19 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Molar Traits in Krapina Hominids and Contemporary Humans

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    Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi morfološke značajke okluzalnih ploha trajnih molara u krapinskoga hominida (KH) te dobivene rezultate usporediti s nalazima današnje populacije koja je činila kontrolnu skupinu (KS). Klasifikacija značajki okluzalnih ploha molara određena je prema standardima za karakterizaciju morfoloških varijanti trajnih zuba po ASU (Arizona State University) - Dentoantropološki sustav Državnog sveučilišta u Arizoni). Ukupno je obrađeno 77 molara KH, od toga 34 gornja i 43 donja. U KS ukupno je obrađeno 4836 molara, od toga 2548 gornjih i 2288 donjih. Raščlambom okluzalnih ploha molara utvrđeno je : u trećih i drugih gornjih molara KS smanjenje čestoće distolingvalne kvržice; nestankom ili redukcijom veličine distolingvalne kvržice nastala je promjena obrisa okluzalne plohe iz romboidnog u trokutast, te gubitka H-sustava brazdi, koji je znatno češći nalaz u KH (p < 0,05). Na prvome gornjem molaru nađeno je najmanje razlika između dviju promatranih skupina. Samo po obilježju Carabellijevo svojstvo nađena je znatna razlika u zastupljenosti i to s većom čestoćom u KH (p < 0,01). U donjih molara (M1, M2, M3) KS utvrđena je smanjena čestoća distalne kvržice (p < 0,01). Na M3 i M2 u objema promatranim skupinama najzastupljeniji crtež brazdi je oblika +. Oblik X postoji samo u KS. Na M1 dominantan crtež brazdi u objema skupinama je oblika Y. Na osnovi navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je u današnjega čovjeka na molarima nastala redukcija broja kvržica i promjena oblika okluzalnih ploha, što je dovelo do smanjenja ukupne žvačne površine zuba. Kako je prema stajalištima antropologa crtež brazdi oblika Y najkonzervativniji, a oblik X najrazvijeniji, može se zaključiti da je M1 najkonzervativniji i da u evolutivnom smislu nije postignuo gotovo nikakav napredak. U M2 dominantan crtež brazdi je oblika +. Kako crtež brazdi oblika + predstavlja razvojni međuoblik i može se uzeti kao najviši evolutivni stadij oblika Y, tj. kao početak oblika X, taj zub glede evolutivnih procesa spada u prijelaznu razvojnu fazu. Oblik X na M2 nađen je samo u KS, što potvrđuje da je u evolutivnom smislu taj zub postignuo znatan napredak u odnosu prema KH. Dominantan crtež brazdi na M3 u objema skupinama je oblika +. Crtež brazdi X nije nađen ni na jednome M3 u KH, za razliku od KS gdje crtež brazdi X postoji u preko četvrtine zuba. Takav nalaz upućuje na zaključak da je od svih donjih molara KS u evolutivnom smislu M3 dosegnuo najvišu razvojnu razinu.The aim of this study was to investigate morphological characteristics of occlusal surfaces of permanent molars in Krapina hominid (KH) and to compare them with the findings in the modern population (control group, CG). ASU (Arizona State University Dentoanthropological System) standards for the characterization of morphological variants of permanent molars were used for classification of occlusal molar surface characteristics. A total number of 77 KH molars, among them 34 upper and 43 lower, as wel as 4836 CG molars, among them 2548 upper and 2288 lower ones was analysed. The analysis of occlusal molar surfaces revealed a lower incidence of distolingual cusps in CG third and second upper molars. The disappearance of reduction in size of distolingual cusp resulted in a change in occlusal surface contour from rhomboid to triangular and H-shaped grooves were lost; these characteristics were more grequently present in KH (p < 0.05). The least difference was found in the first upper molar; the only significant difference was the Carabelli trait, present significantlly more frequently in KH (p < 0.01). In lower KH molars (M1, M2, M3) the incidence of distal cusp was reduced (p < 0.01). In both study groups the most frequent groove shape in M3 and M2 was + shape. X-shape was seen only in CG. The predominanat groove shape in M1 was Y-shape in both study groups. Based on these results, it may be concluded that the number of cusps was reduced ond the shape of occlusal surface was changed in modern humans, leading to a reduction in the tital masticatory surface. Since Y-shape is considered most conservative and X-shape considered the most advanced by athropologist, we conclude that M1 remained the most conservative and did not undergo any progression in tooth evolution. The dominant groove shape in M2 was +shape. Since the +shaped groove is considered intermediate stage the highest evolutionary stage of Y-shape, i.e. the initial stage in X-shape formation, this tooth can be considered the transitional stage in tooth evolutionary development. X-shape was found only in CG, indicating the significant advancement in tooth evolutionary development in comparisom with KH. The dominant groove shape in M3 was +shape in both study groups. X-shape was not found in any of KH M3 in contrast to CG, where it was found in more than one fourth of teeth. This finding indicates that M3 reached the highest developmental stage among all lower molars in CG

