204 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dalam Pengendalian Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup Akibat Pertambangan Emas tanpa Izin (Peti) Tahun 2013-2015

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    Unauthorized Gold Mining (PETI) activities that occur in Kuantan Singingi is still ongoing and need special handling from government. PETI control policy has taken by Kuantan Singingi District\u27s government through a Regent Decree No. 13 of 2013 About Formation of a Team of Integrated Control of Unauthorized Gold Mining (PETI) as a rescue of environmental damage efforts and social and economic life of society repair in the future.This research was conducted at the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Environment Agency Kuantan Singingi District. This research method was qualitative research. Data collection techniques used were documentation, interviews and observation. While the data analysis performed descriptively. This study examines the implementation of PETI\u27s control policies and the effectiveness of environmental damage control policies implementation damage caused by PETI well as the factors that influence Kuantan Singingi District\u27s Government policy implementation in the control of environmental damage due to PETI.The study results showed that the control of environmental damage due to PETI policies implementation in Kuantan Singingi year 2013-2015 not implemented effectively and well, proven by today still ongoing PETI activities that cause a lot of environmental damage without decisive action from the government due to various constraints and inadequate supporting factors in the field

    Pengelolaan Pemungutan Retribusi Pemeriksaan Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Oleh Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Dan Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2011-2015

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    The study focuses on how the management of the levy charged for inspection of fire extinguishers by the Agency Penanggulangangan disaster and Pekanbaru City Fire the years 2011-2015 in which the proceeds of the levy inspection of fire extinguishers years 2011-2015 never increase and good progress in retribution whereas annually an increase that segnifikat to levy service user checks fire extinguishers it is characterized by the many fire extinguishers are increasing every year. This study aims to determine how the process of managing the levy charged for inspection of fire extinguishers that are managed by the Agency for Disaster Management and Fire Pekanbaru the years 2011-2015 and also to determine any factors that hinder the process of managing levy inspection of fire extinguishers that exist in the city pekanbaru so constrained in the achievement of the target realization of retribution

    Strategi Pembentukan Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Tahun 2002-2011

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    The title of this research is Kubu Sub Formation Strategy BabussalamRokan Hilir Year 2002-2011 Based on the discovery of the phenomenon thatoccurred in the field, namely lack of response from the Regent of Rokan Hilir indoing or making division in the district of Kubu Kubu district is divided intoBabussalam In 2002, after the Kubu district communities bargaining andconsultation with district head, headman, and community leaders to discuss themulti-purpose halls on the division of Kubu district into Babussalam Kubudistrict. Where the results of its deliberations were submitted to the Regent ofRokan Hilir Kaputen in 2002. This is because the village in the district of KubuBabussalam not enough to qualify bloomed. The type used in this research isdescriptive qualitative survey techniques. Data collection techniques used in thisstudy was the observation, field notes, documentation and interviews withinformants research. The research location is in the district of Kubu BabussalamRokan Hilir.Based on results of the analysis of the data of research to uncover andanswer research questions can be concluded that the action strategies undertakenin the District Formation Babussalam Kubu Rokan Hilir Year 2002-2011 is an actof deliberation which in the deliberations dilibat parties instrumental in theexpansion Kubu Sub Babussalam Rokan Hilir as Member of parliament RokanHilir in 2002 and 2011 Mr Amansyah Mr Bukhoiri, Chairman of the SpecialCommittee V, Head Kubu, Community Leaders and Community Kubu KubuBabussalam from 2002 to 2011. in the meeting it was concluded that Kubu districtBabussalam bloomed. Redistricting Babussalam Kubu district governmentproposed to Parliament Rokan Hilir discussion has been done three times. Andmembers of the special committee has been reviewing five straight up untilkepenghuluan

    Manajemen Aset Tanah Milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Tahun 2009-2013

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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of government-owned land asset management Kuantan Singingi in 2009-2013. And to determine the factors inhibiting land owned asset management Regency Kuantan Singingi. The theory used is the asset management theory put forward by D. Doli Siregar. The method used in this research is qualitative methods of data that is manifested in the form of an explanation that describes the shape of the state, processes, and specific events. Data collection techniques used is to use the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation.From the data obtained findings that land owned asset management Kuantan Singingi years 2009-2013 in the planning process, Kuantan Singingi government has not increased significantly and are likely the same in every year. At its organization must put people in areas under their control for the implementation of asset management of land owned by Regency Kuantan Singingi accomplished in accordance with what has been targeted. In the implementation of government-owned land asset management Kuantan Singingi presence of the shortcomings of the management of government where in the area of good governance management should be based on performance. Note here is still difficult Singingi Kuantan District government in regulating land administration impeding the issuance of land titles and also lack of good co-operation between intansi involved in the management of land assets. Singingi Kuantan District Government has sought to manage the assets of the land but has not run well. It is caused by several factors such as: human resources, public participation and cooperation relations.Keywords: Asset Management, Land, Regency Kuantan Singing

    Student Anxiety in Doing Floor Gymnastics Movements

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    The purpose of this study was to find out how much anxiety students majoring in physical education had to UNM Elementary School. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using surveys as the primary data collection method. The sample population used in this study amounted to 35 people. The questionnaire was the instrument used in this research project. The overall results showed that physical education students to elementary school in floor gymnastics lectures for the 2023-2024 academic year were included in the moderate anxiety category with a percentage of 54.3%

    Lingkar Oligarki Partai Golkar di Riau Tahun 2003-2013

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    Ring oligarchy RIAU year 2003-2013 Golkar Party. The research looked at how the existing oligarchy circumference at the Golkar party Riau , Riau where the government both at the executive and legislative branches in which there is a cadre of the Golkar party has always dominated the regional government of Riau . During Rusli Zainal served as governor of Riau in 2 periods , ie 1 of the 2003-2008 period , and a 2 -year period 2008-2013. Oligarchy is when being in front and behind the power that always overshadows the power of government . The person who plays this oligarchy is no friend of the environment , family , and even alumni. This description can also be referred to as a three-legged oligarchy , where the influence of the three will not be able to escape from the shadow of power , particularly the power of the local government of Riau . Political party , Golkar party is more specifically known as a party built on the new order , the journey and his work will always be overshadowed by three feet oligarchy .This study aims to look at how the role played by travel and oligarch and his people in control of government for the benefit of his people . This study used a qualitative approach in describing each phenomenon and analyzes encountered . This study uses as a resource person as an object informen information on this research . The use of informants as informen aims to strengthen the analysis will be concluded in answering the theory used . Data used in this study is primary data and secondary data obtained through the collection of data from a variety of media and direct interviews with sources of research . Analysis of the data in this study used a descriptive technique that aims to explain and describe the findings in the field .Based on the research that there is a three-legged oligarchy in Riau administration both in the executive and legislative branches , where they shared background of the Golkar party , during the second period of oligarchic leadership Rusli Zainal seen mainly in strategic positions held by his people . Strategic positions that would have paved the way oligarchs to achieve the goals they want , with the peak magnitude of the problem was the elucidation of PON fund corruption case related to the manufacture of regulations in cooperation with the department of youth and sports and the DPRD Riau province with the approval of the governor .Keywords : Oligarchy = Friend , Family , Alumn

    Kekuasaan dalam Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun

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    There are different things from the view of Ibn Khaldun the focus of political science itself. In line with Aristotle that human beings are involved in politics (zoon politicon), that the main object of study is the man himself and his relationship with the universe. Simply put, Ibn Khaldun puts man as great as a regulator of the life on earth.Keywords : Thinking, Powe
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