17,051 research outputs found

    The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part II. Leakage and noise covariance matrices

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    In Part I we have developed a theory for fitting p-mode Fourier spectra assuming that these spectra have a multi-normal distribution. We showed, using Monte-Carlo simulations, how one can obtain p-mode parameters using 'Maximum Likelihood Estimators'. In this article, hereafter Part II, we show how to use the theory developed in Part I for fitting real data. We introduce 4 new diagnostics in helioseismology: the (m,ν)(m,\nu) echelle diagramme, the cross echelle diagramme, the inter echelle diagramme, and the ratio cross spectrum. These diagnostics are extremely powerful to visualize and understand the covariance matrices of the Fourier spectra, and also to find bugs in the data analysis code. These diagrammes can also be used to derive quantitative information on the mode leakage and noise covariance matrices. Numerous examples using the LOI/SOHO and GONG data are given.Comment: 17 pages with tex and ps files, submitted to A&A, [email protected]

    The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part I. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    In this article we present our state of the art of fitting helioseismic p-mode spectra. We give a step by step recipe for fitting the spectra: statistics of the spectra both for spatially unresolved and resolved data, the use of Maximum Likelihood estimates, the statistics of the p-mode parameters, the use of Monte-Carlo simulation and the significance of fitted parameters. The recipe is applied to synthetic low-resolution data, similar to those of the LOI, using Monte-Carlo simulations. For such spatially resolved data, the statistics of the Fourier spectrum is assumed to be a multi-normal distribution; the statistics of the power spectrum is \emph{not} a χ2\chi^{2} with 2 degrees of freedom. Results for l=1l=1 shows that all parameters describing the p modes can be obtained without bias and with minimum variance provided that the leakage matrix is known. Systematic errors due to an imperfect knowledge of the leakage matrix are derived for all the p-mode parameters.Comment: 13 pages, ps file gzipped. Submitted to A&

    The Mass-to-Light Ratio of Binary Galaxies

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    We report on the mass-to-light ratio determination based on a newly selected binary galaxy sample, which includes a large number of pairs whose separations exceed a few hundred kpc. The probability distributions of the projected separation and the velocity difference have been calculated considering the contamination of optical pairs, and the mass-to-light ratio has been determined based on the maximum likelihood method. The best estimate of M/LM/L in the B band for 57 pairs is found to be 28 \sim 36 depending on the orbital parameters and the distribution of optical pairs (solar unit, H0=50H_0=50 km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}). The best estimate of M/LM/L for 30 pure spiral pairs is found to be 12 \sim 16. These results are relatively smaller than those obtained in previous studies, but consistent with each other within the errors. Although the number of pairs with large separation is significantly increased compared to previous samples, M/LM/L does not show any tendency of increase, but found to be almost independent of the separation of pairs beyond 100 kpc. The constancy of M/LM/L beyond 100 kpc may indicate that the typical halo size of spiral galaxies is less than 100\sim 100 kpc.Comment: 18 pages + 8 figures, to appear in ApJ Vol. 516 (May 10

    Irradiação de polpa de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum).

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    Avaliação dos impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos do sistema de produção de leite a pasto na Fazenda Escola de Cachoeiras de Macacu.

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    Resumo: A Fazenda Escola de Cachoeiras de Macacu da Universidade Federal Fluminense está implantando um sistema de produção de leite a pasto. Entretanto, qualquer sistema de produção animal é capaz de trazer impactos ambientais importantes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos da implantação dessa tecnologia, utilizando-se o Sistema Ambitec-Agro, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente. O índice geral de impacto da atividade foi de 0,99 (em escala ±15), observando-se impactos socioeconômicos positivos, mas potencial para ocorrência de impactos ambientais negativos. Sugere-se a adoção de técnicas alternativas de manejo para a mitigação desses impactos

    Efeito da água residuária do café em plantas de milho.

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    O processamento do café por via úmida gera água residuária (ARC), contendo material orgânico, com potencial de poluir o meio aquático. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da aplicação da ARC sobre o crescimento e teores de minerais em plantas de milho, na fase vegetativa. Foram estudados oito tratamentos: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 e 350 mL de ARC por planta, aplicada sobre as folhas, em 3 ocasiões. A aplicação da ARC não provocou injúrias visíveis nas plantas de milho e nem alterou o peso da matéria seca das plantas. O teor de K aumentou e o teor de Mg diminuiu linearmente com o aumento das doses de ARC aplicadas, enquanto os teores de Ca e Na nas folhas de milho não foram afetados