64 research outputs found

    Environmental cost and impacts of chemicals used in agriculture: An integration of emergy and Life Cycle Assessment

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    Modern intensive agriculture worldwide is generating increasing environmental pressure, which prevents its sustainable development. A number of agricultural sustainability assessment approaches and methodological frameworks have been developed by research worldwide to assess the environmental costs and impacts of resources used in agricultural production. A joint use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA, to assess a process' performance and environmental impacts) and Emergy Accounting (EMA, to estimate environmental support to resource generation and provision) is proposed in this study. The goal is not only to ascertain the environmental ‘cost’ of production of selected chemical resources used in agricultural processes, but also to develop a reliable calculation procedure capable to integrate the two approaches (LCA and EMA), while considering their different allocation algebra and space-time scales of application. Specifically, the UEVs of glyphosate and urea, which are respectively the most used herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer used in worldwide agriculture, are calculated, yielding values of 2.47E+13 sej/kg and 7.07E+12 sej/kg, respectively. In order to do so, UEVs of intermediate process chemicals such as ammonia, acetic anhydride, chlorine gas, formaldehyde, phosphorous chloride, and sodium hydroxide have also been calculated or updated, thus providing at the same time a procedure and a set of values potentially useful for future studies. The LCA impacts of agro-chemicals in China are compared to worldwide averages from the Ecoinvent database, and the UEVs for several chemicals are also compared to previous estimates from published emergy literature

    A pattern of cerebral perfusion anomalies between major depressive disorder and Hashimoto thyroiditis

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    Background. This study aims to evaluate relationship between three different clinical conditions: Major Depressive Disorders (MDD), Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) and reduction in regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in order to explore the possibility that patients with HT and MDD have specific pattern(s) of cerebral perfusion. Methods. Design: Analysis of data derived from two separate data banks. Sample: 54 subjects, 32 with HT (29 women, mean age 38.8 ± 13.9); 22 without HT (19 women, mean age 36.5 ± 12.25). Assessment: Psychiatric diagnosis was carried out by Simplified Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDIS) using DSM-IV categories; cerebral perfusion was measured by 99 mTc-ECD SPECT. Statistical analysis was done through logistic regression. Results. MDD appears to be associated with left frontal hypoperfusion, left temporal hypoperfusion, diffuse hypoperfusion and parietal perfusion asymmetry. A statistically significant association between parietal perfusion asymmetry and MDD was found only in the HT group. Conclusion. In HT, MDD is characterized by a parietal flow asymmetry. However, the specificity of rCBF in MDD with HT should be confirmed in a control sample with consideration for other health conditions. Moreover, this should be investigated with a longitudinally designed study in order to determine a possible pathogenic cause. Future studies with a much larger sample size should clarify whether a particular perfusion pattern is associated with a specific course or symptom cluster of MDD

    Association of mitral annulus calcification, aortic valve calcification with carotid intima media thickness

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    BACKGROUND: Mitral annular calcification (MAC) and aortic annular calcification (AVC) may represent a manifestation of generalized atherosclerosis in the elederly. Alterations in vascular structure, as indexed by the intima media thickness (IMT), are also recognized as independent predictors of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. AIM: To examine the relationship between the degree of calcification at mitral and/or aortic valve annulus and large artery structure (thickness). METHODS: We evaluated 102 consecutive patients who underwent transthoracic echocardiography and carotid artery echoDoppler for various indications; variables measured were: systemic blood pressure (BP), pulse pressure (PP=SBP-DBP), body mass index (BMI), fasting glucose, total, HDL, LDL chlolesterol, triglycerides, cIMT. The patients were divided according to a grading of valvular/annular lesions independent scores based on acoustic densitometry: 1 = annular/valvular sclerosis/calcification absence; 2 = annular/valvular sclerosis; 3 = annular calcification; 4 = annular-valvular calcification; 5 = valvular calcification with no recognition of the leaflets. RESULTS: Patient score was the highest observed for either valvular/annulus. Mean cIMT increased linearly with increasing valvular calcification score, ranging from 3.9 ± 0.48 mm in controls to 12.9 ± 1.8 mm in those subjects scored 5 (p < 0.0001). In the first to fourth quartile of cIMT values the respective maximal percentual of score were: score 1: 76.1%, score 2: 70.1%, score 4: 54.3% and score 5: 69.5% (p > 0.0001). CONCLUSION: MAC and AVC score can identify subgroups of patients with different cIMT values which indicate different incidence and prevalence of systemic artery diseases. This data may confirm MAC-AVC as a useful important diagnostic parameter of systemic atherosclerotic disease

    Ciitadinanze postcoloniali. Appartenenze, razza e razzismo in Europa e in Italia

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    Il volume si fonda su una tesi provocatoria: nonostante la sconfitta del nazismo, il successo dei movimenti di decolonizzazione e la definitiva delegittimazione scientifica della nozione coloniale di razza, sia l’Europa che l’Italia sono ancora alle prese con gli effetti simbolici, psicologici e materiali della sua secolare e tragica storia. La nozione di cittadinanze postcoloniali viene proposta proprio per sottolineare la conformazione all’interno del territorio europeo di uno spazio politico e giuridico disomogeneo. Cittadinanze postcoloniali sta quindi a indicare l’infiltrazione negli spazi metropolitani di una gerarchizzazione della cittadinanza simile alla vecchia distinzione coloniale tra cittadino e suddito. Ma viceversa si parla di cittadinanze postcoloniali anche nel senso che sono i migranti stessi a sancire con le loro pratiche quotidiane di resistenza – violando confini imposti e continuamente ridisegnati e insorgendo contro le strutture del regime globale di controllo delle migrazioni – un superamento di questo stesso modello (post)coloniale di gestione delle cittadinanze. L’assunto fondamentale del testo è dunque che sia l’eredità coloniale sia l’idea di razza continuano a plasmare tuttora la costituzione materiale tanto del capitalismo globale quanto dello spazio sociale e politico europeo
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