43 research outputs found

    Complement regulator CD46: Genetic variants and disease associations

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    Membrane cofactor protein (MCP; CD46) is an ubiquitously expressed complement regulatory protein that protects host cells from injury by complement. This type-I membrane glycoprotein serves as a cofactor for the serine protease factor I to mediate inactivation of C3b and C4b deposited on host cells. More than 60 disease-associated mutations in MCP have now been identified. The majority of the mutations are linked to a rare thrombotic microangiopathic-based disease, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), but new putative links to systemic lupus erythematosus, glomerulonephritis, and pregnancy-related disorders among others have also been identified. This review summarizes our current knowledge of disease-associated mutations in this complement inhibitor

    CD46 and oncologic interactions: Friendly fire against cancer

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    One of the most challenging aspects of cancer therapeutics is target selection. Recently, CD46 (membrane cofactor protein; MCP) has emerged as a key player in both malignant transformation as well as in cancer treatments. Normally a regulator of complement activation, CD46 is co-expressed as four predominant isoforms on almost all cell types. CD46 is highly overexpressed on a variety of human tumor cells. Clinical and experimental data support an association between increased CD46 expression and malignant transformation and metastasizing potential. Further, CD46 is a newly discovered driver of metabolic processes and plays a role in the intracellular complement system (complosome). CD46 is also known as a pathogen magnet due to its role as a receptor for numerous microbes, including several species of measles virus and adenoviruses. Strains of these two viruses have been exploited as vectors for the therapeutic development of oncolytic agents targeting CD46. In addition, monoclonal antibody-drug conjugates against CD46 also are being clinically evaluated. As a result, there are multiple early-phase clinical trials targeting CD46 to treat a variety of cancers. Here, we review CD46 relative to these oncologic connections

    Dengue and the lectin pathway of the complement system

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    Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease causing significant health and economic burdens globally. The dengue virus (DENV) comprises four serotypes (DENV1-4). Usually, the primary infection is asymptomatic or causes mild dengue fever (DF), while secondary infections with a different serotype increase the risk of severe dengue disease (dengue hemorrhagic fever, DHF). Complement system activation induces inflammation and tissue injury, contributing to disease pathogenesis. However, in asymptomatic or primary infections, protective immunity largely results from the complement system\u27s lectin pathway (LP), which is activated through foreign glycan recognition. Differences in N-glycans displayed on the DENV envelope membrane influence the lectin pattern recognition receptor (PRR) binding efficiency. The important PRR, mannan binding lectin (MBL), mediates DENV neutralization through (1) a complement activation-independent mechanism via direct MBL glycan recognition, thereby inhibiting DENV attachment to host target cells, or (2) a complement activation-dependent mechanism following the attachment of complement opsonins C3b and C4b to virion surfaces. The serum concentrations of lectin PRRs and their polymorphisms influence these LP activities. Conversely, to escape the LP attack and enhance the infectivity, DENV utilizes the secreted form of nonstructural protein 1 (sNS1) to counteract the MBL effects, thereby increasing viral survival and dissemination

    Development and Optimization of an ELISA to Quantitate C3(H2O) as a Marker of Human Disease

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    Discovery of a C3(H2O) uptake pathway has led to renewed interest in this alternative pathway triggering form of C3 in human biospecimens. Previously, a quantifiable method to measure C3(H2O), not confounded by other complement activation products, was unavailable. Herein, we describe a sensitive and specific ELISA for C3(H2O). We initially utilized this assay to determine baseline C3(H2O) levels in healthy human fluids and to define optimal sample storage and handling conditions. We detected ~500 ng/ml of C3(H2O) in fresh serum and plasma, a value substantially lower than what was predicted based on previous studies with purified C3 preparations. After a single freeze-thaw cycle, the C3(H2O) concentration increased 3- to 4-fold (~2,000 ng/ml). Subsequent freeze-thaw cycles had a lesser impact on C3(H2O) generation. Further, we found that storage of human sera or plasma samples at 4°C for up to 22 h did not generate additional C3(H2O). To determine the potential use of C3(H2O) as a biomarker, we evaluated specimens from patients with inflammatory-driven diseases. C3(H2O) concentrations were moderately increased (1.5- to 2-fold) at baseline in sera from active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients compared to healthy controls. In addition, upon challenge with multiple freeze-thaw cycles or incubation at 22 or 37°C, C3(H2O) generation was significantly enhanced in SLE and RA patients' sera. In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from lung-transplant recipients, we noted a substantial increase in C3(H2O) within 3 months of acute antibody-mediated rejection. In conclusion, we have established an ELISA for assessing C3(H2O) as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in human diseases

    Mutations in Complement Regulatory Proteins Predispose to Preeclampsia: A Genetic Analysis of the PROMISSE Cohort

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    Jane Salmon and colleagues studied 250 pregnant patients with SLE and/or antiphospholipid antibodies and found an association of risk variants in complement regulatory proteins in patients who developed preeclampsia, as well as in preeclampsia patients lacking autoimmune disease

    Hyperfunctional complement C3 promotes C5-dependent atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in mice

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    Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is frequently associated in humans with loss-of-function mutations in complement-regulating proteins or gain-of-function mutations in complement-activating proteins. Thus, aHUS provides an archetypal complement-mediated disease with which to model new therapeutic strategies and treatments. Herein, we show that, when transferred to mice, an aHUS-associated gain-of-function change (D1115N) to the complement-activation protein C3 results in aHUS. Homozygous C3 p.D1115N (C3KI) mice developed spontaneous chronic thrombotic microangiopathy together with hematuria, thrombocytopenia, elevated creatinine, and evidence of hemolysis. Mice with active disease had reduced plasma C3 with C3 fragment and C9 deposition within the kidney. Therapeutic blockade or genetic deletion of C5, a protein downstream of C3 in the complement cascade, protected homozygous C3KI mice from thrombotic microangiopathy and aHUS. Thus, our data provide in vivo modeling evidence that gain-of-function changes in complement C3 drive aHUS. They also show that long-term C5 deficiency is not accompanied by development of other renal complications (such as C3 glomerulopathy) despite sustained dysregulation of C3. Our results suggest that this preclinical model will allow testing of novel complement inhibitors with the aim of developing precisely targeted therapeutics that could have application in many complement-mediated diseases