7 research outputs found

    Nutritional Composition of Seeds of the Genus Lupinus

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    The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the chemical composition of the seeds of the genus Lupinus and soybeans. The chemical analyses were carried out in frequently grown lupi


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    Abstract MUSILOVÁ, L., LOŠÁK, T., HLUŠEK, J., VÍTĚZOVÁ, M., JŮZL, M., ELZNER, P., FILIPČÍK, R., JŮZL, M., BENNEWITZ, E.: The eff ect of urea and urea with urease inhibitor on the content of macronutrients in tubers and tops of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 5, pp. 167-17

    Effect of addition of pollen and propolis to feeding mixtures during the production of broiler chickens ross 308 to the colour of thigh and breast muscle and pH determination. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis

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    Abstract ŠULCEROVÁ, H., MIHOK, M., JŮZL, M., HAŠČÍK, P.: Eff ect of addition of pollen and propolis to feeding mixtures during the production of broiler chickens ROSS 308 to the colour of thigh and breast muscle and pH determination. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 6, pp. 359-366 The aim of this study was to verify infl uence of pollen and propolis added to the feeding mixture in the diet of broiler chickens Ross 308 to colour breast and thigh muscles in relation to pH values. A total of 198 units 1 day-old Ross 308 hybrid combinations divided into 6 groups according to the feeding mixtures were investigated on meat quality characteristics changes. Muscle colour of breasts and thighs was measured and compared with pH in three times, pH 1 , pH 2 and pH ult . Feeding with various additions to feeding mixtures for chicken showed small impact of low content (200 or 300 mg.kg −1 ) propolis to meat quality characteristics. Higher eff ect on breast quality was found in group with 400 mg.kg −1 pollen addition to feed, there was faster and deeper postmortal process level found, although without negative impact on meat quality. Meat colour and muscle pH of chicken in this experiment was pale and had low ultimate pH. In these parameters were found correlation. Chicken meat of this experimental animals was paler and had the lowest ultimate pH, altough in group with higher addition it wasn't confi rmed. Raw meat breast pH was signifi cantly lower than thigh muscles in all measurement time. Various feeding especially pollen had signifi cant impact on breast colour which was paler although without negative displays attended of pH decline. Signifi cant relationships are between breast and thigh L*a*b* values and pH 1 respectively

    Wpływ nawożenia dolistnego selenem i gotowania na jakość żywieniową ziemniaków

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    In accurate small-plot experiments with potatoes we explored the effect of foliar applications of Se in the form of sodium selenate (IV) on tuber yields, the Se concentration in the tops and tubers of raw and boiled potatoes and in French fries, in the 'Karin' and 'Ditta' varieties. The experiments were established in Źabčice near Brno in 3 variants: (1) control; (2) 200 g Se o ha^-1; (3) 400 g Se o ha^-1. The mean total yields of tubers per ha were the highest in the control variant (19.99 Mg o ha^-1) but applications of selenium reduced the yields statistically insignificantly (to 16.79 and 18.39 Mg o ha"1, respectively). The 'Ditta' yariety produced higher yields. The average content of Se increased with the applied dose as compared with the control and equals: in the tops 0.255; 0.739 and 0.767 mg o kg^-1 d.m., in raw tubers 0.214; 0.564 and 0.917 mg o kg^-1 d.m., in boiled tubers 0.200; 0.523 and 0.915 mg o kg^-1 d.m. and in French frics 0.223; 0.425 and 0.574 mg o kg^-1 d.m. The content of Se decreased more markedly in French fries by heat processing. On the basis of the achieved results foliar nutrition appears to be a suitable and economically reasonable measure towards a targeted increase in the content of Se in potato tubers from the viewpoint of the positive effects of Se on the human organism.W ścisłym doświadczeniu mikropoletkowym badano wpływ nawożenia dolistnego selenu w formie selenianu(IV) sodu na plony bulw ziemniaków odmian 'Karin' i 'Ditta', zawartość Se w łętach i bulwach ziemniaków surowych i gotowanych oraz we frytkach. Doświadczenia założono w Żab čicach koło Brna w 3 wariantach: (1) kontrola; (2) 200 g Se o ha^-1; (3) 400 g Se o ha^-1. Największe średnie plony bulw uzyskano w obiekcie kontrolnym (19,99 Mg o ha^-1), a stosowanie selenu zmniejszało statystycznie nieznacząco plony (odpowiednio o 16,79 i 1839 Mg o ha^-1). Odmiana 'Ditta' wytwarzała większe plony. Średnia zawartość Se zwiększała się wraz z zastosowaną dawką Se w porównaniu z obiektem kontrolnym i wynosiła w łętach 0,255; 0,739 i 0,767 mg o kg^-1 s.m., w bulwach surowych 0,214; 0,564 i 0,917 mg o kg^-1 s.m., w gotowanych bulwach 0,200; 0,523 i 0,915 mg o kg^-1 s.m. i we frytkach 0,223; 0,425 i 0,574 mg o kg^-1 s.m. Zawartość Se zmniejszała się wyraźniej we frytkach w wyniku obróbki termicznej. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że nawożenie dolistne wydaje się być odpowiednim i ekonomicznie uzasadnionym sposobem w kierunku osiągnięcia większej zawartości Se w bulwach ziemniaków z punktu widzenia pozytywnego wpływu Se na organizm ludzki

    Effect of foliar application of selenium on the content of selected amino acids in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    Selenium (Se) is an important element associated with the enhancement of antioxidant activity in organisms. Potato is very suitable for fertilisation with Se (biofortification). The experiment was performed to examine the effect of foliar application of Se as sodium selenite (200 or 400 g Se/ha) at the tuberisation stage on a spectrum of amino acids in tubers of varieties. The trends of amino acids were consistent in both years of the study. Application of Se increased the relative content of total essential (EAA) and non-essential (NEAA) amino acids relative to the controls (Karin: EAA 16.81-21.73% and NEAA 14.18-18.63%; Ditta: EAA 4.71-13.00% and NEAA 5.78-6.49%). The increase in the content of phenylalanine (Phe) was particularly significant (up to 48.9%) when also the contents of aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), threonine (Thr), and tyrosine (Tyr) increased significantly compared with the controls. The results of changes in the content of isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu), lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), valine (Val), alanine (Ala), arginine (Arg), proline (Pro), cysteine (Cys), glycine (Gly), histidine (His), and serine (Ser) were also discussed. The highest dose of selenium is shown as a stress factor. Its toxic effects resulted in a change of amino acid contents