673 research outputs found

    Lattice thermal conductivity of disordered binary alloys : a formulation

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    We present here a formulation for the calculation of the configuration averaged lattice thermal conductivity in random alloys. Our formulation is based on the augmented-space theorem, introduced by one of us, combined with a generalized diagrammatic technique. The diagrammatic approach simplifies the problem of including effects of disorder corrections to a great extent. The approach allows us to obtain an expression for the effective heat current in case of disordered alloys, which in turn is used in a Kubo-Greenwood type formula for the thermal conductivity. We show that disorder scattering renormalizes the phonon propagators as well as the heat currents. The corrections to the current terms have been shown to be related to the self-energy of the propagators. We also study the effect of vertex corrections in a simplified ladder diagram approximation. A mode dependent diffusivity DγD_{\gamma} and then a total thermal diffusivity averaged over different modes are defined. Schemes for implementing the said formalism are discussed. A few initial numerical results on the frequency and temperature dependence of lattice thermal conductivity are presented for NiPd alloy and are also compared with experiment. We also display numerical results on the frequency dependence of thermal diffusivity averaged over modes.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Optical properties of random alloys : Application to Cu_{50}Au_{50} and Ni_{50}Pt_{50}

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    In an earlier paper [K. K. Saha and A. Mookerjee, Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) (in press) or, cond-mat/0403456] we had presented a formulation for the calculation of the configuration-averaged optical conductivity in random alloys. Our formulation is based on the augmented-space theorem introduced by one of us [A. Mookerjee, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 6, 1340 (1973)]. In this communication we shall combine our formulation with the tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbitals (TB-LMTO) technique to study the optical conductivities of two alloys Cu_{50}Au_{50} and Ni_{50}Pt_{50}.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    H\"older equicontinuity of the integrated density of states at weak disorder

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    H\"older continuity, Nλ(E)Nλ(E)CEEα|N_\lambda(E)-N_\lambda(E')|\le C |E-E'|^\alpha, with a constant CC independent of the disorder strength λ\lambda is proved for the integrated density of states Nλ(E)N_\lambda(E) associated to a discrete random operator H=Ho+λVH = H_o + \lambda V consisting of a translation invariant hopping matrix HoH_o and i.i.d. single site potentials VV with an absolutely continuous distribution, under a regularity assumption for the hopping term.Comment: 15 Pages, typos corrected, comments and ref. [1] added, theorems 3,4 combine

    Inelastic neutron scattering in random binary alloys : an augmented space approach

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    Combining the augmented space representation for phonons with a generalized version of Yonezawa-Matsubara diagrammatic technique, we have set up a formalism to seperate the coherent and incoherent part of the total intensity of thermal neutron scattering from disordered alloys. This is done exacly without taking any recourse to mean-field like approximation (as done previously). The formalism includes disorder in masses, force constants and scattering lengths. Implementation of the formalism to realistic situations is performed by an augmented space Block recursion which calculates entire Green matrix and self energy matrix which in turn is needed to evaluate the coherent and incoherent intensities. we apply the formalism to NiPd and NiPt alloys. Numerical results on coherent and incoherent scattering cross sections are presented along the highest symmetry directions. Finally the incoherent intensities are compared with the CPA and also with experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Vibrational properties of phonons in random binary alloys: An augmented space recursive technique in the k-representation

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    We present here an augmented space recursive technique in the k-representation which include diagonal, off-diagonal and the environmental disorder explicitly : an analytic, translationally invariant, multiple scattering theory for phonons in random binary alloys.We propose the augmented space recursion (ASR) as a computationally fast and accurate technique which will incorporate configuration fluctuations over a large local environment. We apply the formalism to Ni55Pd45Ni_{55}Pd_{45}, Ni_{88}Cr_12} and Ni50Pt50Ni_{50}Pt_{50} alloys which is not a random choice. Numerical results on spectral functions, coherent structure factors, dispersion curves and disordered induced FWHM's are presented. Finally the results are compared with the recent itinerant coherent potential approximation (ICPA) and also with experiments.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 23 figure

    Large Magnetic Moments of Arsenic-Doped Mn Clusters and their Relevance to Mn-Doped III-V Semiconductor Ferromagnetism

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    We report electronic and magnetic structure of arsenic-doped manganese clusters from density-functional theory using generalized gradient approximation for the exchange-correlation energy. We find that arsenic stabilizes manganese clusters, though the ferromagnetic coupling between Mn atoms are found only in Mn2_2As and Mn4_4As clusters with magnetic moments 9 μB\mu_B and 17 μB\mu_B, respectively. For all other sizes, x=x= 3, 5-10, Mnx_xAs clusters show ferrimagnetic coupling. It is suggested that, if grown during the low temperature MBE, the giant magnetic moments due to ferromagnetic coupling in Mn2_2As and Mn4_4As clusters could play a role on the ferromagnetism and on the variation observed in the Curie temperature of Mn-doped III-V semiconductors.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures[1 EPS and 2 JPG files], RevTeX

    Better Band Gaps with Asymptotically Corrected Local Exchange Potentials

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    We formulate a spin-polarized van Leeuwen and Baerends (vLB) correction to the local density approximation (LDA) exchange potential [Phys. Rev. A 49, 2421 (1994)] that enforces the ionization potential (IP) theorem following Stein et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 266802 (2010)]. For electronic-structure problems, the vLB-correction replicates the behavior of exact-exchange potentials, with improved scaling and well-behaved asymptotics, but with the computational cost of semi-local functionals. The vLB+IP corrections produces large improvement in the eigenvalues over that from LDA due to correct asympotic behavior and atomic shell structures, as shown on rare-gas, alkaline-earth, zinc-based oxides, alkali-halides, sulphides, and nitrides. In half-Heusler alloys, this asymptotically-corrected LDA reproduces the spin-polarized properties correctly, including magnetism and half-metallicity. We also considered finite-sized systems [e.g., ringed boron-nitirde (B12_{12}N12_{12}) and graphene (C24_{24})] to emphasize the wide applicability of the method.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Information Security Investment with Different Information Types: A Two-Firm Analysis

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    We analyze information security investment decisions by two firms that possess imperfectly substitutable information assets. Information assets are imperfectly substitutable if information at each firm is valuable and becomes more valuable when combined. When compared to optimal investment decisions made by a central planner, we find diametrically opposite results in the case where these decisions are made independently: substitutable assets lead to an “arms race” in which both firms over-invest whereas complementary assets lead to under-provision of “public goods” in which both firms under-invest. We also find that firms with highly substitutable information assets may not necessarily increase the amount of security investment in a centralized investment environment as the intensity of the deflected cross traffic increases

    Bilateral Isokinetic Torque Differences in Trained Swimmers

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