51 research outputs found

    Project Activity as the Requirement of Systems Development in the Current Context

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    In work project activity from the point of view of the theory of systems is analyzed, project assessment questions are considered, such characteristics of system as a metaphor “an elastic web”, types of complexity, an emergence and synergism, which are peculiar to teams are sorted, the phenomenon of resistance and mastering it taking into account system factors is analyzed


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    The anthocyan pigments content such biologically active components as vitamins, glycosides, organic acids, aromatic substances, microelements, etc. The anthocyan pigment harvested from cranberry fruits by dehy' drofreezing was studied. The features and changing during storage of cranberry fruits are shown.В настоящее время антоциановые пигменты находят все более широкое применение. Это связано с тем, что антоциановые пигменты, получаемые из растительного сырья, вместе с красящим веществом содержат в своем составе и другие ценные, биологически активные компоненты. Это витамины, гликозиды, органические кислоты, ароматические вещества, микроэлементы и др., использование которых позволяет не только улучшить внешний вид, придать привлекательный, естественных цвет, но и повысить биологическую ценность пищевых изделий, в состав которых входят такие пигменты. В статье рассматривается антоциановый пигмент, полученный из ягод клюквы методом сублимационнной сушки. Исследованы его свойства и изменения, происходящие в процессе хранения

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.Objective: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment. Results: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT. Conclusion: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media DordrechtObjective: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment. Results: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT. Conclusion: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    OBJECTIVE: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment.RESULTS: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT.CONCLUSION: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS

    A novel expression cassette delivers efficient production of exclusively tetrameric human butyrylcholinesterase with improved pharmacokinetics for protection against organophosphate poisoning

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    © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. Butyrylcholinesterase is a stoichiometric bioscavenger against poisoning by organophosphorus pesticides and nerve agents. The low level of expression and extremely rapid clearance of monomeric recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase (rhBChE) from bloodstream (t1/2;≈2 min) limits its pharmaceutical application. Recently (Ilyushin at al., PNAS, 2013) we described a long-acting polysialylated recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (rhBChE-CAO), stable in the bloodstream, that protects mice against 4.2 LD50 of VR. Here we report a set of modifications of the initial rhBChE expression vector to improve stability of the enzyme in the bloodstream and increase its production in CHO cells by introducing in the expression cassette: (i) the sequence of the natural human PRAD-peptide in frame with rhBChE gene via "self-processing" viral F2A peptide under control of an hEF/HTLV promoter, and (ii) previously predicted in silico MAR 1-68 and MAR X-29 sequences. This provides fully tetrameric rhBChE (4rhBChE) at 70 mg/l, that displays improved pharmacokinetics (t1/2; = 32 ± 1.2 h, MRT = 43 ± 2 h). 3D Fluorescent visualization and distribution of 125I-labeled enzyme reveals similar low level 4rhBChE and rhBChE-CAO accumulation in muscle, fat, and brain. Administered 4rhBChE was mainly catabolized in the liver and breakdown products were excreted in kidney. Injection of 1.2 LD50 and 1.1 LD50 of paraoxon to BALB/c and knockout BChE-/- mice pre-treated with 4rhBChE (50 mg/kg) resulted in 100% and 78% survival, respectively, without perturbation of long-term behavior. In contrast, 100% mortality of non-pre-treated mice was observed. The high expression level of 4rhBChE in CHO cells permits consideration of this new expression system for manufacturing BChE as a biopharmaceutical

    Национальные особенности доклинических исследований и использования лабораторных животных в России: проблемы и перспективы

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    The analysis of the international experience in conducting preclinical studies and application of the principle of good laboratory practice was made. The issues associated with the use of laboratory animals for scientific purposes in Russia and abroad were discussed. The prospects of improvement of legislative base of the Russian Federation in the field of preclinical studies with the application of the principle of good laboratory practice and use of laboratory animals for scientific purposes were identified.Проведен анализ международного опыта организации проведения доклинических исследований и применения принципом надлежащей лабораторной практики. Обсуждены вопросы, связанные с использованием лабораторных животных в научных целях в РФ и за рубежом. Определены перспективы совершенствования законодательной базы РФ в области организации проведения доклинических исследований с применением принципом надлежащей лабораторной практики, а также использования лабораторных животных в научных целях


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    The anthocyan pigments content such biologically active components as vitamins, glycosides, organic acids, aromatic substances, microelements, etc. The anthocyan pigment harvested from cranberry fruits by dehy' drofreezing was studied. The features and changing during storage of cranberry fruits are shown


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    The Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius) is an important agent of zoochory and participant of the succession processes in European forests. To clarify the cenotic role of the Jay, we 1) determined the distance of plant diaspora dispersal; 2) described features of the stocking of oak acorns (Quercus robur); 3) identified biotopic preferences of jays for seed stock in vegetation cover. Studies were performed on sample plots of different size (from 2.3 to 33.1 ha) located in different vegetation types of the Nerussa-Desna Polesie (Bryansk region, Russia). Locations of biotopes (parcels) and of jays’ storerooms were mapped on sample plots. Biotopic preferences at acorn hiding were estimated using Ivlev-Jacobs electivity index. Analysis of the data showed that Jays participate in the diaspora dispersal of fifty species of vascular plants; among these are many forest-dwelling species and a smaller number of meadow and marsh species. Jays transfer seeds of the summer-ripening species (Malus sylvestris, Padus avium, Rubus idaeus and others) endozoochorically over a distance of up to 900–1100 m that corresponds to the radius of summer home range of a jay. Seeds of the autumn-ripening species (Quercus robur, Corylus avellana, Sorbus aucuparia and other) are carried over a distance up to 200–480 m. It corresponds to the radius of a jay’s autumn home range. One jay carries between 1 and 9 acorns per flight. Jays create most of their pantry at the bases of tree trunks and shrubs, sometimes – in the trees at the base of branches and under the fallen trees. This distribution of pantries is not random. In winter, when the ground is covered with thick, dense snow, the dark trunks are heated by the sun rays, forming thawed patches around their base, from where it is easier to retrieve stored acorns. Jays usually bury one acorn, rarely two, in their hiding place. At the watershed, jays prefer to hide acorns in the old spruce/broad-leaved forest, less so in the young and middle-aged birch or pine forest. This is due to the greater availability of suitable burial places in the old forest. In the spruce/broad-leaved forest, jays tend to hide acorns in treefall gaps and on small glades with virginile undergrowth of birch. In the floodplain jays completely avoid using large open meadows for hiding places; they prefer to hide acorns in the thickets of willow on the riverine alluvium and on marshy oxbows as well as in the sparse park-type oak forest with meadow grass cover. It is known that the vegetation communities, preferred by jays for acorn hiding, are the initial stages in the formation of the closed floodplain oak forest dominated by nemoral herbs. Jay is the main participant of these succession processes as it is only one transporter of large numbers of acorns for hundreds of meters