68,181 research outputs found

    Quantum Confinement Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Correlated Quantum Wells of SrVO3_3 Superlattice

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    Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) has been employed in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT+DMFT) to investigate the metal-insulator transition (MIT) of strongly correlated 3d3d electrons due to quantum confinement. We shed new light on the microscopic mechanism of the MIT and previously reported anomalous subband mass enhancement, both of which arise as a direct consequence of the quantization of V xz(yz)xz(yz) states in the SrVO3_3 layers. We therefore show that quantum confinement can sensitively tune the strength of electron correlations, leading the way to applying such approaches in other correlated materials

    The Effect of the Hall Term on the Nonlinear Evolution of the Magnetorotational Instability: II. Saturation Level and Critical Magnetic Reynolds Number

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    The nonlinear evolution of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in weakly ionized accretion disks, including the effect of the Hall term and ohmic dissipation, is investigated using local three-dimensional MHD simulations and various initial magnetic field geometries. When the magnetic Reynolds number, Re_M \equiv v_A^2 / \eta \Omega (where v_A is the Alfven speed, \eta the magnetic diffusivity, and \Omega the angular frequency), is initially larger than a critical value Re_{M, crit}, the MRI evolves into MHD turbulence in which angular momentum is transported efficiently by the Maxwell stress. If Re_M < Re_{M, crit}, however, ohmic dissipation suppresses the MRI, and the stress is reduced by several orders of magnitude. The critical value is in the range of 1 - 30 depending on the initial field configuration. The Hall effect does not modify the critical magnetic Reynolds number by much, but enhances the saturation level of the Maxwell stress by a factor of a few. We show that the saturation level of the MRI is characterized by v_{Az}^2 / \eta \Omega, where v_{Az} is the Alfven speed in the nonlinear regime along the vertical component of the field. The condition for turbulence and significant transport is given by v_{Az}^2 / \eta \Omega \gtrsim 1, and this critical value is independent of the strength and geometry of the magnetic field or the size of the Hall term. If the magnetic field strength in an accretion disk can be estimated observationally, and the magnetic Reynolds number v_A^2 / \eta \Omega is larger than about 30, this would imply the MRI is operating in the disk.Comment: 43 pages, 8 tables, 20 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, postscript version also available from http://www.astro.umd.edu/~sano/publications

    Stock Market Yields and the Pricing of Municipal Bonds

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    This paper proposes an alternative to the traditional model for explaining the spread between taxable and tax-exempt bond yields. This alternative model is a special case of a general class of clientele models of portfolio choice and asset market equilibrium. In particular, we consider a setting with two types of investors, a taxable investor and a tax-exempt investor, who hold specialized bond portfolios. The tax-exempt investor holds only taxable bonds, and the taxable investor holds only tax-exempt bonds. Both investors hold equity, and the taxable and tax-exempt bond markets are linked through the equilibrium conditions governing equity holding and bond holding for each type of investor. In contrast to the traditional model, this alternative model has the potential to explain the small observed spread between taxable and tax-exempt yields. In addition, this model predicts that the yield spread between taxable and tax-exempt bonds should be an increasing function of the dividend yield on corporate stocks. Although the substantial changes in the tax code during the last four decades complicate the testing of this model, we find some support for the predicted relationship between the equity dividend yield and the yield spread between taxable and tax-exempt bonds.

    Tests on Thrust Augmenters for Jet Propulsion

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    This series of tests was undertaken to determine how much the reaction thrust of a jet could be increased by the use of thrust augmenters and thus to give some indication as to the feasibility of jet propulsion for airplanes. The tests were made during the first part of 1927 at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. A compressed air jet was used in connection with a series of annular guides surrounding the jet to act as thrust augmenters. The results show that, although it is possible to increase the thrust of a jet, the increase is not large enough to affect greatly the status of the problem of the application of jet propulsion to airplanes

