28 research outputs found

    Studies on genetic variation within old Polish cultivars of common oat

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    The gene pool of Polish oat cultivars is quite narrow. Obsolete cultivars bred at the beginning of the 20th century could be one of the “new” sources of genetic diversity. Re-using them in breeding programs might be much easier than interspecific hybridization with wild relatives. The aim of this study was to assess genetic variation within cultivars bred in Poland before 1939. Molecular analysis was carried out using ISSR markers. The obtained results have shown the old cultivars are much more heterogenic than the advanced ones. Distinctiveness of the gene pool of these accessions in relation to the modern Polish cultivar and landrace was also observed. UPGMA analysis has shown, despite the considerable time lapse, the tested cultivars retain their genetic integrity. Based on archive pedigree data it was found that most of the analysed accessions had diverse origin. Low value of total genetic variation of the old cultivars collection may indicate the gene pool of the primeval oat forms which were brought and grown in Poland was quite narrow. Both breeding history and the results presented in this paper suggest the restoration of old cultivars to Polish breeding should be one of the main tasks of gene bank in the future. According to the monitoring of accession sharing conducted by the national gene bank, breeders’ interest in old cultivars and landraces was and still is neglected

    XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN: nauka, technologia i innowacje w żywności i żywieniu

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    Streszczenia w jęz. angielskimWydarzenie: XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Łódź, 3-4 lipca 2019 r.; http://pan.binoz.p.lodz.plOrganizator konferencji: Wydział Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności PŁ; Komitet Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów ŻywnościProjekt graficzny okładki: Grzelczyk, J.Projekt graficzny okładki: Klewicki, R.Skład: Oracz, J.Za treść zamieszczonych materiałów odpowiadają ich autorzy.Sesje Naukowe Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu Polskiej Akademii Nauk (KNoŻiŻ PAN) są organizowane przez krajowe ośrodki akademickie związane z naukami o żywności i żywieniu w dwuletnich cyklach. Sesje te stanowią największe w skali kraju forum prezentacji najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych i technologicznych w dziedzinie technologii żywności i żywienia człowieka, jak również wymiany poglądów oraz doświadczeń pracowników jednostek naukowych i przedstawicieli przemysłu spożywczego. Tematyka XLIV Sesji dotyczyć będzie szeroko pojętej problematyki związanej z oddziaływaniem żywności i odżywiania na zdrowie człowieka

    Tourism in landscapes of National Parks of United States of America

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    Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej będąc światowym prekursorem ochrony krajobrazu na świecie (Parki Narodowe : Yellowstone – rok utworzenia 1872, Yosemite – ochrona od 1864 – status parku od 1890) są równocześnie krajem gdzie turystyka generowana przez piękno krajobrazu i jego walory poznawcze – edukacyjne osiąga skalę nie spotykaną nigdzie indziej na świecie, W roku 2009 55 parków narodowych USA odwiedziło około 63 miliony turystów. Ogromna różnorodność krajobrazowa – od wysp oceanicznych i różnych typów wybrzeży, po wysokie zlodowacone góry i od pustyń piaszczystych i skalistych poprzez unikalne w skali świata lasy sekwojowe, po Everglades na Florydzie, czynne wulkany i krajobrazy gejzerów w Yellowstone – stwarzają możliwości poznania i zrozumienia sił przyrody kształtujących te, wciąż w dużej mierze zachowane w stanie naturalnym krajobrazy. O intensywności ruchu turystycznego i jego charakterze decydują: dostępność komunikacyjna, sposób adaptacji krajobrazu dla turystyki i w sposób znaczący walory krajobrazowe i ich unikatowość.The United States of America, being the landscape protection precursor in the world (National Parks: Yellowstone [est. 1872], Yosemite [protection granted in 1864, national park established in 1890]), is at the same time the country where tourism generated by the beauty of landscape and its cognitive and educational values, reaches the biggest scale in the world. In 2009, ca. 63 million tourists visited 55 national parks in USA. Vast landscape variety – from ocean islands, various types of coastline, to high glacier mountains and from sand or stone deserts to unique in the entire world sequoias, Everglades in Florida, active volcanoes and geysers in Yellowstone – all this brings huge possibilities to learn and understand natural phenomena which shape those well preserved natural landscapes. Decisive factors of the intensity and character of touristic movement are: transport accessibility, way of adaption of a landscape for the touristic purposes, and landscape values and their unique character

    Structural control on the relief in the Lublin Upland and the Roztocze region

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    The main relief features of the Lublin Upland (sensu Jahn, 1956) and Roztocze were formed during the early and middle Cenozoic stages of the Meta-Carpathian Ridge morphogenesis. They are clearly conditioned by the structure of the Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene complex of the marginal part of the East European Craton. The following factors were of fundamental significance for the relief development in the study area: 1) Alpine and modern tectonic activity, which conditioned the horst nature of some morphostructures and the type of fissuring of rock massif, and 2) lithological diversity of the Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene complex as well as the Miocene and Pliocene deposits, which influenced its strength features

    The weathering-modified iridium record of a new Cretaceous–Palaeogene site at Lechowka near Chelm, SE Poland, and its palaeobiologic implications

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    In the light of integrated biostratigraphic and geochemical data, a complete shallow−marine succession across the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) boundary, with the critical boundary clay coupled with a burrowed siliceous chalk (“opoka” in Polish geological literature), possibly equivalent of the basal Danian Cerithium Limestone in Denmark, has been discovered at Lechówka near Chełm, SE Poland. An extraterrestrial signature marking the K–Pg boundary is confirmed by anomalously high amounts of iridium (up to 9.8 ppb) and other siderophile elements (especially Au and Ni), as well as by an elevated Ir/Au ratio consistent with a chondrite meteoritic composition. The major positive iridium spike surprisingly occurs in Maastrichtian marls, 10 cm below the boundary clay interval, which can be explained by diagenetic mobilisation and re−concentration of the impact−derived components. Thus, intensively infiltrating, humic acid−rich ground waters during the long−lasting Palaeogene weathering in tropical humid regimes were probably responsible not only for the large−scale decalcification of the Lechówka section, but also for both downward displaced position of the iridium enrichment, a dispersed profile of this anomaly and its significantly lessened value, but still approaching an increase by a factor of 100. This modified record of the K–Pg boundary event points to a careful reconsideration of the iridium anomaly as a trustworthy marker for studying the extinction patterns across the K–Pg boundary, as supported by the recent data from New Jersey, USA

    Badanie spektrofotometryczne oddziaływania wybranych kwasów żółciowych z cyklodekstrynami w różnych temperaturach

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    The main goal of present work was to explore the host-guest complex formation between selected bile acids (dehydrocholic, cholic, deoxycholic, taurodeoxycholic, glycodeoxycholic, glycocholic and chenodeoxycholic acid) and cyclodextrins (ß-cyclodextrin and its hydroxypropyl derivative) at sub-ambient and elevated temperature, using as a probe the phenolphthalein-cyclodextrin inclusion complex detected via UV-Vis spectrophotometry. In order to explore the general trends in the complexation ability of the bile acids by macrocycles investigated, the quantitative data set containing ?AU values was analyzed by principal component analysis.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad oddziaływaniem wybranych kwasów żółciowych (kwas dehydrocholowy, cholowy, deoksycholowy, taurodeoksycholowy, glikodeoksycholowy, glikocholowy oraz chenodeo-ksycholowy; rys. 1) z substancjami makrocyklicznymi (ß-cyklodekstryna i jej hydroksypropylowa pochodna) w różnych temperaturach (0 oraz 30oC), wykorzystując jako detektor kompleks inkluzyjny makrocykli z fenoloftaleiną (rys. 2 i 3). Z punktu widzenia chemii analitycznej i diagnostyki medycznej kwasy żółciowe są grupą związków trudnych w detekcji i analizie ilościowej. Zastosowanie kompleksów supramolekularnych typu gość-gospodarz, w których skład wchodzi substancja barwna np. fenoloftaleina, umożliwia zastosowanie spektroftometrii do detekcji kwasów żółciowych oraz badań ich oddziaływania ze związkami makrocyklicznymi. Jest to istotne z punktu widzenia zastosowań praktycznych np. analizy kwasów żółciowych w materiałach biologicznych rozdzielanych metodami chromatograficznymi. W prezentowanej pracy dane eksperymentalne (?AU) uzyskane za pomocą spektrofotometrii UV-Vis (rys. 4) były analizowane metodą PCA (Principal Component Analysis; rys. 5). Wyniki analizy wskazują na kluczową rolę temperatury oraz podstawnika przy węglu C12 szkieletu sterydów na siłę oddziaływania badanych kwasów żółciowych z cyklodekstrynami (rys. 6). Zaobserwowano, iż w warunkach mikrochromatografii planarnej jest bardzo trudno rozdzielić parę kwasów chenodeoksycholowy/ deoksycholowy (rys. 7). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na możliwość poprawy rozdzielania chromatograficznego wybranych par kwasów zółciowych przy zastosowaniu faz ruchomych modyfikowanych cyklodekstrynami (rys. 8)

