences; (d) students’ competence is increased after the EOS is implemented (2) there are several inhibiting and supportive factors found in implementing EOS; (a) living cost fee; (b) lack of confidence of student. In other side, there is a supportive factor found in implementation ofEOS program such as the use of billingual method in advanced class; (3) to overcome any obstacles, the school does some strategies, such as building up intent communication with students’ parent and strive every existing resources. Keywords: learning program, english language, students’ competences


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    A serological survey for detection of antibodies against avian influenza virus (AIV) subtype H9 in vaccinated layer flocks was carried out. Serum samples were divided into age groups A, B, C, D (commercial layers) and E, F, G, H (layer breeders). Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test was performed to determine serum antibodies against AIV-H9 subtype. Geometric mean titer (GMT) values were calculated. Results showed the level of protection of vaccinated birds was satisfactory

    A network-based communication platform for a cognitive computer

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    Street is a reconfigurable parallel computer architecture. It executes a production language directly in hardware with the aim of realising advanced cognitive agents in a more energy efficient manner than conventional computers. Street requires frequent communication between many processing elements and to make this communication more energy efficient, a network-based communication platform, StreetNet, is proposed in this paper. It maps the processing elements onto a 2D mesh architecture optimized according to the data dependencies between them. A deadlock-free deterministic routing function is considered for this platform along with the concept of sleep period, analogous to human sleeping, to reorganize the placements of processing elements based on runtime traffic statistics. These mechanisms serve to reduce total network traffic and hence minimise energy consumption.Mostafa W. Numan, Jesse Frost, Braden J. Phillips, and Michael Liebel

    An optimized and virtual on-machine measurement planning model

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    Specifične potrebe kupaca postavljaju zahteve za fleksibilnošću i personalizovanim proizvodima, kao i brzim plasmanom na tržište. Masovna kastomizacija daje odgovor na ove zahteve i nameće nove potrebe unutar proizvodnih sistema kao što su optimizacija i virtuelizacija procesa obrade i merenja. Jedan doprinos u tom pravcu predstavljen je u ovom radu, a odnosi se na razvoj i verifikaciju modela merenja na mašini alatki. Cilj verifikacije je vizuelna provera kolizije između merne glave postavljene u prihvat alata i mernog predmeta na radnom stolu mašine. Virtuelni model planiranja merenja na mašini je realizovan na konfigurisanoj virtuelnoj mašini alatki LOLA HBG 80 u CAD okruženju. Merna puta je generisana novom metodologijom planiranja, potom optimizovana primenom kolonije mrava, programirana i verifikovana simulacijom za nekoliko standardnih oblika tolerancije. Izlaz iz simulacije je G-kod za realno merenje na mašini za delove srednje i grube klase tačnosti.The specific needs of customers set requirements like flexibility and custom-made products, as well as quick placement of products on the markets. Mass customization responds to these requirements and imposes new demands inside manufacturing systems such as optimization and virtualization of machining and measurement processes. A contribution in that direction is presented in this paper, pertaining to development and verification an on-machine measurement planning model. The aim of the verification is to visualize collision check between the measuring head placed in the tool holder and the workpiece on the machine tool working table. The virtual on-machine measurement was realized on the configured virtual machine tool LOLA HBG80 in the CAD environment. The measurement path is generated by a new planning methodology, then optimized using ants colony, programed and verified by simulations through few examples of standard forms of tolerance. The output of the simulation process is the G-code for real on-machine measurement for prismatic parts of medium and rough dimensional accuracy

    An optimized and virtual on-machine measurement planning model

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    Specifične potrebe kupaca postavljaju zahteve za fleksibilnošću i personalizovanim proizvodima, kao i brzim plasmanom na tržište. Masovna kastomizacija daje odgovor na ove zahteve i nameće nove potrebe unutar proizvodnih sistema kao što su optimizacija i virtuelizacija procesa obrade i merenja. Jedan doprinos u tom pravcu predstavljen je u ovom radu, a odnosi se na razvoj i verifikaciju modela merenja na mašini alatki. Cilj verifikacije je vizuelna provera kolizije između merne glave postavljene u prihvat alata i mernog predmeta na radnom stolu mašine. Virtuelni model planiranja merenja na mašini je realizovan na konfigurisanoj virtuelnoj mašini alatki LOLA HBG 80 u CAD okruženju. Merna puta je generisana novom metodologijom planiranja, potom optimizovana primenom kolonije mrava, programirana i verifikovana simulacijom za nekoliko standardnih oblika tolerancije. Izlaz iz simulacije je G-kod za realno merenje na mašini za delove srednje i grube klase tačnosti.The specific needs of customers set requirements like flexibility and custom-made products, as well as quick placement of products on the markets. Mass customization responds to these requirements and imposes new demands inside manufacturing systems such as optimization and virtualization of machining and measurement processes. A contribution in that direction is presented in this paper, pertaining to development and verification an on-machine measurement planning model. The aim of the verification is to visualize collision check between the measuring head placed in the tool holder and the workpiece on the machine tool working table. The virtual on-machine measurement was realized on the configured virtual machine tool LOLA HBG80 in the CAD environment. The measurement path is generated by a new planning methodology, then optimized using ants colony, programed and verified by simulations through few examples of standard forms of tolerance. The output of the simulation process is the G-code for real on-machine measurement for prismatic parts of medium and rough dimensional accuracy


