Track finding and fitting algorithm in the ALICE Time projection chamber
(TPC) based on Kalman-filtering is presented. Implementation of particle
identification (PID) using dE/dx measurement is discussed. Filtering and
PID algorithm is able to cope with non-Gaussian noise as well as with ambiguous
measurements in a high-density environment. The occupancy can reach up to 40%
and due to the overlaps, often the points along the track are lost and others
are significantly displaced. In the present algorithm, first, clusters are
found and the space points are reconstructed. The shape of a cluster provides
information about overlap factor. Fast spline unfolding algorithm is applied
for points with distorted shapes. Then, the expected space point error is
estimated using information about the cluster shape and track parameters.
Furthermore, available information about local track overlap is used. Tests are
performed on simulation data sets to validate the analysis and to gain
practical experience with the algorithm.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure