391 research outputs found


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    The article provides comprehensive overview of the diverse landscape of supreme courts across Europe, offering insights into varying structures and functions they embody across different countries. It analyses supreme courts as the only supreme judicial institution or as a part of a broader supreme court system alongside supreme administrative court and/or constitutional courts. The article highlights the diversity in organization of supreme justice and offers a glimpse into a larger project on comparative supreme justice, indicating in-depth analysis of various factors such as the position of supreme courts in different states, recruitment process and the courtsā€™ competencies on the European scale. The article provides valuable insights into the complex and multifaceted nature of supreme courts in Europe. Its approach to presenting specific examples enables a deeper understanding of the topic, making it a useful resource for readers interested in comparative legal systems and judicial structures in different countries. The paper identifies impact of filter model on a Supreme Courtā€™s workload and efficiency of the Court, as well as on the structure. Furthermore, it refers to possible shortcomings of filter model and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in that regard.Rad pruža sveobuhvatan pregled raznolikih formi vrhovnih sudova Å”irom Evrope, nudeći uvid u različite strukture i funkcije koje oni predstavljaju u različitim zemljama. Analizirani su vrhovni sudovi kao jedina vrhovna sudska institucija ili kao deo Å”ireg sistema vrhovnih sudova pored vrhovnog upravnog suda i/ ili ustavnih sudova. Rad naglaÅ”ava raznolikost u organizaciji vrhovnog pravosuđa i nudi uvid u Å”iri projekat uporednog vrhovnog pravosuđa, ukazujući na dubinsku analizu različitih faktora kao Å”to su položaj vrhovnih sudova u različitim državama, proces izbora sudija i nadležnosti sudova u evropskim razmerama. Predstavljen je uvid u složenu i viÅ”estruku prirodu vrhovnih sudova u Evropi. Predstavljanje konkretnih primera omogućava dublje razumevanje teme, čineći je korisnim izvorom za čitaoce zainteresovane za uporedne pravne sisteme i pravosudne strukture u različitim zemljama. U radu je identifikovan uticaj modela filtera na obim posla i efikasnost suda, kao i na strukturu vrhovnog suda. Nadalje, upućuje se na moguće nedostatke modela filtera i jurisprudenciju Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u tom pogledu

    Development of polymer packaging for power cable

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    This paper discusses the issues of product design and the procedure of developing polymer packaging as one of the most important engineering tasks. For the purpose of packing power cables a polymer packaging has been designed in the form of drum. Packaging and many other consumer products are largely produced using polymeric materials due to many positive features. High Density Polyethylene is the type of polyethylene proposed for packaging purposes due to its low degree of branching and strong intermolecular forces. Transport and storage processes were automated based on the radio-frequency identification technology. The proposed system is flexible in terms of its possibility of accepting and processing different types of cables and other products

    Possible role of a hydrogen peroxide-mediated mechanism in glucocorticoid receptor functional alterations associated with moderate asthma

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    It is well known that pathogenesis and maintenance of chronic asthma is associated with alterations of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, and also with persistent pulmonary inflammation, the important mediators of which are reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In this paper, we tested a hypothesis that GR functional alterations in asthma result from the action of oxidants. To that end, we conducted a series of ex vivo treatments of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy donors with oxidizing agents (3 morpholinosydnonimine, SIN1; S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine, SNAP; and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) and compared the resulting GR modifications with those previously noticed in asthmatic patients. The results show that treatment of PBMCs by H2O2 provoked an increase in the level of GR protein, accompanied by a rise in the number of hormone-binding sites and a decline in the receptor's affinity for the hormone. The H2O2 induced changes, including a characteristic GR isoprotein expression pattern, were found to be very similar to the GR changes previously observed in PBMCs of moderate asthmatic patients, but not in mild asthmatics and healthy subjects. Treatment with the other oxidants applied herein produced different effects or exerted no influence on GR. Thus, this study provides preliminary data suggesting that functional alterations of the GR associated with moderate asthma may be mediated by redox mechanisms that are based on oxidative and regulatory actions of H2O2

    Possible role of a hydrogen peroxide-mediated mechanism in glucocorticoid receptor functional alterations associated with moderate asthma

