57 research outputs found

    Influence of technological and operating herederity rods of boring pumps on their longevity

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    Поверхневе індукційне загартовування і шліфування перед електрохімічним хромуванням не забезпечує стабільного середньостатистичного напрацювання штоків бурових насосів двосторонньої дії через недостатню міцність приповерхневих шарів матеріалу робочих поверхонь і негативної технологічної спадковості остаточних операцій. Заміна термічної обробки та шліфування на механоультразвукове зміцнення дає можливість підвищувати довговічність штока приблизно у 2,3 раза. Для усунення виникнення дефектів необхідно здійснювати розмірне хромування. Економічна ефективність від упровадження (589,0 тис. грн.) дозволяє зменшити витрати на шліфування, а також усунути брак, який властивий термічній обробці і шліфуванню.The surfacing induction hardening and grinding before electro-chemical chromes plating does not guarantee the stable average work-out of the rods of the dual action boring pumps because of the insufficient strength of the surfacing layers and negative technological heredity of the finishing operations. The replacement oj thermal treatment and grinding to ultrasonic hardening gives opportunity to increase durability of the rod approximately in 2.3 times. For determination of the possible defects it is necessary to make measured chromes plating. Economical efficacy of inculcate (589 000 grn.) gives opportunity to decrease grinding expenses and to determinate the defective articles of the thermal treatment and grinding

    Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields: operational GRACE-FO combination and validation of Chinese GRACE time-series

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    The Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) provides combined monthly gravity fields of its associated and partner Analysis Centers (ACs). In November 2020, the combination of monthly GRACE-FO gravity fields started its operational mode, providing consolidated L2 (spherical harmonics) and L3 (gridded and post-processed) products with a latency of currently 3 months. We present an overview and quality assessment of the available products. COST-G aims at the extension of its service to include further GRACE and GRACE-FO analysis centers. In January 2020 a collaboration with representatives of five Chinese ACs was initiated, who provided GRACE time-series according to the COST-G requirements. We present the results of a test combination with the Chinese AC models, including comparison and quality assessment of all contributing time-series and validation of the combined gravity fields

    Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G): operations and new developments

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    Since its start of operations in July 2019, IAGâ?Ts Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity fields (COST-G) is providing a complete time-series of combined monthly GRACE gravity fields and a regularly updated time-series of monthly gravity fields derived from kinematic Swarm orbits. Starting from October 2020, the COST-G product line is complemented by a time-series of operationally combined and monthly updated GRACE-FO gravity fields. All these combinations are performed by variance component estimation on the solution level. We report on new developments, i.e., a planned extension of COST-G to include Chinese analysis centers of GRACE and GRACE-FO data, a re-consideration of the combination strategy to better focus on the range of spherical harmonic coefficients most relevant for the users, and the potential application of COST-G products for orbit determination of altimeter satellites

    Mutational analysis of the C-terminal FATC domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tra1

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    Tra1 is a component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAGA and NuA4 complexes and a member of the PIKK family, which contain a C-terminal phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-like (PI3K) domain followed by a 35-residue FATC domain. Single residue changes of L3733A and F3744A, within the FATC domain, resulted in transcriptional changes and phenotypes that were similar but not identical to those caused by mutations in the PI3K domain or deletions of other SAGA or NuA4 components. The distinct nature of the FATC mutations was also apparent from the additive effect of tra1-L3733A with SAGA, NuA4, and tra1 PI3K domain mutations. Tra1-L3733A associates with SAGA and NuA4 components and with the Gal4 activation domain, to the same extent as wild-type Tra1; however, steady-state levels of Tra1-L3733A were reduced. We suggest that decreased stability of Tra1-L3733A accounts for the phenotypes since intragenic suppressors of tra1-L3733A restored Tra1 levels, and reducing wild-type Tra1 led to comparable growth defects. Also supporting a key role for the FATC domain in the structure/function of Tra1, addition of a C-terminal glycine residue resulted in decreased association with Spt7 and Esa1, and loss of cellular viability. These findings demonstrate the regulatory potential of mechanisms targeting the FATC domains of PIKK proteins