302 research outputs found

    Магнитные свойства в пластически деформированном никель-титановом сплаве

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    Ni–Ti alloy has been intensively studied over the past decades. The unique properties of the alloy have allowed using it as a structural material for the creation of instruments and devices in various fields of science and technology, including mechanical engineering, aerospace, instrumentation. Measuring magnetic hysteresis loop is shown that after the deformation of the alloy having ferromagnetic properties. According to the equilibrium phase diagram, the alloys of Ni–Ti at a Ti content above 10 at. % is non-ferromagnetic. Due to lowering of the crystal phase symmetry with a cubic lattice the magnetization appears. In this work we have investigated the magnetic properties and the structure of deformed Ni51Ti49 samples by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. In Ni51Ti49 samples after plastic deformation the lenticular crystals containing bending contours with a high concentration of internal stresses were found. Bending contours indicate a large distortion of the crystal lattice. The curvature of the crystal lattice occurs due to the large displacements of the atoms. As a result, it can be formed and icosahedral cluster with the structure of the Frank–Kasper. An icosahedron is a twelve vertex polyhedron, which is denoted by FK-12. Furthermore, the crystal can be formed in other Frank–Kasper structures, e. g., FK-16. FK-16 is a sixteen vertex polyhedron with atom located in the center of the cluster. Indexing paintings electron diffraction and X-ray showed that the alloy phase of the Ni–Ti coexist with the structure Ti2Ni and Ni4Ti3. For explaining the possibility of the appearance of magnetization in Ni–Ti alloy samples spin-polarized electron density of states and magnetic moments Ni10Ti6 clusters (FK-16), Ni7Ti5 (FK-12) alloy Ni51Ti49 for electrons with different spin projections: “up” and “down” was calculated. The calculation by the scattered waves (RF) was performed. The results of calculation can be seen that the total electron density of nickel tends to zero faster than the density of titanium. Also shows that nickel becomes negative spin density in the area of r = 3.25–6.7 a. u. and titanium for r > 4.5 a. u. This may result depending on the value of the interatomic distances and to the effects ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetic in order to establish a magnetic clusters. The spectra show a high density of states near the Fermi level that is a characteristic feature of metals, besides there is an increase in the magnetization of the alloy during deformation. The calculations showed that the investigated clusters, not susceptible to deformation, also have a magnetic moment (the average magnetic moment per atom cluster FK-12, is about 1,0 μB, and for the FK-16 is about 0.3 μB. Overall, however, the average magnetic moment is zero, due to the absence of a preferred direction (the chaotic distribution of clusters) for the alloy. However, if the cluster is subjected to tension, the compensation of the magnetic moments of clusters occurs in the alloy, since there is allocated for all atoms direction due to deformation. At the same time, the average magnetic moments of the atoms in the cluster for the Deformed increase to 1.6 μB and 0.8 μB respectively for the FK-12 and FK-16

    Epistemological models in understanding cultural and civilizational specificity

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    The article proposes a methodology for linking the formation-evolutionary, cultural-civilizational, ethnological, and cultural-anthropological models in understanding the changes of complicated sociocultural system

    Epidemiological situation on Tick-Borne Rickettsiosis in the Siberian Federal District

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    Siberian tick-borne typhus (STBT) is a disease caused by Rickettsia sibirica, characterized by high indicators and degree of localization of manifestations in separate territories. Between 2009–2016, the total of 10190 STBT human cases was registered in the Siberian Federal District; it makes 80.4 % of the case numbers across the country. Objective of the study was retrospective estimation of dynamics of epidemic STBT manifestations in Siberian Federal District in 2009–2016 for forecasting epidemiological situation development and working out proposals for its stabilization. Materials and methods. Analysis of epidemic status of all the entities of the Siberian Federal District was performed on the basis of the State Statistical Reporting form No 2. Results and conclusions. Through calculation of the confidence interval for long-term annual average STBT values the entities were united in three groups which differ in the morbidity rate level. In territories with high intensity of epidemic process the tendency to further deterioration of epidemic status was observed (Altai and Tuva Republics, Altai Territory) which will negatively affect the incidence rate indicators across the country. To stabilize the situation with STBT manifestation, wider use of nonspecific preventive methods is required, as well as organization of etiotropic antibiotic therapy for persons who had been exposed to tick bites, on the basis of introduction of the test-systems for rickettsia detection at the emergency aid stations. In Altai and Tuva Republics, Altai Territory it is necessary to analyze the tactics of acaricide measures (sites, periods, frequency rate of treatments, acaricide dosages) taking into account the leading role of Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis genera representatives in rickettsia transmission

