505 research outputs found

    State estimation for temporal point processes

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    This paper is concerned with combined inference for point processes on the real line observed in a broken interval. For such processes, the classic history-based approach cannot be used. Instead, we adapt tools from sequential spatial point processes. For a range of models, the marginal and conditional distributions are derived. We discuss likelihood based inference as well as parameter estimation using the method of moments, conduct a simulation study for the important special case of renewal processes and analyse a data set collected by Diggle and Hawtin

    Non-parametric indices of dependence between components for inhomogeneous multivariate random measures and marked sets

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    We propose new summary statistics to quantify the association between the components in coverage-reweighted moment stationary multivariate random sets and measures. They are defined in terms of the coverage-reweighted cumulant densities and extend classic functional statistics for stationary random closed sets. We study the relations between these statistics and evaluate them explicitly for a range of models. Unbiased estimators are given for all statistics and applied to simulated examples.Comment: Added examples in version

    A spectral mean for point sampled closed curves

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    We propose a spectral mean for closed curves described by sample points on its boundary subject to mis-alignment and noise. First, we ignore mis-alignment and derive maximum likelihood estimators of the model and noise parameters in the Fourier domain. We estimate the unknown curve by back-transformation and derive the distribution of the integrated squared error. Then, we model mis-alignment by means of a shifted parametric diffeomorphism and minimise a suitable objective function simultaneously over the unknown curve and the mis-alignment parameters. Finally, the method is illustrated on simulated data as well as on photographs of Lake Tana taken by astronauts during a Shuttle mission

    A J-function for inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes

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    We propose a new summary statistic for inhomogeneous intensity-reweighted moment stationary spatio-temporal point processes. The statistic is defined through the n-point correlation functions of the point process and it generalises the J-function when stationarity is assumed. We show that our statistic can be represented in terms of the generating functional and that it is related to the inhomogeneous K-function. We further discuss its explicit form under some specific model assumptions and derive a ratio-unbiased estimator. We finally illustrate the use of our statistic on simulated data

    Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes

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    We propose new summary statistics for intensity-reweighted moment stationary marked point processes with particular emphasis on discrete marks. The new statistics are based on the n-point correlation functions and reduce to cross J- and D-functions when stationarity holds. We explore the relationships between the various functions and discuss their explicit forms under specific model assumptions. We derive ratio-unbiased minus sampling estimators for our statistics and illustrate their use on a data set of wildfires

    A non-parametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns

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    Luminosity- and morphology-dependent clustering of galaxies

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    How does the clustering of galaxies depend on their inner properties like morphological type and luminosity? We address this question in the mathematical framework of marked point processes and clarify the notion of luminosity and morphological segregation. A number of test quantities such as conditional mark-weighted two-point correlation functions are introduced. These descriptors allow for a scale-dependent analysis of luminosity and morphology segregation. Moreover, they break the degeneracy between an inhomogeneous fractal point set and actual present luminosity segregation. Using the Southern Sky Redshift Survey~2 (da Costa et al. 1998, SSRS2) we find both luminosity and morphological segregation at a high level of significance, confirming claims by previous works using these data (Benoist et al. 1996, Willmer et al. 1998). Specifically, the average luminosity and the fluctuations in the luminosity of pairs of galaxies are enhanced out to separations of 15Mpc/h. On scales smaller than 3Mpc/h the luminosities on galaxy pairs show a tight correlation. A comparison with the random-field model indicates that galaxy luminosities depend on the spatial distribution and galaxy-galaxy interactions. Early-type galaxies are also more strongly correlated, indicating morphological segregation. The galaxies in the PSCz catalog (Saunders et al. 2000) do not show significant luminosity segregation. This again illustrates that mainly early-type galaxies contribute to luminosity segregation. However, based on several independent investigations we show that the observed luminosity segregation can not be explained by the morphology-density relation alone.Comment: aastex, emulateapj5, 20 pages, 13 figures, several clarifying comments added, ApJ accepte

    Properties of commonly used calcium phosphate cements in trauma and orthopaedic surgery

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    Introduction Half of the population sustains at least one fracture during their lifetime, and the majority of these fractures heal successfully. Successful fracture healing requires the following five elements; (i) osteogenic cells (e.g., osteoblasts), (ii) osteoinductive stimuli (e.g., bone morphogenetic proteins); (iii) an osteoconductive matrix; (iv) adequate blood and nutrient supply, and (v) sufficient mechanical support. One or more elements can be compromised due to the existence of a bone defect. Bone defects are treated with bone grafts in order to avoid insufficient fracture healing. Insufficient fracture healing is encountered in 5–10% of the fractures, resulting in delayed union, malunion, or non-union
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