5,194 research outputs found

    Early Time Evolution of High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We solve the Yang-Mills equations in the framework of the McLerran-Venugopalan model for small times tau after a collision of two nuclei. An analytic expansion around tau=0 leads to explicit results for the field strength and the energy momentum tensor of the gluon field at early times. We then discuss constraints for the energy density, pressure and flow of the plasma phase that emerges after thermalization of the gluon field.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; contribution to Quark Matter 2006; submitted to J. Phys.

    QGP collective effects and jet transport

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    We present numerical simulations of the SU(2) Boltzmann-Vlasov equation including both hard elastic particle collisions and soft interactions mediated by classical Yang-Mills fields. We provide an estimate of the coupling of jets to a hot isotropic plasma, which is independent of infrared cutoffs. In addition, we investigate jet propagation in anisotropic plasmas, as created in heavy-ion collisions. The broadening of jets is found to be stronger along the beam line than in azimuth due to the creation of field configurations with B_t>E_t and E_z>B_z via plasma instabilities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2008 (QM2008), Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb 200

    Old and Young X-ray Point Source Populations in Nearby Galaxies

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    We analyzed 1441 Chandra X-ray point sources in 32 nearby galaxies. The total point-source X-ray luminosity L_XP is well correlated with B, K, and FIR+UV luminosities of spiral host galaxies, and with the B and K luminosities for ellipticals. This suggests an intimate connection between L_XP and both the old and young stellar populations, for which K and FIR+UV luminosities are proxies for the galaxy mass M and star-formation rate SFR. We derive proportionality constants 1.3E29 erg/s/Msol and 0.7E39 erg/s/(Msol/yr), which can be used to estimate the old and young components from M and SFR, respectively. The cumulative X-ray luminosity functions for the point sources have quite different slopes for the spirals (gamma ~= 0.5-0.8) and ellipticals (gamma ~= 1.4), implying *the most luminous point sources dominate L_XP* for the spirals. Most of the point sources have X-ray colors that are consistent with either LMXBs or Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs a.k.a. IXOs) and we rule out classical HMXBs (e.g. neutron-star X-ray pulsars) as contributing much to L_XP. Thus, for spirals, the ULXs dominate L_XP. We estimate that >~20% of all ULXs found in spirals originate from the older (pop II) stellar populations, indicating that many of the ULXs that have been found in spiral galaxies are in fact pop II ULXs, like those in elliptical galaxies. The linear dependence of L_XP on the SFR argues for either a steepening in the X-ray luminosity function of the young (pop I) X-ray source population at L_X >~10^(38.5-39) erg/s, or a decreasing efficiency for producing all types of young X-ray point sources as the galaxy SFR increases.Comment: 33 pages AASTEX, ApJ accepted. Please download full version with figures from http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~colbert/chps_accepted.p

    Search for a Ridge Structure Origin with Shower Broadening and Jet Quenching

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    We investigate the role of jet and shower parton broadening by the strong colour field in the Δη\Delta\eta-Δϕ\Delta\phi correlation of high pTp_T particles. When anisotropic momentum broadening (Δpz>ΔpT\Delta p_z > \Delta p_T) is given to jet and shower partons in the initial stage, a ridge-like structure is found to appear in the two hadron correlation. The ratio of the peak to the pedestal yield is overestimated.Comment: Talk given at 20th Int. Conf. on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Jaipur, India, Feb.4-10, 200

    Extranuclear X-ray Emission in the Edge-on Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992

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    We found several extranuclear (r >~ 3") X-ray nebulae within 40" (6.3 kpc at 32.5 Mpc) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992. The net X-ray luminosity from the extranuclear sources is ~2-3 E39 erg/s (0.3-8.0 keV). The X-ray core itself (r <~ 1") is positioned at 9:45:41.95 -14:19:34.8 (J2000) and has a remarkably simple power-law spectrum with photon index Gamma=1.86 and Nh=7E21 /cm2. The near-nuclear (3" <~ r <~ 18") Chandra spectrum is best modelled by three components: (1) a direct AGN component with Gamma fixed at 1.86, (2) cold Compton reflection of the AGN component, and (3) a 0.5 keV low-abundance (Z < 0.03 Zsolar) "thermal plasma," with ~10% of the flux of either of the first two components. The X-ray luminosity of the 3rd component (the "soft excess") is ~1.4E40 erg/s, or ~5X that of all of the detected extranuclear X-ray sources. We suggest that most (~75-80%) of the soft excess emission originates from 1" < r < 3", which is not imaged in our observation due to severe CCD pile-up. We also require the cold reflector to be positioned at least 1" (158 pc) from the nucleus, since there is no reflection component in the X-ray core spectrum. Much of the extranuclear X-ray emission is coincident with radio structures (nuclear radio bubbles and large-scale radio features), and its soft X-ray luminosity is generally consistent with luminosities expected from a starburst-driven wind (with the starburst scaled from L_FIR). However, the AGN in NGC 2992 seems equally likely to power the galactic wind in that object. Furthermore, AGN photoionization and photoexcitation processes could dominate the soft excess, especially the \~75-80% which is not imaged by our observations.Comment: 34 pages AASTEX, 9 (low-res) PS figures, ApJ, in press. For full-resolution postscript file, visit http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~colbert/n2992_chandra.ps.g

    High Resolution X-Ray Imaging of the Center of IC342

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    We presented the result of a high resolution (FWHM~0.5'') 12 ks Chandra HRC-I observation of the starburst galaxy IC342 taken on 2 April 2006. We identified 23 X-ray sources within the central 30' x 30' region of IC342. Our HRC-I observation resolved the historical Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX), X3, near the nucleus into 2 sources, namely C12 and C13, for the first time. The brighter source C12, with L(0.08-10keV)=(6.66\pm0.45)\times10^{38}ergs^-1, was spatially extended (~82 pc x 127 pc). From the astrometric registration of the X-ray image, C12 was at R.A.=03h:46m:48.43s, decl.=+68d05m47.45s, and was closer to the nucleus than C13. Thus we concluded that source was not an ULX and must instead be associated with the nucleus. The fainter source C13, with L(0.08-10keV)=(5.1\pm1.4) x 10^{37}ergs^-1 was consistent with a point source and located $6.51'' at P.A. 240 degree of C12. We also analyzed astrometrically corrected optical Hubble Space Telescope and radio Very Large Array images, a comparison with the X-ray image showed similarities in their morphologies. Regions of star formation within the central region of IC342 were clearly visible in HST H alpha image and this was the region where 3 optical star clusters and correspondingly our detected X-ray source C12 were observed. We found that a predicted X-ray emission from starburst was very close to the observed X-ray luminosity of C12, suggesting that nuclear X-ray emission in IC342 was dominated by starburst. Furthermore, we discussed the possibility of AGN in the nucleus of IC342. Although our data was not enough to give a firm existence of an AGN, it could not be discarded.Comment: 29 page, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    Locally anisotropic momentum distributions of hadrons at freeze-out in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    A spheroidal anisotropic local momentum distribution is implemented in the statistical model of hadron production. We show that this form leads to exactly the same ratios of hadronic abundances as the equilibrium distributions, if the temperature is identified with a characteristic transverse-momentum scale. Moreover, to a very good approximation the transverse-momentum spectra of hadrons are the same for isotropic and anisotropic systems, provided the size of the system at freeze-out is appropriately adjusted. We further show that this invariance may be used to improve the agreement between the model and experimental HBT results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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