    Epidemiological Situation on the Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2009-2011 and Prognosis for 2012

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    Analysis of the epidemiological situation on the tick-borne viral encephalitis in the territory of the Russian Federation with due consideration to weekly epidemiological monitoring data (2009-2011), conducted by Rospotrebnadzor organizations in the corresponding constituent entities, testifies of the fact that continuous decrease in morbidity, characteristic of the early XXI century, has given way to a slight increase within the past three years. Given that there are no spring or early-summer weather anomalies or forest fires, morbidity rates among the population of the Russian Federation in 2012 can tend to exceed 2011 rates. Comprehensive set of measures applied for the disease control and prevention in the majority of endemic territories is quite effective in view of averting sharp upturn of morbidity rates, but nevertheless is not sufficient in view of the suppression of epidemiological situation

    Разработка активного внешнего модуля сетевой топологии для контроллера программно-конфигурируемой сети Floodlight

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    Traditional network architecture is inflexible and complicated. This observation has led to a paradigm shift towards software-defined networking (SDN), where network management level is separated from data forwarding level. This change was made possible by control plane transfer from the switching equipment to software modules that run on a dedicated server, called the controller (or network operating system), or network applications, that work with this controller. Methods of representation, storage and communication interfaces with network topology elements are the most important aspects of network operating systems available to SDN user because performance of some key controller modules is heavily dependent on internal representation of the network topology. Notably, firewall and routing modules are examples of such modules. This article describes the methods used for presentation and storage of network topologies, as well as interface to the corresponding Floodlight modules. An alternative algorithm has been suggested and developed for message exchange conveying network topology alterations between the controller and network applications. Proposed algorithm makes implementation of module alerting based on subscription to the relevant events. API for interaction between controller and network applications has been developed. This algorithm and API formed the base for Topology Tracker module capable to inform network applications about the changes that had occurred in the network topology and also stores compact representation of the network to speed up the interaction process.Традиционная архитектура сети передачи данных является негибкой и сложной. Данное обстоятельство привело к появлению парадигмы программно-конфигурируемой сети (ПКС), в которой уровень управления сетью отделен от уровня передачи данных. Это стало возможно за счет переноса плоскости управления с коммутационного оборудования в программные модули, которые работают на выделенном сервере, называемом контроллером (или сетевой операционной системой), или в сетевые приложения, которые работают с этим контроллером. Способы представления, хранения и интерфейсы взаимодействия с элементами сетевой топологии, доступные пользователям контроллера ПКС, являются одними из наиболее важных аспектов сетевых операционных систем. Данное обстоятельство обусловлено тем, что функционирование некоторых ключевых модулей контроллера в существенной степени основано на внутреннем представлении сетевой топологии. Такими модулями, к примеру, являются модуль firewall, модуль маршрутизации и т.д. В данной статье рассмотрены применяемые способы представления и хранения сетевой топологии, а также интерфейсы взаимодействия с соответствующими модулями контроллера Floodlight. Предложен и разработан альтернативный алгоритм обмена сообщениями об изменении сетевой топологии между контроллером и сетевыми приложениями, позволяющий реализовать оповещение на основе подписки на соответствующие события. Разработан API для модуля взаимодействия с прикладными программами контроллера программно-конфигурируемой сети. На основе данного алгоритма и API разработан модуль Topology Tracker, способный в активном режиме сообщать сетевым приложениям о произошедших изменениях в топологии сети и хранящий ее компактное представление для ускорения процесса взаимодействия