    Kinetic modelling of testosterone-related differences in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis response to stress

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    The sex hormone testosterone (TTS) and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis mutually control one another’s activity, wherein TTS suppresses corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) stimulated HPA axis activity, whereas the activation of HPA axis has an inhibitory effect on TTS secretion. With an intention to explain these phenomena, a network reaction model is developed from the previously postulated stoichiometric models for HPA activity where main dynamic behaviors are controlled by two catalytic steps (one autocatalytic and one autoinhibitory) with respect to cortisol, both found experimentally. The capacity of the model to emulate TTS effects on HPA axis dynamics and its response to acute CRH-induced stress is examined using numerical simulations. Model predictions are compared with empirically obtained results reported in the literature. Thus, the reaction kinetic examinations of nonlinear biochemical transformations that constitute the HPA axis, including the negative feedback effect of TTS on HPA axis activity, recapitulates the well-established fact that TTS dampens HPA axis basal activity, decreasing both cortisol level and the amplitude of ultradian cortisol oscillations. The model also replicates TTS inhibitory action on the HPA axis response to acute environmental challenges, particularly CRH-induced stress. In addition, kinetic modelling revealed that TTS induced reduction in ultradian cortisol amplitude arises because the system moves towards a supercritical Hopf bifurcation as TTS is being increased. © 2017, The Author(s)

    Poremećaji ponašanja dece školskog uzrasta u Srbiji

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    Predmet studije odnosio se na brzu procenu-skrining, moguće učestalosti poremećaja ponašanja u dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta na teritoriji Srbije, s ciljem prevencije i tretmana mogućih pojavnih oblika različitih poremećaja kao i ADHD-a, koji mogu biti uvod u predelikventne i delikventne oblike ponašanja. Cilj istraživalja odnosio se na distribuciju ispitanih poremećaja (poremećaji ponašanja sa i bez hiperaktivnosti (ADHD-W , ADHD WH) kod dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta na teritoriji Srbije. Uzorak je obuhvatio 53 ispitanika, od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovnih škola u Beogradu i okolnih gradova (Lazarevac, Mladenovac, Kraljevo, Čačak, Niš). Uzorak je ujednačene polne strukture, a prema kalndarskom uzrastu i razredu uzorak sadrži prirodnu distribuciju jer je obuhvaćen slučajan uzorak istraživanja. Ponašanje je procenjeno Ajova Koners Skalom Procene ( IOWA Conners Rating Scale, Waschbusch, Willoughby, 2008.). Dobijeni rezltati istraživanja tumačeni su i analizirani prema normama procene i skorovanja priloženim uz skalu. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja upućuju na indicije pojave poremećaja ponašanja, među kojima su zastupljeni i poremećaji pažnje sa i bez hiperaktivnosti. U skladu sa podacima dosadašnjih istraživanja, rezultati ukazuju da se pojedini oblici poremećaja u ponašanju pojavljuju sa učestalošću do 30% u ispitanom uzorku. Najveća frekvencija poremećaja prisutna je kod mlađe dece i da opada sa porastom kalemdarskog uzrasta i razreda. Ovim je ukazano na značajne pravce prevencije i tretmana kod školske dece, ciljno usmerenih ka grupi mlađe dece kao bitne okosnice trenutne situacije u Srbiji. Studija takođe ukazuje na značajnu ulogu specijalnog pedagoga u škoslkom timu kao i na pravce budućih istraživanja usmerenih ka polnim različitostima poremećaja ponašanja, kako prema frekvenciji tako i prema tipu smetnji

    Isothermal kinetics of exchange of water absorbed in calcium alginate hydrogel with ethanol

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    The isothermal kinetics of the exchange of absorbed water in calcium alginate hydrogels with ethanol was investigated. The isothermal kinetic curves were measured within the temperature range from 297 to 316 K. By the application of differential isoconversional methods, it was found that the process of exchange of water absorbed in calcium alginate hydrogel with ethanol has a unique rate determining step (a single step process). Using the model fitting method, it was determined that the kinetics of the exchange can be mathematically described with the kinetic model of the first-order chemical reaction. The values of the kinetic parameters of water exchange: the rate constants (km), energy of activation (Ea = 18.0 kJ∙mol–1), and the pre-exponential factor (ln[A/min–1] = 4.0) were calculated. By using Eyring's equation, the values of thermodynamics parameters: standard enthalpy of activation (ΔH*), standard entropy of activation (ΔS*), and Gibbs energy of activation (ΔG*) were calculated. It was found that the rate of rearrangements of the bound water around hydrophilic groups of a polymeric network has a dominant effect on the kinetics of the exchange of the absorbed water with ethanol. The mechanism of the exchange of adsorbed water with ethanol was suggested. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 172015

    Primjena asistirane reprodukcije u govedarstvu

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    More than five decades of research in reproductive biology have resulting in the development of biotechnologies in the cattle industry to increase efficiency in beef and dairy production systems. These technologies are related to gamete and embryo manipulation aimed at improving fertility and genetic progress. The application of assisted reproductive technology in stockbreeding has tremendously altered the rate of genetic improvement in breeding programmes and strategies. Artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro embryo production are technologies systematically applied in breeding programs around the world. They enable rapid genetic progress, shortening of the generation interval, control of disease transmission and reduction of production costs. Worldwide, artificial insemination has been the most efficient and useful way to improve the genetic quality of the herd. Over a period of thirty years, embryo transfer has become an internationally accepted technology with over 500, 000 in vivo produced embryos per year. The recommended handling procedures of the International Embryo Transfer Society enable the safe export of in vivo derived embryos, without the risk of disease transmission. Approximately 15% of embryos produced annually are produced by in vitro technology. This technology enables embryo production from cows of high genetic merit that cannot produce offspring by conventional reproduction. Improvements in OPU/IVF programs would have a great impact on the cattle industry and could replace the traditional MOET programs in the near future. Furthermore, they are important for the development and operation of a gene bank for the cryoconservation of animal genetic resources, to preserve indigenous and endangered breeds of cattle. In addition to genetic progress, the application of these biotechnologies in animal breeding permits high quality breeding stock to be available on the market and enables the application of advanced technologies. Semen and embryo sexing allows for identification and selection of sex, which can assist in the more efficient management of resources. Cloning and transgenesis have great potential in the cattle industry, though due to their low efficiency and high costs, these technologies are predominantly applied in experimental settings and the production of pharmaceuticals

    Intellectual disabilities and intervention strategies: international approach

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    Introduction: This study focuses on the strategies of implementing practical activities in children with intellectual disabilities. It is aimed at encouraging and rehabilitating neuropsychological processes of attention, behaviour and cognition (visual and spatial abilities, elemental and complex motor abilities and conceptual functions). Subject: This study was aimed at children with mild intellectual disabilities with the emphasis on their cognitive and behavioural functioning in relation to different aspects of the applied treatment strategies. Material and methods: The sample consists of 124 examinees with mild intellectual disability, of both genders, aged between 8 and 13, attending primary schools in Belgrade. In this research we applied the Trial Making Test (TMT; Reitan, 1971) for attention assessment, the IOWA Conners' Rating Scale for Children for behaviour assessment, and the Test of Concept Utilization (TCU; Crager and Lane, 1981) for the assessment of cognitive functions. Results: The results indicate the presence of developmental disabilities in the examined areas in more than 50% of the tested children and a high statistically significant correlation between the applied treatment modalities and tested abilities and functions (r=0.52-0.59, df lt 0.01). The study points out the necessity of implementing the multimodal approach: team work of professionals and non-professionals (cooperation between professionals and parents), complementary treatment (medical and special treatment, psychosocial interventions, combination of treatment strategies), psychotherapy and psycho-pharmacotherapy when necessary, as well as special education and rehabilitation, based on individual education programs and individual training programs (IEP and ITP) and special rehabilitation procedures and methods. Conclusion: New treatment strategies, with the emphasis on special rehabilitation treatment, were proposed in conclusion

    A Koopman operator-based prediction algorithm and its application to COVID-19 pandemic and influenza cases

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    Abstract Future state prediction for nonlinear dynamical systems is a challenging task. Classical prediction theory is based on a, typically long, sequence of prior observations and is rooted in assumptions on statistical stationarity of the underlying stochastic process. These algorithms have trouble predicting chaotic dynamics, “Black Swans” (events which have never previously been seen in the observed data), or systems where the underlying driving process fundamentally changes. In this paper we develop (1) a global and local prediction algorithm that can handle these types of systems, (2) a method of switching between local and global prediction, and (3) a retouching method that tracks what predictions would have been if the underlying dynamics had not changed and uses these predictions when the underlying process reverts back to the original dynamics. The methodology is rooted in Koopman operator theory from dynamical systems. An advantage is that it is model-free, purely data-driven and adapts organically to changes in the system. While we showcase the algorithms on predicting the number of infected cases for COVID-19 and influenza cases, we emphasize that this is a general prediction methodology that has applications far outside of epidemiology