24 research outputs found

    Cohomological descent theory for a morphism of stacks and for equivariant derived categories

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    In the paper we answer the following question: for a morphism of varieties (or, more generally, stacks), when the derived category of the base can be recovered from the derived category of the covering variety by means of descent theory? As a corollary, we show that for an action of a reductive group on a scheme, the derived category of equivariant sheaves is equivalent to the category of objects, equipped with an action of the group, in the ordinary derived category.Comment: 28 page

    Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support

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    In [BM14b], the first author and Macr\`i constructed a family of nef divisors on any moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a smooth projective variety X. In this article, we extend this construction to the setting of any separated scheme Y of finite type over a field, where we consider moduli spaces of Bridgeland-stable objects on Y with compact support. We also show that the nef divisor is compatible with the polarising ample line bundle coming from the GIT construction of the moduli space in the special case when Y admits a tilting bundle and the stability condition arises from a \theta-stability condition for the endomorphism algebra. Our main tool generalises the work of Abramovich--Polishchuk [AP06] and Polishchuk [Pol07]: given a t-structure on the derived category D_c(Y) on Y of objects with compact support and a base scheme S, we construct a constant family of t-structures on a category of objects on YxS with compact support relative to S.Comment: 36 pages. In memory of Johan Louis Dupont. V2: updated following comments from the referee and from Joe Karmazyn who gave a counterexample to a false claim in version 1. To appear in Selecta Mat