68 research outputs found

    TVWS policies to enable efficient spectrum sharing

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    The transition from analogue to the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTV) in Europe is planned to be completed by the end of the year 2012. The DTV spectrum allocation is such that there are a number of TV channels which cannot be used for additional high power broadcast transmitters due to mutual interference and hence are left unused within a given geographical location, i.e. the TV channels are geographically interleaved. The use of geographically interleaved spectrum provides for the so-called TV white spaces (TVWS) an opportunity for deploying new wireless services. The main objective of this paper is to present the spectrum policies that are suitable for TVWS at European level, identified within the COGEU project. The COGEU project aims the efficient exploitation of the geographical interleaved spectrum (TVWS). COGEU is an ICT collaborative project supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. Nine partners from seven EU countries representing academia, research institutes and industry are involved in the project. The COGEU project is a composite of technical, business, and regulatory/policy domains, with the objective of taking advantage of the TV digital switchover by developing cognitive radio systems that leverage the favorable propagation characteristics of the UHF broadcast spectrum through the introduction and promotion of real-time secondary spectrum trading and the creation of new spectrum commons regimes. COGEU will also define new methodologies for compliance testing and certification of TVWS equipment to ensure non-interference coexistence with the DVB-T European standard. The innovation brought by COGEU is the combination of cognitive access to TV white spaces with secondary spectrum trading mechanisms.telecommunications,spectrum management,secondary spectrum market,regulation,TV white spaces,cognitive radio

    Trapping Ultracold Atoms in a Time-Averaged Adiabatic Potential

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    We report the first experimental realization of ultracold atoms confined in a time-averaged, adiabatic potential (TAAP). This novel trapping technique involves using a slowly oscillating (∌\sim kHz) bias field to time-average the instantaneous potential given by dressing a bare magnetic potential with a high frequency (∌\sim MHz) magnetic field. The resultant potentials provide a convenient route to a variety of trapping geometries with tunable parameters. We demonstrate the TAAP trap in a standard time-averaged orbiting potential trap with additional Helmholtz coils for the introduction of the radio frequency dressing field. We have evaporatively cooled 5 ×104\times 10^4 atoms of 87^{87}Rb to quantum degeneracy and observed condensate lifetimes of over \unit[3]{s}.-Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Conditions for spin squeezing in a cold 87Rb ensemble

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    We study the conditions for generating spin squeezing via a quantum non-demolition measurement in an ensemble of cold 87Rb atoms. By considering the interaction of atoms in the 5S_{1/2}(F=1) ground state with probe light tuned near the D2 transition, we show that, for large detunings, this system is equivalent to a spin-1/2 system when suitable Zeeman substates and quantum operators are used to define a pseudo-spin. The degree of squeezing is derived for the rubidium system in the presence of scattering causing decoherence and loss. We describe how the system can decohere and lose atoms, and predict as much as 75% spin squeezing for atomic densities typical of optical dipole traps.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. Proceedings of ICSSUR'0

    TVWS policies to enable efficient spectrum sharing

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    The transition from analogue to the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTV) in Europe is planned to be completed by the end of the year 2012. The DTV spectrum allocation is such that there are a number of TV channels which cannot be used for additional high power broadcast transmitters due to mutual interference and hence are left unused within a given geographical location, i.e. the TV channels are geographically interleaved. The use of geographically interleaved spectrum provides for the so-called TV white spaces (TVWS) an opportunity for deploying new wireless services. The main objective of this paper is to present the spectrum policies that are suitable for TVWS at European level, identified within the COGEU project. The COGEU project aims the efficient exploitation of the geographical interleaved spectrum (TVWS). COGEU is an ICT collaborative project supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. Nine partners from seven EU countries representing academia, research institutes and industry are involved in the project. The COGEU project is a composite of technical, business, and regulatory/policy domains, with the objective of taking advantage of the TV digital switchover by developing cognitive radio systems that leverage the favorable propagation characteristics of the UHF broadcast spectrum through the introduction and promotion of real-time secondary spectrum trading and the creation of new spectrum commons regimes. COGEU will also define new methodologies for compliance testing and certification of TVWS equipment to ensure non-interference coexistence with the DVB-T European standard. The innovation brought by COGEU is the combination of cognitive access to TV white spaces with secondary spectrum trading mechanisms

    Certified quantum non-demolition measurement of material systems

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    An extensive debate on quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement, reviewed in Grangier et al. [Nature, {\bf 396}, 537 (1998)], finds that true QND measurements must have both non-classical state-preparation capability and non-classical information-damage tradeoff. Existing figures of merit for these non-classicality criteria require direct measurement of the signal variable and are thus difficult to apply to optically-probed material systems. Here we describe a method to demonstrate both criteria without need for to direct signal measurements. Using a covariance matrix formalism and a general noise model, we compute meter observables for QND measurement triples, which suffice to compute all QND figures of merit. The result will allow certified QND measurement of atomic spin ensembles using existing techniques.Comment: 11 pages, zero figure

