6 research outputs found

    Relationship between C677T Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphism and Homocysteine in Cerebral Palsy

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    Objective: To observe the relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine levels in cerebral palsy (CP) children. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in several hospitals, school for children with special needs, and rehabilitation centers in Bandung from March to November 2014, on children with CP aged 4–14 years who met the inclusion criteria. Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct sequencing. Homocysteine serum level was measured using chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) method. Statistical analysis was conducted using t test. Results: In this study, 150 CP children had MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism with a frequency of 18%, consisting of TT homozygotes (4%), CT heterozygotes (14%), and T allele (11%. The mean serum level of homocysteine in CP with C677T MTHFR gene polymorphism was 8.22 (±1.89) µmol/L, higher than those without polymorphism (p=0.046). Conclusions: A relationship between MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine level in children with cerebral palsy is found in this study. Keywords: Cerebral palsy, homocysteine, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v4n1.68

    Difference of pain intensity in tension type headache patients focusing on the personality

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    Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most common headache disorders. The association between headache and psychiatric disordershas received considerable attention. Reasons for examining personality in persons with headache disorders include determining ifpersonality characteristics predispose one to develop headache disorders, if personality disturbance is a consequence of theheadache disorder, or if an underlying (or comorbid) causal mechanism exists producing both conditions concurrently. The purposeof this study was to determine the difference in pain intensity focusing on personality type in patients with TTH. Cross-sectionalanalytic study using consecutive sampling method has been applied. Respondents were recruited from Neurologic outpatient clinic ofDr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, since September 2012-February 2013. Pain intensity was measured using Visual AnalogScale (VAS), while Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) was used to determine the personality traits of theparticipants. Data was displayed descriptively. SPSS 17 was used to analyze the data. Sixty patients were enrolled in this study,female has higher TTH prevalence than male (68.3% : 31.7%). The mean age was 36.35 ± 10.050 years. VAS mean score was 5.608± 1.8765. Chronic episode of TTH was the most common clinical feature (61.7%). From the linear regression analyses,hypochondriasis was statistically significant with VAS score (p<0.05) than depression and hysteria. VAS score have significancieswith hypochondriasis personalities

    Neuroprotective Effect Of Citicholine In Mercury Intoxication

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    Objective: Mercury induces cell death in various cell lines by apoptosis or necrosis. It is associated with alteration of some apoptosis regulators such as p53 and caspase-3. Citicholin has been widely used as neuroprotectant in cerebrovascular disease and other neurologic disorder. Previous studies have shown beneficial effect of citicholin in reducing inflammation and apoptosis in patient with stroke and pain, but none of those have used mercury intoxicated rat animal model. We try to investigate the neuroprotective effect of citicholin mercury intoxication. Methods : We conducted an controlled study using male rats (Rattus Novergicus) as animal model and devided the subjects into 5 groups (P0,P1,P2,P3,P4) and 0.4 mg/kg BW of MeHgCl3 is administered for 21 days to all groups. Citicholin (0,5,10,20 and 40 mg/kgBW/day was added during the exposure. Protein p53 and Caspase-3 expression on neurons were counted. Result : The mean scores±SD of p53 in group P0;P1;P2;P3;P4 were 8,406±0,70; 6,828±1,40; 4,680±1,2; 1,752±0,4; 0,807±0,1 respectively and for Caspase 3 were 8,854±1,91; 6.670±0,61; 4,21±1,02; 2,632±1,00; 0,818± 0,22 respectively. Conclusion : citicoline treatment exerts neuroprotective effect against neuronal apoptotic changes by reducing the expression of p53 and caspase-3 in dose dependent manner on mercury intoxicated rat


