6 research outputs found

    A stochastic approximation algorithm with multiplicative step size modification

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    An algorithm of searching a zero of an unknown function \vphi : \, \R \to \R is considered:  xt=xt−1−γt−1yt\, x_{t} = x_{t-1} - \gamma_{t-1} y_t,\, t=1, 2,…t=1,\ 2,\ldots, where yt=φ(xt−1)+ξty_t = \varphi(x_{t-1}) + \xi_t is the value of \vphi measured at xt−1x_{t-1} and ξt\xi_t is the measurement error. The step sizes \gam_t > 0 are modified in the course of the algorithm according to the rule: \, \gamma_t = \min\{u\, \gamma_{t-1},\, \mstep\} if yt−1yt>0y_{t-1} y_t > 0, and γt=d γt−1\gamma_t = d\, \gamma_{t-1}, otherwise, where 0<d<100 < d < 1 0. That is, at each iteration \gam_t is multiplied either by uu or by dd, provided that the resulting value does not exceed the predetermined value \mstep. The function \vphi may have one or several zeros; the random values ξt\xi_t are independent and identically distributed, with zero mean and finite variance. Under some additional assumptions on \vphi, ξt\xi_t, and \mstep, the conditions on uu and dd guaranteeing a.s. convergence of the sequence {xt}\{ x_t \}, as well as a.s. divergence, are determined. In particular, if ¶(ξ1>0)=¶(ξ1<0)=1/2\P (\xi_1 > 0) = \P (\xi_1 < 0) = 1/2 and ¶(ξ1=x)=0\P (\xi_1 = x) = 0 for any x∈Rx \in \R, one has convergence for ud1ud 1. Due to the multiplicative updating rule for \gam_t, the sequence {xt}\{ x_t \} converges rapidly: like a geometric progression (if convergence takes place), but the limit value may not coincide with, but instead, approximates one of the zeros of \vphi. By adjusting the parameters uu and dd, one can reach arbitrarily high precision of the approximation; higher precision is obtained at the expense of lower convergence rate