    Ultrastructural response of arcuate nucleus neurons to fasting in aged rats

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    The arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) is involved in the control of energy homeostasis. Leptin - an adipocyte derived hormone - is known to act on the hypothalamic nuclei and thus to control body weight by food intake reduction. Oxidative stress is believed to be implicated in leptin signalling. However, its relevance for leptin-induced signal transduction within ARH remains unclear. The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of fasting on morphological alterations of the neuronal endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi network as well as on the expression of leptin receptors in the arcuate nucleus of aged rats. Male Wistar rats, aged 24 months, were fasted for 96 hours. The control animals were fed ad libitum. Membranous whorls in the ARH neurons were visualized using the electron microscopy technique. Leptin receptors in the membranes of ARH neurons were determined immunohistochemically (IHC), and soluble leptin receptors in the plasma as well as plasma isoprostanes were quantified immunochemically (ELISA). An intense formation of membranous whorls was observed, directly associated with the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as lamellar bodies. Interestingly, the whorls were often localized near a well-developed Golgi complex. Moreover, some Golgi complexes displayed an early stage of whorl formation. Groups of residual lipofuscin granules were found in the immediate proximity of the whorls. An increased immunoreactivity with neuronal leptin receptors suggests that hypersensitive neurons may still effectively respond to the fasting serum levels of leptin, mediating ultrastructural transformation of ARH neurons during short-term fasting. Having observed a significant accumulation of lipofuscin granules and a marked increase of total 8-isoprostane serum level in the fasting rats, we hypothesize that signal transduction within the neurons of ARH is dependent on oxidative stress phenomena

    Non-Destructive Probing of Rabi Oscillations on the Cesium Clock Transition near the Standard Quantum Limit

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    We report on non-destructive observation of Rabi oscillations on the Cs clock transition. The internal atomic state evolution of a dipole-trapped ensemble of cold atoms is inferred from the phase shift of a probe laser beam as measured using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We describe a single color as well as a two-color probing scheme. Using the latter, measurements of the collective pseudo-spin projection of atoms in a superposition of the clock states are performed and the observed spin fluctuations are shown to be close to the standard quantum limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Interaction-based quantum metrology showing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit

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    Quantum metrology studies the use of entanglement and other quantum resources to improve precision measurement. An interferometer using N independent particles to measure a parameter X can achieve at best the "standard quantum limit" (SQL) of sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-1/2}. The same interferometer using N entangled particles can achieve in principle the "Heisenberg limit" {\delta}X \propto N^{-1}, using exotic states. Recent theoretical work argues that interactions among particles may be a valuable resource for quantum metrology, allowing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit. Specifically, a k-particle interaction will produce sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-k} with appropriate entangled states and {\delta}X \propto N^{-(k-1/2)} even without entanglement. Here we demonstrate this "super-Heisenberg" scaling in a nonlinear, non-destructive measurement of the magnetisation of an atomic ensemble. We use fast optical nonlinearities to generate a pairwise photon-photon interaction (k = 2) while preserving quantum-noise-limited performance, to produce {\delta}X \propto N^{-3/2}. We observe super-Heisenberg scaling over two orders of magnitude in N, limited at large N by higher-order nonlinear effects, in good agreement with theory. For a measurement of limited duration, super-Heisenberg scaling allows the nonlinear measurement to overtake in sensitivity a comparable linear measurement with the same number of photons. In other scenarios, however, higher-order nonlinearities prevent this crossover from occurring, reflecting the subtle relationship of scaling to sensitivity in nonlinear systems. This work shows that inter-particle interactions can improve sensitivity in a quantum-limited measurement, and introduces a fundamentally new resource for quantum metrology

    4-OH-TEMPO prevents the morphological alteration of rat thymocytes primed to apoptosis by oxidative stress inducer ButOOH

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    Thymocytes exposed to the pro-oxidant tert–butyl-hydroperoxide (ButOOH) display a number of dramatic changes in morphology similar to those observed in the case of dexamethasone-treated cells. Both reagents induce nuclear chromatin peripheral aggregation below the nuclear membrane. Some nuclei themselves break up producing two or more fragments. ButOOH-treated cells are morphologically characterised by cell shrinkage, extensive surface blebbing and, finally, fragmentation into membrane–bound apoptotic bodies composed of cytoplasm and tightly packed with or without nuclear fragments. An increased level of lipid hydroxyperoxides was detected after exposure of thymocytes to ButOOH. Both oxidative stress markers and morphological damage to cells were prevented by the antioxidant 4-OH-TEMPO

    Hamiltonian Design in Atom-Light Interactions with Rubidium Ensembles: A Quantum Information Toolbox

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    We study the coupling between collective variables of atomic spin and light polarization in an ensemble of cold 87Rb probed with polarized light. The effects of multiple hyperfine levels manifest themselves as a rank-2 tensor polarizability, whose irreducible components can be selected by means of probe detuning. The D1 and D2 lines of Rb are explored and we identify different detunings which lead to Hamiltonians with different symmetries for rotations. As possible applications of these Hamiltonians, we describe schemes for spin squeezing, quantum cloning, quantum memory, and measuring atom number.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; added reference
