116 research outputs found

    On the Traces of Mean-Spectral Decompositions Corresponding to Self-Adjoint Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators

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    In this work we study traces of spectral decompositions corresponding to self adjoint elliptic pseudo-differential operators of distributions in the classes of Soboloev-Liouville and Nikolskii-BesovComment: in Russian languag

    On the solvability of the mixed problem for a fractional-order equation with a time-delay argument and pseudodifferential operators with non-local boundary conditions in Sobolev classes

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    In this work, a mixed problem for a time-fractional equation with a delayed argument and pseudodifferential operators related to Laplace operators with non-local boundary conditions in Sobolev classes is studied. The solutions to the initial-boundary problem are constructed as a series of the eigenfunctions of a multidimensional spectral problem. The eigenvalues of the spectral problem are found, and the corresponding system of eigenfunctions is constructed. It is shown that this system of eigenfunctions is complete and forms a Riesz basis in the Sobolev subspaces. Based on the completeness of the system of eigenfunctions, the uniqueness theorem for the solution of the problem is proven. The existence of a regular solution to the posed initial-boundary problem in the Sobolev subspaces is also demonstrated.Comment: in Russian languag

    Psychometric Evaluation of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) in Azerbaijan

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    The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) is a globally recognized scale for the measurement of subjective well-being in more than thirty six languages. Currently there is no adapted version of the SWLS in Azerbaijani language. The aim of the present study was to complete forward and backward translations of the SWLS and maintaining equivalence to examine its psychometric properties in a sample of 374 subjects in Azerbaijan. The results showed that the Azerbaijani version of SWLS had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.81) with confirmatory factor analysis showing a single factorial structure. The findings suggest that theAzerbaijani version of the SWLS is a valid instrument to use among Azerbaijan samples

    Противоречия судебно-уголовной политики

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    The subject of the study is the criminal policy in the context of contradictions in the functioning of the courts.The purpose of the study is to investigate, which contradictions of criminal policy are generated by a multi-level system of courts, and which mechanisms for overcoming them in order to optimize criminal policy could be found out.The methodology. In modern conditions of diversification of methodological approaches to organizing and conducting political-legal research, it is important not to discard, but to rethink and rediscover the epistemological possibilities of the methods of classical science, especially the method of dialectical analysis.The main results and scope of the study. The use of the category "dialectical contradiction" for the purpose of studying the problems of the functioning of the courts in terms of the interpretation and application of criminal law provisions opens up new possibilities in the study of criminal and judicial policy, as well as determining the prospects for its development. In the study, the law enforcement contradictions of criminal policy refer to the relations between courts of various types and levels that develop in the course of their functioning and reflect the opposite approaches of law enforcement bodies to the interpretation and application of criminal legislation. Considering the level and type of legal proceedings, these contradictions can be summarized in the following groups: (a) between national and international courts; (b) between superior courts of the national legal system; (c) between the courts of various instances of the system of courts of general jurisdiction.The contradictions between national and international courts, emerging in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, are an objective source of development of judicial practice and policy. The resolution of these contradictions is based on the consensus of various courts and compromise. If the position of the European Court of Human Rights does not contradict the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state adjusts its legal practice in the direction set by the authoritative international instance by means of: (a) direct application of national legislation with due regard for the ECHR’s legal positions; (b) the application of national legislation in its constitutional interpretation by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which does not differ from the decisions and positions of the ECHR; (c) amending national legal acts in pursuance of ECHR judgments. In exceptional cases, when the position of the European Court touches upon issues of the country's constitutional identity, the contradiction between the international and national legal order is resolved by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the basis of the priority of constitutional norms.At the level of the superior national courts the contradictions are represented by the differing positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the assessment and interpretation of criminal law provisions. Such contradictions can be thought of as latent until they are not revealed in constitutional proceedings. The identification and resolution of these contradictions is the most important direction of legal policy in the country; it reflects the consistent solution of the aim of constitutionalization of the criminal law.At the level of the system of courts of general jurisdiction, the concept of "contradiction" can only be applied to those differing approaches of the courts to solving criminal cases that do not go beyond the rule of law. Contradictions arise only when, having correctly established the factual circumstances of the case, the courts disagree in the choice of the legal provision to be applied, although any such choice can be explained and motivated. These contradictions may or may not be related to the quality of criminal legislation. Therefore, the mechanism for their resolution includes not only law revision. It is important to use the capabilities of the judicial system itself to develop a consensual understanding of the textual content of the criminal law and the rules for its application.Conclusions. Overcoming the contradictions of the judicial criminal policy is possible only in the process of communication and dialogue between the courts of different levels on the basis of differentiation of jurisdiction, respect for authority and independence.Рассматриваются противоречия судебного уровня реализации уголовной политики, которые складываются в сфере функционирования международных и национальных судов различных уровней при толковании, оценке и применении правовых норм. Предлагается классификация этих противоречий на основе уровня, вида судопроизводства и источника возникновения, которая помогает лучше понять механизм функционирования судебной системы, роль судов в обеспечении верховенства права. Принимая во внимание диалектическую природу противоречий, доказывается, что механизм их преодоления должен включать в себя как организационные решения в части разграничения компетенции судов, так и идейно-нормативные решения, обеспечивающие компромисс судебных позиций ради достижения общей цели соблюдения прав человека при разрешении уголовно-правового конфликта

