863 research outputs found

    Frequency-dependent transport through a quantum dot in the Kondo regime

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    We study the AC conductance and equilibrium current fluctuations of a Coulomb blockaded quantum dot. A relation between the equilibrium spectral function and the linear AC conductance is derived which is valid for frequencies well below the charging energy of the quantum dot. Frequency-dependent transport measurements can thus give experimental access to the Kondo peak in the equilibrium spectral function of a quantum dot. We illustrate this in detail for typical experimental parameters using the numerical renormalization group method in combination with the Kubo formalism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Pulsars in the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey

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    I have searched the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) source list for detections of known radio pulsars. A source with a flux density greater than five times the local noise level is found near the positions of 25 pulsars. The probability that one out of these 25 sources is a chance coincidence is about 10%. I have looked at the WENSS maps of the non-detected pulsars. A flux density between three and five times the local noise level is found near the positions of 14 of these non-detected pulsars. There is a 50 percent probability that (at least) one of these marginal detections is just a noise fluctuation. Fourteen radio pulsars, which according to earlier flux measurements have flux densities above three times the WENSS noise level, are not detected. Of the 39 pulsars detected in the WENSS 19 are also detected in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). By combining the WENSS and NVSS flux densities for these 19 pulsars spectral indices are obtained that differ by up to 50% from the long term averaged values reported in the literature. This affects the reliability of pulsar candidates that are selected on the basis of their WENSS-NVSS spectral index.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A Quantum Dot in the Kondo Regime Coupled to Superconductors

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    The Kondo effect and superconductivity are both prime examples of many-body phenomena. Here we report transport measurements on a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads that show a delicate interplay between both effects. We demonstrate that the superconductivity of the leads does not destroy the Kondo correlations on the quantum dot when the Kondo temperature, which varies for different single-electron states, exceeds the superconducting gap energy

    Quantum criticality in Kondo quantum dot coupled to helical edge states of interacting 2D topological insulators

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    We investigate theoretically the quantum phase transition (QPT) between the one-channel Kondo (1CK) and two-channel Kondo (2CK) fixed points in a quantum dot coupled to helical edge states of interacting 2D topological insulators (2DTI) with Luttinger parameter 0<K<10<K<1. The model has been studied in Ref. 21, and was mapped onto an anisotropic two-channel Kondo model via bosonization. For K<1, the strong coupling 2CK fixed point was argued to be stable for infinitesimally weak tunnelings between dot and the 2DTI based on a simple scaling dimensional analysis[21]. We re-examine this model beyond the bare scaling dimension analysis via a 1-loop renormalization group (RG) approach combined with bosonization and re-fermionization techniques near weak-coupling and strong-coupling (2CK) fixed points. We find for K -->1 that the 2CK fixed point can be unstable towards the 1CK fixed point and the system may undergo a quantum phase transition between 1CK and 2CK fixed points. The QPT in our model comes as a result of the combined Kondo and the helical Luttinger physics in 2DTI, and it serves as the first example of the 1CK-2CK QPT that is accessible by the controlled RG approach. We extract quantum critical and crossover behaviors from various thermodynamical quantities near the transition. Our results are robust against particle-hole asymmetry for 1/2<K<1.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, more details added, typos corrected, revised Sec. IV, V, Appendix A and

    Engineering the Kondo and Fano effects in double quantum dots

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    We demonstrate delicate control over the Kondo effect and its interplay with quantum interference in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer containing one Kondo dot and one noninteracting dot. It is shown that the Kondo resonance undergoes a dramatic evolution as the interdot tunnel coupling progressively increases. A novel triple Kondo splitting occurs from the interference between constant and Lorentzian conduction bands that cooperate in forming the Kondo singlet. The device also manifests a highly controllable Fano-Kondo effect in coherent electronic transport, and can be tuned to a regime where the coupled dots behave as decoupled dots.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Signatures of exchange correlations in the thermopower of quantum dots

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    We use a many-body rate-equation approach to calculate the thermopower of a quantum dot in the presence of an exchange interaction. At temperatures much smaller than the single-particle level spacing, the known quantum jumps (discontinuities) in the thermopower are split by the exchange interaction. The origin and nature of the splitting are elucidated with a simple physical argument based on the nature of the intermediate excited state in the sequential tunneling approach. We show that this splitting is sensitive to the number parity of electrons in the dot and the dot's ground-state spin. These effects are suppressed when cotunneling dominates the electrical and thermal conductances. We calculate the thermopower in the presence of elastic cotunneling, and show that some signatures of exchange correlations should still be observed with current experimental methods. In particular, we propose a method to determine the strength of the exchange interaction from measurements of the thermopower.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures Revised figure 6, and changed discussion of figure

    Adiabatic charge pumping in almost open dots

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    We consider adiabatic charge transport through an almost open quantum dot. We show that the charge transmitted in one cycle is quantized in the limit of vanishing temperature and one-electron mean level spacing in the dot. The explicit analytic expression for the pumped charge at finite temperature is obtained for spinless electrons. The pumped charge is produced by both non-dissipative and dissipative currents. The latter are responsible for the corrections to charge quantization which are expressed through the conductance of the system.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Single-electron tunneling in InP nanowires

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    We report on the fabrication and electrical characterization of field-effect devices based on wire-shaped InP crystals grown from Au catalyst particles by a vapor-liquid-solid process. Our InP wires are n-type doped with diameters in the 40-55 nm range and lengths of several microns. After being deposited on an oxidized Si substrate, wires are contacted individually via e-beam fabricated Ti/Al electrodes. We obtain contact resistances as low as ~10 kOhm, with minor temperature dependence. The distance between the electrodes varies between 0.2 and 2 micron. The electron density in the wires is changed with a back gate. Low-temperature transport measurements show Coulomb-blockade behavior with single-electron charging energies of ~1 meV. We also demonstrate energy quantization resulting from the confinement in the wire.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement of an impurity and conduction spins in the Kondo model

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    Based on Yosida's ground state of the single-impurity Kondo Hamiltonian, we study three kinds of entanglement between an impurity and conduction electron spins. First, it is shown that the impurity spin is maximally entangled with all the conduction electrons. Second, a two-spin density matrix of the impurity spin and one conduction electron spin is given by a Werner state. We find that the impurity spin is not entangled with one conduction electron spin even within the Kondo screening length ξK\xi_K, although there is the spin-spin correlation between them. Third, we show the density matrix of two conduction electron spins is nearly same to that of a free electron gas. The single impurity does not change the entanglement structure of the conduction electrons in contrast to the dramatic change in electrical resistance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Modulation of Thermoelectric Power of Individual Carbon Nanotubes

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    Thermoelectric power (TEP) of individual single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been measured at mesoscopic scales using a microfabricated heater and thermometers. Gate electric field dependent TEP-modulation has been observed. The measured TEP of SWNTs is well correlated to the electrical conductance across the SWNT according to the Mott formula. At low temperatures, strong modulations of TEP were observed in the single electron conduction limit. In addition, semiconducting SWNTs exhibit large values of TEP due to the Schottky barriers at SWNT-metal junctions.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let
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