18,072 research outputs found

    Y-Scaling Analysis of the Deuteron Within the Light-Front Dynamics Method

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    The concept of relativistic scaling is applied to describe the most recent data from inclusive electron-deuteron scattering at large momentum transfer. We calculate the asymptotic scaling function f(y) of the deuteron using its relationship with the nucleon momentum distribution. The latter is obtained in the framework of the relativistic light-front dynamics (LFD) method, in which the deuteron is described by six invariant functions f_{i} (i=1,...,6) instead of two (S and D waves) in the nonrelativistic case. Comparison of the LFD asymptotic scaling function with other calculations using SS and DD waves corresponding to various nucleon-nucleon potentials, as well as with the Bethe-Salpeter result is made. It is shown that for |y|> 400 MeV/c the differences between the LFD and the nonrelativistic scaling functions become larger.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Talk at 21-st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 10-15, 200

    TPC tracking and particle identification in high-density environment

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    Track finding and fitting algorithm in the ALICE Time projection chamber (TPC) based on Kalman-filtering is presented. Implementation of particle identification (PID) using dEE/dxx measurement is discussed. Filtering and PID algorithm is able to cope with non-Gaussian noise as well as with ambiguous measurements in a high-density environment. The occupancy can reach up to 40% and due to the overlaps, often the points along the track are lost and others are significantly displaced. In the present algorithm, first, clusters are found and the space points are reconstructed. The shape of a cluster provides information about overlap factor. Fast spline unfolding algorithm is applied for points with distorted shapes. Then, the expected space point error is estimated using information about the cluster shape and track parameters. Furthermore, available information about local track overlap is used. Tests are performed on simulation data sets to validate the analysis and to gain practical experience with the algorithm.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    New approach to nonlinear electrodynamics: dualities as symmetries of interaction

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    We elaborate on the duality-symmetric nonlinear electrodynamics in a new formulation with auxiliary tensor fields. The Maxwell field strength appears only in bilinear terms of the corresponding generic Lagrangian, while the self-interaction is presented by a function E depending on the auxiliary fields. Two types of dualities inherent in the nonlinear electrodynamics models admit a simple off-shell characterization in terms of this function. In the standard formulation, the continuous U(1) duality symmetry is nonlinearly realized on the Maxwell field strength. In the new setting, the same symmetry acts as linear U(1) transformations of the auxiliary field variables. The nonlinear U(1) duality condition proves to be equivalent to the linear U(1) invariance of the self-interaction E. The discrete self-duality (or self-duality by Legendre transformation) amounts to a weaker reflection symmetry of E. For a class of duality- symmetric Lagrangians we introduce an alternative representation with the auxiliary scalar field and find new explicit examples of such systems.Comment: Latex file, 21 page

    Solution of the Riemann problem for polarization waves in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We provide a classification of the possible flow of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates evolving from initially discontinuous profiles. We consider the situation where the dynamics can be reduced to the consideration of a single polarization mode (also denoted as "magnetic excitation") obeying a system of equations equivalent to the Landau-Lifshitz equation for an easy-plane ferro-magnet. We present the full set of one-phase periodic solutions. The corresponding Whitham modulation equations are obtained together with formulas connecting their solutions with the Riemann invariants of the modulation equations. The problem is not genuinely nonlinear, and this results in a non-single-valued mapping of the solutions of the Whitham equations with physical wave patterns as well as to the appearance of new elements --- contact dispersive shock waves --- that are absent in more standard, genuinely nonlinear situations. Our analytic results are confirmed by numerical simulations