    Tachyon Defect Formation and Reheating in Brane-Antibrane Inflation

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    We study analytically the dynamical formation of lower dimensional branes at the endpoint of brane-antibrane inflation through the condensation of topological defects of the tachyon field which describes the instability of the initial state. We then use this information to quantify the efficiency of the reheating which is due to the coupling of time dependent tachyon background to massless gauge fields which will be localized on the final state branes. We improve upon previous estimates indicating that this can be an efficient reheating mechanism for observers on the brane.Comment: 9 pages. Talk given at the 26th annual Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto Conference on High-Energy Physics: MRST 200

    Deep Optical Observations of Compact Groups of Galaxies

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    Compact groups of galaxies appear to be extremely dense, making them likely sites of intense galaxy interaction, while their small populations make them relatively simple to analyze. In order to search for optical interaction tracers such as diffuse light and galaxy tidal features in Hickson compact groups (HCGs), we carried out deep photometry in three filters on a sample of HCGs with ROSATROSAT observations. Using a modeling procedure to subtract the light of bright early-type galaxies, we found shell systems and extended envelopes around many, but not all, of those galaxies. Only one group in our sample, HCG 94, has diffuse light in the group potential (with a luminosity of 7 L∗^*); the other groups do not contain more than 1/3 L∗^* in diffuse light. With the exception of HCG 94 (which is the most X-ray--luminous HCG), we found no correlation between the presence of shells or other tidal features and the X-ray luminosity of a group. Better predictors of detectable group X-ray emission are a low spiral fraction and belonging to a larger galaxy condensation---neither of which are correlated with optical disturbances in the group galaxies. Two elliptical galaxies that are extremely optically luminous but X-ray--faint are found to have shells and very complex color structures. This is likely due to recent infall of gas-rich material into the galaxies, which would produce both the disruption of stellar orbits and a significant amount of star formation.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in October 1995 Astronomical Journal; postscript text and figures (low resolution scans, tar'ed and compressed) available at ftp://astro.lsa.umich.edu/pub/get/pildis

    Engineering Bureaucracy: The Genesis of Formal Policies, Positions, and Structures in High-Technology Firms

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    [Excerpt] This article examines the impact of organizational founding conditions on several facets of bureaucratization—managerial intensity, the proliferation of specialized managerial and administrative roles, and formalization of employment relations. Analyzing information on a sample of technology start-ups in California\u27s Silicon Valley, we characterize the organizational models or blueprints espoused by founders in creating new enterprises. We find that those models and the social composition of the labor force at the time of founding had enduring effects on growth in managerial intensity (i.e., reliance on managerial and administrative specialists) over time. Our analyses thus provide compelling evidence of path dependence in the evolution of bureaucracy—even in a context in which firms face intense selection pressures—and underscore the importance of the logics of organizing that founders bring to new enterprises. We find less evidence that founding models exert persistent effects on the formalization of employment relations or on the proliferation of specialized senior management titles. Rather, consistent with neo-institutional perspectives on organizations, those superficial facets of bureaucracy appear to be shaped by the need to satisfy external gatekeepers (venture capitalists and the constituents of public corporations), as well as by exigencies of organizational scale, growth, and aging. We discuss some implications of these results for efforts to understand the varieties, determinants, and consequences of bureaucracy

    Review of recent advances in local approaches applied to pre-stressed components under fatigue loading

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    Fatigue strength of mechanical components in the high cycle regime depends on both the applied loading and the intensity of any residual stress field induced by either non-homogeneous plastic deformation or the solidification of a local portion of material due to welding operations. In presence of geometric variations that are amenable to being modelled as a sharp V-notch, the residual stress distribution near the notch tip is singular and follows the same form as the solution obtained by Williams in 1952 where the intensity of the asymptotic stress field is quantified by the notch stress intensity factor (NSIF). However, the residual stress varies during fatigue loading and a stable value may be reached. Numerical models have been developed for the calculation of the residual NSIFs and their variation under fatigue loading. Taking advantage of these models, new local approaches have also been recently developed which are able to predict the fatigue strength of pre-stressed notched components. The present paper provides a brief review of such recent advances
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