    Geological conditions of the distribution of closed depressions in the Nałęczów Plateau (Lublin Upland, E Poland): are they an origin determinant?

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    Closed depressions (CDs) are landforms typical for loess areas. 1761 CDs have been inventoried within the Nałęczów Plateau. Large concentrations of CDs: 30–40 forms per km2 occur in areas where thick (more than 10 m) complex of glacigenic sediments (mainly glacial tills) or clay (limniglacial) deposits underlying loess cover. Areas with a low concentration of CDs (fewer than 10 forms per km2) correspond to areas where the loess cover lies on a bedrock (opokas) or on thin sandy-gravelly deposits. The distributions of CDs depends on the conditions of Pleistocene permafrost development and melting, linked with lithological properties of the sediments under loess cover

    The importance of geological conditions for the formation of past thermokarst closed depressions in the loess areas of eastern Poland

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    Closed depressions (CDs) are common forms occurring in the European loess belt. So far, investigations of CDs in Europe have suggested various natural or/and anthropogenic processes leading to their formation. The origins of CDs occurring in the loess areas of Poland have been the subject of few investigations, and their results have not clarified the problem. Most frequently, the age of CDs is linked with the post-glacial period, or the final stages of the formation of the loess cover. The investigations of CDs carried out in eastern Poland (Nałęczów Plateau) have so far revealed some patterns with regard to the morphometric characteristics and distribution of CDs on the regional scale. They also suggest the impact of thermokarst processes on the formation of the CDs. Five main lithogenetic types of sediment underlying the loess cover have been documented: glacial tills, clay and clayey loams, patches of glacial tills and sandy deposits, sands with gravels, and the bedrock. The relief under the loess cover has also been documented. The types of sediment as well as the relief under the loess cover have an impact on local differences of water content in the loess sediments. It was found that the variatiability of the geological conditions in the Nałęczów Plateau in the Pleistocene had an impact on the local variation of the ice content in the upper part of the former permafrost. This led to local predispositions for the development of thermokarst CDs during the Last Glacial. Areas with a high density of CDs have less permeable sediments (glacial tills, clay and clayey loams) and small relative heights under the loess cover. In the Pleistocene, these areas had higher ice content in the upper part of the permafrost. A model of thermokarst CDs development in the loess areas in eastern Poland is proposed. The model shows that the distribution and size of thermokarst CDs depends on the thickness of the loess cover as well as the types and relief of sediments underlying the loess. The development of thermokarst in the region studied may have consisted of multiple stages resulting in superimposed CDs. Between two and four stages of thermokarst CDs development can be distinguished on the Nałęczów Plateau. The two main stages occurred in MIS 4/3 (~58 ka or 55-50 ka Oerel and Glinde interstadials) and MIS 2/1 (~12 ka). These landforms may have developed also during the Denekamp Interstadial (32-28 ka) and ~15 ka. The present investigations indicate significant morphogenetic effects of permafrost melting on the contemporary relief of the loess areas