    Negative magneto-resistance of electron gas in a quantum well with parabolic potential

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    We have studied the electrical conductivity of the electron gas in parallel electric and magnetic fields directed along the plane of a parabolic quantum well (across the profile of the potential). We found a general expression for the electrical conductivity applicable for any magnitudes of the magnetic field and the degree of degeneration of the electron gas. A new mechanism of generation of the negative magnetoresistance has been revealed. It has been shown that in a parabolic quantum well with a non-degenerated electron gas the negative magnetoresistance results from spin splitting of the levels of the size quantization.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    The comparative analysis of rentgenogrammetric parameters of chest department of a columna vertebralis in norm and at an osteochondrosis depending on somatotype

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    Purpose: Analysis of rentgenogrammetric parameters of chest department of a columna vertebralis in norm and at an osteochondrosis depending on somatotype.Material and Methods: To define with rentgenogrammetric methods development proportionality of bone wramework thoracic cage principal elements and to compare them with somatotypes.Results: The carried out researches with all objectivity allow to recommend allocation of a concrete contingent among pupils of schools and higher educational institutions on somatic types and the presented levels of a variation of anthropo-metric signs as groups of risk of degenerate-dystrophic of columna vertebralis disease (DDCVD).Summary: The given methodological approach allows to carry out authentic forecasting of presence of degenerate-dystrophic disease of a backbone in teenage, youthful and in the beginning of the first mature period of a life, even in the absence of clinical displays of pathological process. Finally it is obviously possible to spend timely correction of initial stages of development of an osteochondrosis by adequate methods of preventive maintenance and treatment

    Causes of Multiple Organ Dysfunction During Cardiosurgical Operations under Extracorporeal Circulation

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    Objective: to reveal possible causes of postoperative multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in patients after surgery under extracorporeal circulation (EC), by measuring the level and balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 162 patients who had undergone operations on the heart and thoracic aorta. The levels of interleukins (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-10 were determined by ELISA. Results. At surgery under EC, MODS was encountered in 5.7%, mortality was 55.6%. The principal causes of MODS were prolonged EC concurrent with bleeding (23%), massive hemorrhage (16%), perioperative myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock (15%), prolonged EC (12%), acute lung injury (12%), disseminated intravascular coagulation (10%), allergic and anaphylactic reactions (9%), and intravascular hemolysis (6%). The levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were substantially increased in all the patients after surgery under EC irrespective of the presence of MODS in the postoperative period. The patients with MODS displayed pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine imbalance due to a preponderance of the proinflammatory activity of a systemic response. During massive hemorrhage (more than 20 ml/kg), the patients with MODS exhibited a reduction in the two pools of cytokines. In the absence of MODS, there was a parallel increase in both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The magnitude of a change in the level of cytokines is related to the volume of blood loss. During prolonged EC (more than 170 min), the patients with MODS had a higher pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine ratio due to the elevated levels of both pools, but the elevation of anti-inflammatory cytokines was more pronounced. In the patients without MODS, the values of both groups of interleukins were sigmficantly unchanged with longer duration of EC. Key words: multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, systemic inflammatory reaction, interleukins 6, 8, 10, extracorporeal circulation, operations on the heart and thoracic aorta

