82 research outputs found

    Monami as an oscillatory hydrodynamic instability in a submerged sea grass bed

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    The onset of monami ~-- the synchronous waving of sea grass beds driven by a steady flow -- is modeled as a linear instability of the flow. Unlike previous works, our model considers the drag exerted by the grass in establishing the steady flow profile, and in damping out perturbations to it. We find two distinct modes of instability, which we label Mode 1 and Mode 2. Mode 1 is closely related to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability modified by vegetation drag, whereas Mode 2 is unrelated to Kelvin-Helmholtz and arises from an interaction between the flow in the vegetated and unvegetated layers. The vegetation damping, according to our model, leads to a finite threshold flow for both these modes. Experimental observations for the onset and frequency of waving compare well with model predictions for the instability onset criteria and the imaginary part of the complex growth rate respectively, but experiments lie in a parameter regime where the two modes can not be distinguished. % The inclusion of vegetation drag differentiates our mechanism from the previous linear stability analyses of monami.Comment: 4 figures, 13 page

    Hydrodynamic signatures of stationary Marangoni-driven surfactant transport

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    We experimentally study steady Marangoni-driven surfactant transport on the interface of a deep water layer. Using hydrodynamic measurements, and without using any knowledge of the surfactant physico-chemical properties, we show that sodium dodecyl sulphate and Tergitol 15-S-9 introduced in low concentrations result in a flow driven by adsorbed surfactant. At higher surfactant concentration, the flow is dominated by the dissolved surfactant. Using Camphoric acid, whose properties are {\it a priori} unknown, we demonstrate this method's efficacy by showing its spreading is adsorption dominated

    Skating on a Film of Air: Drops Impacting on a Surface

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    Drops impacting on a surface are ubiquitous in our everyday experience. This impact is understood within a commonly accepted hydrodynamic picture: it is initiated by a rapid shock and a subsequent ejection of a sheet leading to beautiful splashing patterns. However, this picture ignores the essential role of the air that is trapped between the impacting drop and the surface. Here we describe a new imaging modality that is sensitive to the behavior right at the surface. We show that a very thin film of air, only a few tens of nanometers thick, remains trapped between the falling drop and the surface as the drop spreads. The thin film of air serves to lubricate the drop enabling the fluid to skate on the air film laterally outward at surprisingly high velocities, consistent with theoretical predictions. Eventually this thin film of air must break down as the fluid wets the surface. We suggest that this occurs in a spinodal-like fashion, and causes a very rapid spreading of a wetting front outwards; simultaneously the wetting fluid spreads inward much more slowly, trapping a bubble of air within the drop. Our results show that the dynamics of impacting drops are much more complex than previously thought and exhibit a rich array of unexpected phenomena that require rethinking classical paradigms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Algorithm for a microfluidic assembly line

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    Microfluidic technology has revolutionized the control of flows at small scales giving rise to new possibilities for assembling complex structures on the microscale. We analyze different possible algorithms for assembling arbitrary structures, and demonstrate that a sequential assembly algorithm can manufacture arbitrary 3D structures from identical constituents. We illustrate the algorithm by showing that a modified Hele-Shaw cell with 7 controlled flowrates can be designed to construct the entire English alphabet from particles that irreversibly stick to each other.Comment: 4 page

    Curvature-induced stiffening of a fish fin

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    How fish modulate their fin stiffness during locomotive manoeuvres remains unknown. We show that changing the fin's curvature modulates its stiffness. Modelling the fin as bendable bony rays held together by a membrane, we deduce that fin curvature is manifested as a misalignment of the principal bending axes between neighbouring rays. An external force causes neighbouring rays to bend and splay apart, and thus stretches the membrane. This coupling between bending the rays and stretching the membrane underlies the increase in stiffness. Using analysis of a 3D reconstruction of a Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) pectoral fin, we calculate the range of stiffnesses this fin is expected to span by changing curvature. The 3D reconstruction shows that, even in its geometrically flat state, a functional curvature is embedded within the fin microstructure owing to the morphology of individual rays. Since the ability of a propulsive surface to transmit force to the surrounding fluid is limited by its stiffness, the fin curvature controls the coupling between the fish and its surrounding fluid. Thereby, our results provide mechanical underpinnings and morphological predictions for the hypothesis that the spanned range of fin stiffnesses correlates with the behaviour and the ecological niche of the fish

    Institutional isomorphism, self-organisation and the adoption of management controls

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    Research Question: The purpose of this study is to examine whether self-organisation mediates the relationship between institutional isomorphism and the adoption of management controls. Motivation: Research on institutions has tended to emphasize how organizational processes are shaped by institutional forces that reinforce continuity and reward conformity. Such insight raises the question of how actors ever imagine changing institutions. Idea: The study blends institutionalism with complexity theory, for a better understanding of the micro/macro dynamics of organizations which lead to organizations adopting management controls. Data: The study employed a cross-sectional survey to collect data from 202 manufacturing firms, with the help of a multi-dimensional self-administered questionnaire. Tools: Data were analysed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, and PLS-SEM. The nature and strength of the relationships between the variables was tested using the bootstrapping method Findings: This study established that organisations adopt management controls, as a means of reacting to isomorphic pressures present in the environment. However, the adoption process is enhanced by the self-organising capacity of the staff, within the firms. Contribution: The study represents a novel attempt to blend institutional and complexity theories in order to explain how organization actors can transform institutions in which they are embedded

    Monte-Carlo study of scaling exponents of rough surfaces and correlated percolation

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    We calculate the scaling exponents of the two-dimensional correlated percolation cluster's hull and unscreened perimeter. Correlations are introduced through an underlying correlated random potential, which is used to define the state of bonds of a two-dimensional bond percolation model. Monte-Carlo simulations are run and the values of the scaling exponents are determined as functions of the Hurst exponent H in the range -0.75 <= H <= 1. The results confirm the conjectures of earlier studies

    Wettability-independent bouncing on flat surfaces mediated by thin air films

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    The impingement of drops onto solid surfaces1, 2 plays a crucial role in a variety of processes, including inkjet printing, fog harvesting, anti-icing, dropwise condensation and spray coating3, 4, 5, 6. Recent efforts in understanding and controlling drop impact behaviour focused on superhydrophobic surfaces with specific surface structures enabling drop bouncing with reduced contact time7, 8. Here, we report a different universal bouncing mechanism that occurs on both wetting and non-wetting flat surfaces for both high and low surface tension liquids. Using high-speed multiple-wavelength interferometry9, we show that this bouncing mechanism is based on the continuous presence of an air film for moderate drop impact velocities. This submicrometre ‘air cushion’ slows down the incoming drop and reverses its momentum. Viscous forces in the air film play a key role in this process: they provide transient stability of the air cushion against squeeze-out, mediate momentum transfer, and contribute a substantial part of the energy dissipation during bouncing

    Gas-cushioned droplet impacts with a thin layer of porous media

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    The authors are grateful to Dr. Manish Tiwari for introducing them to experiments involving droplet impacts with textured substrates. PDH is grateful for the use of the Maxwell High-Performance Computing Cluster of the University of Aberdeen IT Service. RP is grateful for the use of the High-Performance Computing Cluster supported by the Research and Specialist Computing Support service at the University of East Anglia.Peer reviewedPostprin