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    The objective of this study is to carry out a research on the internet usage purposes of primary school students. In line with this objective, the internet usage frequency and purposes of students, including the intervention of their parents were studied. In this study, a descriptive research model was used, as it was aimed at making an assessment in line with the views of students. Within this scope, a questionnaire with open ended questions was used. 143 students participated in the students, from 3rd and 4th grade, studying at two state schools in the center of Erzurum Province, who were randomly selected. The answers given by students for 5 questions were categorized based on similarity and differences, as well as calculating the percentage rates and frequency values. The findings obtained from the study suggest that the students use internet with certain intervals, and that they mostly use internet via mobile phones. It was also detected that the parents intervene in the internet usage of their children by imposing a time limit. It was detected that the students mostly use internet for “accessing information” and “making research”, but still with a high frequency of usage for playing games and watching cartoons. These results show that the educational institutions and the parents bear tremendous responsibility in order to ensure that the children use internet effectively and that they are protected against the dangers they may face during the time they spend surfing on the internet. The educational institutions should bring the students with computer skills, as well as training them on the reasons and manners of using internet, the problems they may face, internet usage rules, the manners on how to make use of the information obtained from internet.  Article visualizations

    An approach to development of the digital inspection twin based on CMM

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    Digital inspection twin (DIT) acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring world. In this paper the measurement system with the CMMs ZEISS UMM 500 and DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modelling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances (concentricity, perpendicularity i.e.) and basic inspection features (IF) (plane, cylinder, truncated cone i.e.). The result of this paper is a new approach of the conceptual development of the digital inspection twin, based on CMMs - towards off-line DIT based on CMM by virtue of the control data list (CDL) and.ncl (DMIS) file

    An approach to development of the digital inspection twin based on CMM

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    Digital inspection twin (DIT) acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring world. In this paper the measurement system with the CMMs ZEISS UMM 500 and DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modelling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances (concentricity, perpendicularity i.e.) and basic inspection features (IF) (plane, cylinder, truncated cone i.e.). The result of this paper is a new approach of the conceptual development of the digital inspection twin, based on CMMs - towards off-line DIT based on CMM by virtue of the control data list (CDL) and.ncl (DMIS) file

    İntrakranial kitlelerin bilgisayarlı tomografi rehberliğinde sterotaktik mikrocerrahi rezeksiyonu]

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    Stereotactic microsurgical techniques allow for the precise localization and resection of lesions in critical areas of cortex or deep within the brain and minimize operative exposure to the surrounding tissues. This study presents our experience with CT-guided stereotactic microsurgical resection of cerebral lesions using the Leksell frame. A total of 42 patients undergoing computerized tomography guided stereotactic microsurgical resection of cerebral lesions between June 2000 and September 2017 were included in the study. Clinical, radiological, histological and follow-up data were retrospectively evaluated. Pre-and post-operative general status of the patients was assessed by Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). Except for the subjects with high-grade gliomas, complete resection could be accomplished in all cases. Of the 24 cases with convulsions, a complete cessation of epileptic attacks was attained in 20 and a decrease in their number and frequency was noted in 4 cases. Overall, 20 patients had no change in the KPS score, while 28 patients had increased and two had decreased KPS scores. No postoperative mortality occurred. CT-guided stereotactic microsurgical craniotomy is a safe, reliable and effective technique, which is particularly useful for the surgical treatment of small, benign cranial lesions and cerebral metastases. © 2018, Logos Medical Publishing. All rights reserved

    Fetal movements recording system using accelerometer sensor

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    One of the compelling challenges in modern obstetrics is the monitoring fetal wellbeing. Physicians are gradually becoming cognizant of the relationship between fetal activity, movement, welfare, and future developmental progress. Previous works have developed few accelerometer-based systems to tackle issues related to ultrasound measurement, the provision of remote s1pport and self-managed monitoring of fetal movement during pregnancy. Though, many research questions on the optimal setup in terms of body-worn accelerometers, as well as signal processing and machine learning techniques used to detect fetal movement, are still open. In this work, a new fetal movement system recorder has been proposed. The proposed system has six accelerometer sensors and ARDUINO microcontroller. The device which is interfaced with the MATLAB signal process tool has been designed to record, display and store relevant sets of fetal movements. The sensors are to be placed on the maternal abdomen to record and process physical signals originating from the fetal. Comparison of data recorded from fetal movements with ultrasound and maternal perception technique gave the following results. An accuracy of 59.78%, 85.87%,and 97.83% was achieved using the maternal perception technique, fetal movement recording system, and ultrasound respectively. The findings show that the proposed fetal movement recording system has a better accuracy rate than maternal perception technique, and can be compared with ultrasound