    Investigation of the Lipopolysaccharide Cluster Structure in the Genomes of <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> Rough Variants

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    Determination of Vibrio cholerae affiliation to one or another serogroup may meet some difficulties in cases of atypical agglutination with diagnostic cholera sera. The study of genetic determinants that allows for identifying a serogroup is a relevant task in monitoring of surface water body contamination with cholera vibrios.The aim of the work was to compare the structural organization (quantitative and qualitative gene composition) of LPS clusters in V. cholerae rough variants.Materials and methods. We used Illumina MiSeq for the whole genome sequencing; SPAdes software (version 3.11.1) for de novo assembly; and blastn (v. 2.5.0) for gene searching. GeneMarkS software was deployed for annotation of the genes incorporated in the clusters; nucmer – for searching homologous sites. Visualization of O-LPS clusters was carried out by means of SnapGene Viewer.Results and discussion. Strains of V. cholerae rough variants had diverse gene clusters responsible for O-antigen biosynthesis. We have identified three types of O-LPS clusters with different size and number of genes. Unique DNA sites, common to the whole group of V. cholerae rough variants, have not been detected. Two genes present in all rough strains have been defined, but they are not unique for this group of strains and can be found in representatives of other serogroups. For two types of clusters, a region containing the IS‑element, common with V. cholerae O1, has been revealed

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2012 and Prognosis for 2013

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    Analyzed are the epidemiological situation and preventive measures against tick-borne encephalitis in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2012. Short-term forecast for 2013 is made based on the population morbidity rate in the federal districts of Russia in 2007–2012

    Assessment of the Variation Range of Agglutinability in <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> Strains Isolated in the Course of Monitoring Studies

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    The aim of the study was to retrospectively analyze the range of variability of antigenic properties and genotypic characteristics of Vibrio cholerae R-variant strains atypical in terms of agglutinability.Materials and methods. 169 strains of V. cholerae R-variant with atypical agglutinability have been studied using the “AmpliSens® Vibrio cholerae-FL” test-system. The determination of O1 antigen was carried out using the “Ig-V. cholerae О1/О139 – ELISA/dot-ELISA” reagent kit.Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of the complex of phenoand genotypic characteristics of strains isolated from surface water bodies in the territories of three former Soviet republics and 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the course of 30-year monitoring and identified upon isolation as nontoxigenic V. cholerae R-variant strains has been performed. Upon re-identification, it was found that the strains belong to both epidemically dangerous (3.0 %) and non-dangerous strains (97.0 %). The range of variability was expressed in their distribution into three groups and consisted in retaining of agglutinability only with cholera RO serum in the first group (34.5 % of strains); the loss of this trait, but the acquisition of the ability to agglutinate in different combinations with O1, Ogawa or Inaba sera – in the second (16.7 %); and also in the loss of agglutinability with all diagnostic cholera sera – in the third (48.8 %). The presence of the wbeT gene in the compared V. cholerae classical R-variant strain does not exclude the presence of the genomic region for O1 antigen biosynthesis in other R-strains, possibly in a modified form, which can be clarified in further molecular-genetic studies. Alternatively, such strains are likely to be attributed to V. cholerae nonO1/nonO139. Strains of V. cholerae R-variant with different amounts of surface antigen (optical density range – from 0.088±0.002 to 1.226±0.003) have been identified. The data obtained can be used for monitoring of cholera in laboratories of regional and federal levels

    Clinical-Epidemiological Peculiarities of the Tick-Borne Borrelioses Registered in the Trans-Baikal Territory

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    Complex analysis of the data on epidemiology and clinical picture of the tick-borne borrelioses in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Region over the last decade since 2003 to 2012 has demonstrated that there is a distinct upward tendency as concerns its morbidity rates. Spotted have been the potentially hazardous, as regards the infection, areas. Highest incidence rates are registered between May-July among adult men, and erythema form of the disease prevails. Based on the results of molecular-genetic investigation of Ixodidae ticks, for the first time ever in the territory of the Dul’durginsk Region identified has been circulation of Borrelia garinii , and B. afzelii , pathogenic for humans bacterial species of Borrelia genus