    Organizational Changes in the System of Regional Development Management

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    The authors have proved that the problem of reforming the administrative-territorial structure in Ukraine is moving from the level of staging and discussion to the practical plane of implementation. A particularly influential impetus to the acceleration of these changes was given by the process of creating amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) in Ukraine. Currently, the next stage of reforming local self-government is taking place in Ukraine, which is the consolidation of districts. In the process of formation of new districts, it is proposed to use information on the development of ATCs and take into account the EU experience in this area, which in the future will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the use of available resources along with the improving of the standard of living of the population against the background of betterment of the ecological situation in the region. The study substantiates proposals for applying a process approach to the consolidation of districts. The advantages of implementing these proposals include: consistency with EU structures in the field of district management; the possibility of implementing the conception of «RURBAN»; ensuring sustainable development of the region; increasing the importance of ATCs in the process of territorial management, etc. Success in development depends not only on the starting potential, but also on the mechanisms of development management, one of which can be considered the mechanism of «balancing resources, directions, tasks and methods of development management». The implementation of measures of suburbanization (the process of growth and development of the suburban zone of large cities, as a result of which urban agglomerations are formed) will ensure long-term economic growth of the regions, improve the standard of living of the population and achieve other strategic goals. In the suburban area, the «middle class» of the population should appear and grow. And for this it is important to organize and support the transfer «out of town» of industries, housing, infrastructure, organize eco-protection of systems, create a suburbanization economic space, cultural, tourist and recreational space, developed and high-quality infrastructure for life support of the population and transport links

    Regional Features of Startups Ecosystem Development: The Entrepreneurial Aspect

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    The article provides the definitions of the concept of both a startup and a startups ecosystem, on the basis of many analyzed scientific works of both domestic and foreign scholars. It is proved that the startups ecosystem is understood as a network that unites various subjects of the innovation process (universities, venture capital companies, marketers, entrepreneurs, audit and consulting agencies, etc.) that interact with each other on the basis of certain agreed «rules of the game». The overall startups ecosystem is taken for an example, being represented by four levels (global (international); national; regional; local). Each of the individual levels creates conditions for the development and successful functioning of startups. The publication presents in more detail the totality of participants in the local startups ecosystem, where it is determined that universities play a rather important role in the processes of formation of innovation ecosystems. The model of the innovation ecosystem of the university is represented by scientific research units, such as the research department, research institute, research sector, which include both the units in which research is carried out (scientific departments, laboratories, centers) and scientific and auxiliary structures (departments of scientific and technical information, research support, financial planning, and personnel). During the formation of an innovation ecosystem of the university, it is important to carry out the process of commercialization of innovative ideas. The importance of developing a startups ecosystem in entrepreneurship is proven. The State authorities are obliged to support, stimulate and encourage the development of entrepreneurship both in the country in general and in its regions in particular. The main programs of development and support of entrepreneurial activity at the regional level are analyzed. It is proved that supporting entrepreneurship in Ukraine by creating a favorable climate for the development of entrepreneurship, identifying all the components that stimulate the formation, attraction of new and expansion of existing small and medium-sized businesses is one of the main directions of implementation of the policy of economic development of the State and its regions

    Some peculiarities of water regime and photosynthetic capasity of wheat genotypes under drought conditions

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    Досліджено особливості водного режиму, вмісту білка та фотосинтетичну здатність хлоропластів у листі генотипів пшениці в умовах посухи. Виявлено, що стабільність фотосинтетичної здатності хлоропластів стійкого генотипу зумовлена високим відносним вмістом води, низьким водним дефіцитом і високим вмістом білка у листі протягом періоду посухиИсследованы особенности водного режима, содержания белка и фотосинтетическая способность хлоропластов в письме генотипов пшеницы в условиях засухи. Выявлено, что стабильность фотосинтетической способности хлоропластов устойчивого генотипа обусловлена высоким относительным содержанием воды, низким водным дефицитом и высоким содержанием белка в письме в течение периода засухиThe peculiarities of water regime, protein content and photosynthetic capacity of chloroplasts in the leaves of wheat of the different genotypes have been investigated under drought conditions. It was established that the stability of photosynthetic capacity of chloroplasts of a tolerant genotype is stipulated by high relative water content, low water deficit and high protein content in leaves during the drought perio