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    Background: The levet of beta-amyloid (Ap) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSS) can beused asa marker to detect cognitive impairment, but fhe CSS retrieval technique is invasive. so if r'snecessa4z fo find biomarkers that are relatively easy, cheap and reliable. Therefore, biomarkersthat can be measured in blood is needed.Aims: To determine fhe association of the blood levels of BACE-I, AB and 4HNE with ischemiccognitive functisn after stroke event.Methads: This study was an observational study with cross sectional design using cases andcontrols. A number af 84 patients with ischemic stroke and 42 normal subjecfs as controls wereenrolled. Cognitive function u/as assessed 3 months aftdr stroke event using MoCA-lna testand measurement of blood levels of BACE1-1, 4p40, AP42 and 4HNE was conducted within72 hours of onset of stroke. Regression statistical analysis was used to determine the mostdaminant factars related to the occurrence of impaired cognitive function after stroke event.Resuffs; ln bivariate analysis, we found a significant assocrafion between cognitive impairmentafter stroke with high blood levels of BACE1 (p = 0.004, OR = 1.714), low levels of AB40 (p =A.0001, AR = 14.80) and low /eve/s of AB42 @ = A.U7, OR = 3.44). There was no significantassociation between the blood levels of 4HNE with impaired cognitive function after strokeevent. ln multivariate analysis, we found low low plasma level of 4840, high level of BACE-1,and low level of AB42 were variables strongly related with cognitive impairment after ischemicstroke subsequently based on the strength of correlation.Canclusians: Low levels of 4840, ttigh levels of BACE-I and low ievels of Ap42 are associatedwith the incidence of impaired cagnitive functian after ischemic stroke.M}(A, Volume 37, Nomor.Supl. 2, November 2014MKA, Volume 37, Nomor.Supl. 2, November 2014 http:/imka.fk. u nand.ac. id/ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Kecacatan pascastroke diperberat oleh terganggunya fungsi kognitif. Metodediagnostik yang tersedia sekarang, tidak cukup sensitif bila digunakan sebagai upaya untukmenemukan gangguan kognitif pascastroke secara dini. Kadar beta-amyloid (AP) di cairanserebrospinal (CSS) dapat dijadikan sebagai penanda telah terjadinya gangguan kognitif,namun teknik pengambilan CSS adalah invasive, sehingga perlu dicari biomarker yang relatifmudah, murah dan dapat dipercaya. Untuk itu perlu dicarai biomarker pada plasma.Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar BACE-1, AB dan 4HNE plasma dengan fungsikognitif pascastroke iskemik.Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan disain cross sectional, menggunakankasus dan kontrol. Mengikutkan 84 penderita pascastroke iskemik dan 42 subjek normalsebagai kontrol. Fungsi kognitif diperiksa 3 bulan pascastroke dengan test MoCA-lna danpemeriksaan kadar BACEI-1, AF40, AP42 dan 4HNE plasma dalam 72 jam onset stroke.. Analisa regresi statitistik digunakan untuk menetapkan faktor mana yang paling dominanhubungannya dengan terjadinya gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke iskemik.Hasil : Pada analisis bivariat, ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara gangguan kognitifpascastroke dengan tingginya kadar BACE1 (p=0,004, OR= 4,714), rendahnya kadar AP40(p=0,0001, OR=14,80) dan rendahnya kadar AP42 (p=0,0t7, OR=3,44). Tidak ditemukanhubungan yang bermakna antara kadar 4HNE dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke.Pada analisis multivariat, didapatkan rendahnya kadar AB40 dan tingginya kadar BACE-1 plasma sebagai variabel yang kuat hubungannya dengan kejadian gangguan kognitifpascastroke iskemik.Kesimpulan : Rendahnya kadar AB40 dan tingginya kadar BACE-1 plasma berhubungandengan kejadian gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke iskemik.6


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    Objective: To observe the relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine levels in cerebral palsy (CP) children. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in several hospitals, school for children with special needs, and rehabilitation centers in Bandung from March to November 2014, on children with CP aged 4–14 years who met the inclusion criteria. Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct sequencing. Homocysteine serum level was measured using chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) method. Statistical analysis was conducted using t test. Results: In this study, 150 CP children had MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism with a frequency of 18%, consisting of TT homozygotes (4%), CT heterozygotes (14%), and T allele (11%. The mean serum level of homocysteine in CP with C677T MTHFR gene polymorphism was 8.22 (±1.89) µmol/L, higher than those without polymorphism (p=0.046). Conclusions: A relationship between MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine level in children with cerebral palsy is found in this study