2 research outputs found

    Aging Mechanisms: Linking oxidative stress, obesity and inflammation

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    Aging cannot be defeated in anyway in the world even having new and advanced technology. But molecular mechanism is a successful method to control aging. Many complex and multifunctional factors are the main cause of aging. It is evident that the studies regarding cellular, genetic, and pathological and biochemical changes are exploring more and more pathways linking various diverse mechanism explaining aging. Implications of basic mechanisms of aging for improving both longevity and quality of life in human needs a clear understanding and takes a long time. However, reactive oxygen species (ROS) indicate a growing body even in the presence of fundamental mechanisms. According to oxidative stress theory, advanced and permanent addition of oxidative damage on critical aspects of aging process instigated by ROS influences. Telomeres theory is another, new aging theory that holds many promising possibilities for the field of anti-aging medicine. The theory was originated from the surge of technological breakthroughs in genetics and genetic engineering. Telomeres have also been found related to obesity. Obesity also leads to accelerated cellular processes. A “causative agent in aging” is considered inflammation that underlies a mechanism showing that for survival acute inflammatory response is necessary but long term exposure to different antigens than predicted by evolution cause low-grade inflammatory status which intern contributes to age-associated illness and death. The condition known as “inflammaging”

    Exploring the Hurdles of Teacher Discourse in ESL Learning Environments

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    This study delves into the intricate dynamics of ESL classrooms in primary schools in KPK and Baluchistan, uncovering a tapestry of challenges and opportunities. Through keen observation, it reveals a spectrum of language proficiency among students, encompassing advanced skills to basic comprehension struggles, impacting both verbal interactions and written tasks. The dominance of teacher talk within the classroom, albeit essential for information dissemination, inadvertently restricts students' language practice and self-expression. This participation imbalance, where some students actively engage while others remain passive, underscores the need for a more inclusive environment. The study draws connections to previous research, highlighting the relevance of multicultural education principles, differentiated instruction strategies, and culturally responsive teaching approaches. It also accentuates the significance of balanced discourse dynamics for fostering active participation. Overall, this study provides insights that inform ESL teaching practices, advocating for tailored instruction, cultural integration, equitable participation, and interactive classroom environments to enhance language development and inclusivity