179 research outputs found

    Crystallographic preferred orientations of exhumed subduction channel rocks from the Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria), and implications on rock elastic anisotropies at great depths

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    Highlights • Analysis of crystallographic preferred orientations of high-pressure polymineralic rocks by time-of-flight neutron diffraction • Elastic properties of a complete set of subduction channel rocks calculated from their crystallographic preferred orientation • Vp/Vs ratio and P-wave anisotropy of eclogites and metasediments • Influence of eclogite retrogression during exhumation on their elastic properties • Evaluation of the seismic signature of both clastic and carbonate sediments in subduction channels Abstract Crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) of rocks from an exhumed subduction channel of the Alpine orogen were determined using time-of-flight neutron diffraction. This method allows the investigation of large polymineralic samples and, more importantly, the application of full pattern fit methods to constrain CPOs of mineralogically complex rocks. Samples studied include intensely deformed fresh and retrogressed eclogites, as well as metasediments, which are interleaved with the eclogites in the subduction channel. From the CPO, seismic properties of the samples were calculated. P- wave anisotropies of the eclogite samples are fairly low, with an average of about 1.5%, and mainly constrained by pronounced omphacite CPO. Growth and deformation of retrograde amphibole in the eclogites also led to a pronounced CPO, which has a large impact on seismic anisotropies by raising them to up to 3.7% and changing the orientations of velocity maxima. Elastic anisotropies of the subducted metasediments are higher (up to 7.4%) and constrained by quartz and mica CPO in clastics and by calcite CPO in marble. VP/VS ratios may help to distinguish fresh eclogites from retrogressed ones, and both rock types from mantle peridotites of downgoing lithospheric slabs in seismic imaging. Our data also indicate that subducted terrigenous sediments are not only strongly anisotropic, but also have low VP/VS ratios. This way there may be potential to image them by seismic tomography at depth in active subduction channels

    Inflammatory response gene polymorphisms and their relationship with colorectal cancer risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backgroud</p> <p>Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and it is estimated that one in six persons diagnosed with IBD will develop CRC. This fact suggests that genetic variations in inflammatory response genes may act as CRC disease risk modifiers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to test this hypothesis we investigated a series of polymorphisms in 6 genes (NOD2, DLG5, OCTN1, OCTN2, IL4, TNFα) associated with the inflammatory response on a group of 607 consecutive newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients and compared the results to controls (350 consecutive newborns and 607 age, sex and geographically matched controls).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the six genes only one polymorphism in TNFα(-1031T/T) showed any tendency to be associated with disease risk (64.9% for controls and 71.4% for CRC) which we further characterized on a larger cohort of CRC patients and found a more profound relationship between the TNFα -1031T/T genotype and disease (64.5% for controls vs 74.7% for CRC cases above 70 yrs). Then, we investigated this result and identified a suggestive tendency, linking the TNFα -1031T/T genotype and a previously identified change in the CARD15/NOD2 gene (OR = 1.87; p = 0,02 for CRC cases above 60 yrs).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The association of polymorphisms in genes involved in the inflammatory response and CRC onset suggest that there are genetic changes capable of influencing disease risk in older persons.</p

    Deep structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily Dionysus - Cruise No. M111, October 10 - November 1, 2014, Catania (Italy) – Catania (Italy)

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    Summary The origin of the Ionian Sea lithosphere and the deep structure of its margins remain a little investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M111 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Ionian Sea. M111 formed the core of an amphibious investigation covering the Ionian Sea and island of Sicily. A total of 153 OBS/OBH deployments using French and German instruments were successfully carried out, in addition to 12 land stations installed on Sicily, which recorded the offshore air gun shots. The aim of this onshore-offshore study is to quantify the deep geometry and architecture of the Calabria subduction zone and Ionian Sea lithosphere and to shed light on the nature of the Ionian Sea crust (oceanic crust vs. thinned continental crust). Investigating the structure of the Ionian crust and lithospheric mantle will contribute to unravel the unknown ocean-continent transition and Tethys margin. Analyzing the tectonic activity and active deformation zones is essential for understanding the subduction processes that underlie the neotectonics of the Calabrian subduction zone and earthquake hazard of the Calabria/Sicily region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    hMSH2 is the most commonly mutated MMR gene in a cohort of Greek HNPCC patients

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    Germline mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in DNA mismatch repair are responsible for the autosomal dominantly inherited cancer predisposition syndrome hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). We describe here analysis of hMLH1 and hMSH2 in nine Greek families referred to our centre for HNPCC. A unique disease-causing mutation has been identified in seven out of nine (78%) families. The types of mutations identified are nonsense (five out of seven) (hMLH1: E557X, R226X; hMSH2: Q158X, R359X and R711X), a 2 bp deletion (hMSH2 1704_1705delAG) and a 2.2 kb Alu-mediated deletion encompassing exon 3 of the hMSH2 gene. The majority of mutations identified in this cohort are found in hMSH2 (77.7%). Furthermore, four of the mutations identified are novel. Finally, a number of novel benign variations were observed in both genes. This is the first report of HNPCC analysis in the Greek population, further underscoring the differences observed in the various geographic populations