3,851 research outputs found

    Aspherical Core-Collapse Supernovae in Red Supergiants Powered by Nonrelativistic Jets

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    We explore the observational characteristics of jet-driven supernovae by simulating bipolar-jet-driven explosions in a red supergiant progenitor. We present results of four models in which we hold the injected kinetic energy at a constant 105110^{51} ergs across all jet models but vary the specific characteristics of the jets to explore the influence of the nature of jets on the structure of the supernova ejecta. We evolve the explosions past shock-breakout and into quasi-homologous expansion of the supernova envelope into a red supergiant wind. The oppositely-directed, nickel-rich jets give a large-scale asymmetry that may account for the non-spherical excitation and substructure of spectral lines such as Hα\alpha and He I 10830\AA. Jets with a large fraction of kinetic to thermal energy punch through the progenitor envelope and give rise to explosions that would be observed to be asymmetric from the earliest epochs, inconsistent with spectropolarimetric measurements of Type II supernovae. Jets with higher thermal energy fractions result in explosions that are roughly spherical at large radii but are significantly elongated at smaller radii, deep inside the ejecta, in agreement with the polarimetric observations. We present shock breakout light curves that indicate that strongly aspherical shock breakouts are incompatible with recent {\it GALEX} observations of shock breakout from red supergiant stars. Comparison with observations indicates that jets must deposit their kinetic energy efficiently throughout the ejecta while in the hydrogen envelope. Thermal energy-dominated jets satisfy this criterion and yield many of the observational characteristics of Type II supernovae.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, submitted to ApJ on 4 Nov 200

    Multidimensional Simulations of Rotating Pair Instability Supernovae

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    We study the effects of rotation on the dynamics, energetics and Ni-56 production of Pair Instability Supernova explosions by performing rotating two-dimensional ("2.5-D") hydrodynamics simulations. We calculate the evolution of eight low metallicity (Z = 10^-3, 10^-4 Zsun) massive (135-245 Msun) PISN progenitors with initial surface rotational velocities 50% that of the critical Keplerian value using the stellar evolution code MESA. We allow for both the inclusion and the omission of the effects of magnetic fields in the angular momentum transport and in chemical mixing, resulting in slowly-rotating and rapidly-rotating final carbon-oxygen cores, respectively. Increased rotation for carbon-oxygen cores of the same mass and chemical stratification leads to less energetic PISN explosions that produce smaller amounts of Ni-56 due to the effect of the angular momentum barrier that develops and slows the dynamical collapse. We find a non-monotonic dependence of Ni-56 production on rotational velocity in situations when smoother composition gradients form at the outer edge of the rotating cores. In these cases, the PISN energetics are determined by the competition of two factors: the extent of chemical mixing in the outer layers of the core due to the effects of rotation in the progenitor evolution and the development of angular momentum support against collapse. Our 2.5-D PISN simulations with rotation are the first presented in the literature. They reveal hydrodynamic instabilities in several regions of the exploding star and increased explosion asymmetries with higher core rotational velocity.Comment: 31 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Exploratory wind tunnel tests of a shock-swallowing air data sensor at a Mach number of approximately 1.83

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    The test probe was designed to measure free-stream Mach number and could be incorporated into a conventional airspeed nose boom installation. Tests were conducted in the Langley 4-by 4-foot supersonic pressure tunnel with an approximate angle of attack test range of -5 deg to 15 deg and an approximate angle of sideslip test range of + or - 4 deg. The probe incorporated a variable exit area which permitted internal flow. The internal flow caused the bow shock to be swallowed. Mach number was determined with a small axially movable internal total pressure tube and a series of fixed internal static pressure orifices. Mach number error was at a minimum when the total pressure tube was close to the probe tip. For four of the five tips tested, the Mach number error derived by averaging two static pressures measured at horizontally opposed positions near the probe entrance were least sensitive to angle of attack changes. The same orifices were also used to derive parameters that gave indications of flow direction

    Galaxy threshing and the origin of intracluster stellar objects

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    We numerically investigate dynamical evolution of non-nucleated dwarf elliptical/spiral galaxies (dE) and nucleated ones (dE,Ns) in clusters of galaxies in order to understand the origin of intracluster stellar objects, such as intracluster stars (ICSs), GCs (ICGCs), and ``ultra-compact dwarf'' (UCDs) recently discovered by all-object spectroscopic survey centred on the Fornax cluster of galaxies. We find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are removed by the strong tidal field of the cluster, whereas the nucleus manages to survive as a result of its initially compact nature. The developed naked nucleus is found to have physical properties (e.g., size and mass) similar to those observed for UCDs. We also find that the UCD formation processes does depend on the radial density profile of the dark halo in the sense that UCDs are less likely to be formed from dwarfs embedded in dark matter halos with central `cuspy' density profiles. Our simulations also suggest that very massive and compact stellar systems can be rapidly and efficiently formed in the central regions of dwarfs through the merging of smaller GCs. GCs initially in the outer part of dE and dE,Ns are found to be stripped to form ICGCs.Comment: 6 pages and 3 figures (JPG file for Fig. 1), in the proceedings of IAU 217 ``Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter'

    Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies: a new class of compact stellar system discovered in the Fornax Cluster

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    We have used the 2dF spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in the magnitude range, Bj= 16.5 to 19.8, regardless of morphology, in an area centred on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved targets are five objects which are members of the Fornax Cluster. They are extremely compact stellar systems with scale lengths less than 40 parsecs. These ultra-compact dwarfs are unlike any known type of stellar system, being more compact and significantly less luminous than other compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster.Comment: To appear in IAU Symposium 207: Extragalactic Star Cluster

    HST Observations of Gravitationally Lensed Features in the Rich Cluster Ac114

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    Deep Hubble Space Telescope images of superlative resolution obtained for the distant rich cluster AC114 (z=0.31) reveal a variety of gravitational lensing phenomena for which ground-based spectroscopy is available. We present a luminous arc which is clearly resolved by HST and appears to be a lensed z=0.64 sub-L star spiral galaxy with a detected rotation curve. Of greatest interest is a remarkably symmetrical pair of compact blue images separated by 10 arcsec and lying close to the cluster cD. We propose that these images arise from a single very faint background source gravitationally lensed by the cluster core. Deep ground-based spectroscopy confirms the lensing hypothesis and suggests the source is a compact star forming system at a redshift z=1.86. Taking advantage of the resolved structure around each image and their very blue colours, we have identified a candidate third image of the same source roughly 50 arcsec away. The angular separation of the three images is much larger than previous multiply-imaged systems and indicates a deep gravitational potential in the cluster centre. Resolved multiply-imaged systems, readily recognised with HST, promise to provide unique constraints on the mass distribution in the cores of intermediate redshift clusters.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 6 pages (no figures), uuencoded Postscript, compressed TAR of Postscript figures available via anonymous ftp in users/irs/figs/ac114_figs.tar.gz on astro.caltech.edu. PAL-IRS-

    Galaxy threshing and the formation of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies

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    Recent spectroscopic and morphological observational studies of galaxies around NGC 1399 in the Fornax Cluster (Drinkwater et al. 2000b) have discovered several `ultra-compact dwarf' galaxies with intrinsic sizes of ∼\sim 100 pc and absolute BB band magnitudes ranging from -13 to -11 mag. In order to elucidate the origin of these enigmatic objects, we perform numerical simulations on the dynamical evolution of nucleated dwarf galaxies orbiting NGC 1399 and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. Adopting a plausible scaling relation for dwarf galaxies, we find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are totally removed. This is due to them being tidally stripped over the course of several passages past the central region of NGC 1399. The nucleus, however, manages to survive. We also find that the size and luminosity of the remnant are similar to those observed for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies, if the simulated precursor nucleated dwarf has a mass of ∼\sim 10810^8 M⊙M_{\odot}. These results suggest that ultra-compact dwarf galaxies could have previously been more luminous dwarf spheroidal or elliptical galaxies with rather compact nuclei.Comment: 9 pages 4 figures,2001, ApJL, 552, 10

    Passive spiral formation from halo gas starvation: Gradual transformation into S0s

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    Recent spectroscopic and high resolution HSTHST-imaging observations have revealed significant numbers of ``passive'' spiral galaxies in distant clusters, with all the morphological hallmarks of a spiral galaxy (in particular, spiral arm structure), but with weak or absent star formation. Exactly how such spiral galaxies formed and whether they are the progenitors of present-day S0 galaxies is unclear. Based on analytic arguments and numerical simulations of the hydrodynamical evolution of a spiral galaxy's halo gas (which is a likely candidate for the source of gas replenishment for star formation in spirals), we show that the origin of passive spirals may well be associated with halo gas stripping. Such stripping results mainly from the hydrodynamical interaction between the halo gas and the hot intracluster gas. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that even if a spiral orbits a cluster with a pericenter distance ∼\sim 3 times larger than the cluster core radius, ∼\sim 80 % of the halo gas is stripped within a few Gyr and, accordingly, cannot be accreted by the spiral. Furthermore, our study demonstrates that this dramatic decline in the gaseous infall rate leads to a steady increase in the QQ parameter for the disk, with the spiral arm structure, although persisting, becoming less pronounced as the star formation rate gradually decreases. These results suggest that passive spirals formed in this way, gradually evolve into red cluster S0s.Comment: 13 pages 4 figures (fig.1 = jpg format), accepted by Ap
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