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    It is well known that pathogenesis and maintenance of chronic asthma is associated with alterations of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, and also with persistent pulmonary inflammation, the important mediators of which are reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In this paper, we tested a hypothesis that GR functional alterations in asthma result from the action of oxidants. To that end, we conducted a series of ex vivo treatments of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy donors with oxidizing agents (3 morpholinosydnonimine, SIN1; S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine, SNAP; and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) and compared the resulting GR modifications with those previously noticed in asthmatic patients. The results show that treatment of PBMCs by H2O2 provoked an increase in the level of GR protein, accompanied by a rise in the number of hormone-binding sites and a decline in the receptor's affinity for the hormone. The H2O2 induced changes, including a characteristic GR isoprotein expression pattern, were found to be very similar to the GR changes previously observed in PBMCs of moderate asthmatic patients, but not in mild asthmatics and healthy subjects. Treatment with the other oxidants applied herein produced different effects or exerted no influence on GR. Thus, this study provides preliminary data suggesting that functional alterations of the GR associated with moderate asthma may be mediated by redox mechanisms that are based on oxidative and regulatory actions of H2O2.Poznato je da su patogeneza i napredovanje hronične astme povezani sa funkcionalnim promenama glukokortikoidnog receptora (GR) i dugotrajnom inflamacijom disajnih puteva, čiji su medijatori reaktivne vrste kiseonika i azota. U ovom radu testirali smo hipotezu da funkcionalne promene GRu astmi nastaju kao posledica delovanja oksidanata. U tom cilju sproveli smo seriju ex vivo tretmana mononuklearnih ćelija periferne krvi zdravih donora oksidujućim agensima (3-morfolinosidnoniminom, SIN-1; S-nitrozo-N-acetil-penicilaminom, SNAP; i vodonik peroksidom, H2O2) i uporedili nastale modifikacije GR sa onima koje su ranije zapažene kod astmatičnih pacijenata. Rezultati su pokazali da je tretman perifernih limfocita vodonik peroksidom izazvao povećanje koncentracije GR proteina, koje je bilo praćeno povećanjem broja mesta vezivanja hormona i smanjenjem afiniteta receptora prema hormonu. Promene indukovane vodonik peroksidom, uključujući i karakterističnu ekspresiju izoformi GR proteina, bile su vrlo slične promenama koje su ranije zapažene u perifernim limfocitima pacijenata obolelih od srednje teÅ”kog oblika astme, ali ne i kod blagih astmatičara i zdravih donora. Tretman drugim primenjenim oksidantima proizveo je drugačije efekte, ili nije imao uticaja na GR. Prema tome, ova studija je dala preliminarne podatke koji ukazuju da su funkcionalne promene GR povezane sa srednje teÅ”kom astmom verovatno posredovane redoks mehanizmima koji se zasnivaju na oksidativnoj i regulatornoj ulozi vodonikperoksida.Projekat ministarstva br. 14300

    Cvm study of charge transfer in YBa2Cu3O6+x material

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    The number of positive holes transferred from the CuOx basal planes to the superconducting CuO2 planes of YBa2Cu3O6+x material was calculated as a function of oxygen content x, by the use of numerical cluster variation method (CVM). The calculations were performed for the set of three different temperatures and for the different values of the parameter Ī¾l which represents the ratio of the number m of divalent oxygen ions in the chain fragment and the total number l of oxygen ions in the chain fragment. The obtained hole count versus x dependence showed no plateau behavior for low temperatures (t=0.25 and t=0.35) while for t=0.45 indication of plateau behavior is present.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Changes of antioxidant enzyme activity and heat shock protein content in lymphocytes of children with asthma

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether changes in the antioxidant status and expression of major intracellular stress proteins are associated with pathophysiology of childhood asthma and severity of the disease. The activities of copper/zinc (CuZn) and manganese (Mn) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 28 stable pediatric patients (11 mild persistent and 17 moderate persistent asthmatics) and 12 healthy children were assessed by native gel assays. The levels of two heat shock proteins (HSPs), Hsp70 and Hsp90, were examined by quantitative Western blot analysis. Moderate asthmatics, in comparison to healthy children, displayed higher activity of CuZnSOD, while differences of MnSOD and CAT activity between the groups of patients were not found. The levels of Hsp90 and the inducible isoform of Hsp70 were increased in moderate asthmatics as compared to mild asthmatics and healthy children. The results demonstrate an imbalance in cellular antioxidant and stress response systems that may contribute to pathogenesis of childhood asthma, but are not necessarily related to severity of the disease.Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita da li su promene antioksidativnog statusa i ekspresije glavnih unutar ćelijskih stres proteina povezane sa patogenezom astme i težinom ovog oboljenja kod dece. Aktivnost bakar/cink(CuZn)-i mangan (Mn)-superoksid dismutaze (SOD), i katalaze (CAT) u mononuklearnim ćelijama iz periferne krvi 28 dece sa stabilnom astmom (11 sa blagim i 17 sa srednje teÅ”kim oblikom bolesti) i 12 zdrave dece ispitana je enzimskim testom u nativnom gelu. Koncentracije dva ispitivana proteina toplotnog stresa, Hsp70 i Hsp90, određene su tehnikom kvantitativnog imunoblota. Pacijenti sa srednje teÅ”kom astmom pokazali su povećanu aktivnost CuZn-SOD upoređenju sa zdravom decom, dok razlike u aktivnosti Mn-SOD i CAT između ispitivanih grupa pacijenata nisu zapažene. Nivo Hsp90 i inducibilne izoforme Hsp70 bio je povećan kod srednje teÅ”kih astmatičara upoređenju sa blagim astmatičarima i zdravom decom. Rezultati ukazuju da disbalans u ćelijskom antioksidativnom i anti-stres sistemu može doprineti patofiziologiji dečje astme, ali ne mora biti povezan sa težinom oboljenja.nul
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