38 research outputs found

    Some aspects of sexually transmitted diseases therapy

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    U Poliklinici NADA u Požegi rađena je dijagnostička obrada, liječenje, te kontrola rezultata ispitanica s ranim simptomima infekcije donjeg genitalnog sustava. Vodeći simptomi su opetovano peckanje, ili svrbež, te pojačani vaginalni iscjedak dulje vremena. Detekcija Chlamydiae trachomatis vršena je pomoću »Human« testa baziranog na interakciji monoklonalnih anti LPS antigena s LPS antitijelom. Detekcija mikoplazmi vršena je pomoću seta »Mycoplasma duo«, firme »Bio-Rad«. Aerobne bakterije izdvojene su uzgojem u aerobnim uvjetima na standardnim podlogama. Putem PAPAtesta vršena je detekcija Trichomonas vaginalis, funga i Gardnerella vaginalis. Rezultati su pokazali da su četiri najčešćaa uzročnika infekcije: C. trachomatis, a potom Mycoplasma hominis i Ureaplasma urealyticum, te Trichomonas vaginalis. Primjena lijeka je provedena prema preporuci o liječenju genitalnih infekcija uzrokovanih s klamidijom trahomatis i mikoplazmama [1], s doksiciklinom u količini od 2×100 mg/21 dan u oba partnera. Potom prema našim smjernicama objavljenim 2003. god. [2] s azitromicinom 3×500 mg tjedno/3 tjedna, roksitromicinom 2×300 mg/tri tjedna [3]. Terapija vaginalnog trihomonasa provedena je s metronidazolom 2×400 mg/7–10 dana oba partnera. Kontrolni bris uziman je nakon provedene stanke od liječenja u trajanju od 4 tjedna. Rezultati su pokazali da je oko 70 % ispitanica s infekcijom mikoplazmama i vaginalnim trihomonasom izliječena u prvom pokušaju, te je kontrola bila negativna. Preostalih 30 % izliječeno je ponovljenim drugim postupkom. Nažalost liječenje klamidije trahomatis nije se pokazalo tako uspješnim. Praćeni su klinički parametri poput crvenila vulve, rodnice, te cervikalne sluznice, pojačanog iscjetka, te karakterističnog opetovanog peckanja. Tijekom ponavljanih kontrola klinički znakovi upale prestajali su uglavnom do/nakon četvrte kontrole, osim u manjeg broja izuzetaka. Također je rađena kontrola cervikalnog brisa na C. trachomatis. Tijekom ponavljanih kontrola, ukupno 9 postupaka, do negativizacije cervikalnog brisa došlo je samo u 36,8 % bolesnica. Kontroverzno je pitanje opravdanosti tako dugotrajnog i iscrpljujućeg liječenja s naizgled lošim rezultatom. S druge strane ispitanice kod kojih je došlo do prestanka kliničkih simptoma bolesti, samo su u manjem broju imale recidiv kliničke simptomatologije, ali spriječene su eventualne komplikacije koje mogu nastati. Mišljenja smo da dijagnostiku i liječenje treba provoditi.Diagnostic analysis, treatment and control were made in examinees with early symptoms of lower genital tract infections. The main symptoms were repeated itching around vulva as well as intensified prolonged secrete – discharge. The detection of C. trachomatis was done by the »Human« test based on monoclonal LPS antigens in reaction with LPS antibodies. Mycoplasmas were detected by »Mycoplasma duo« set produced by »Bio-Rad«. Aerobic bacteria were cultivated in aerobic conditions on standard media. Fungi, Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis infections were detected by PAPA test. The results showed that the four most frequent agents were C. trachomatis, then M. hominis and U. urealyticum and finally Trichomonas vaginalis.Therapy was administered according to treatment guidelines, with doxycycline in doses of 2×100 mg/21 days for both partners [1], azithromycin 3×500 mg per week [2] and roxithromycin 2×300 mg for three weeks [3]. T. vaginalis infections were treated with metronidazole 2×400 mg/7–10 days for both partners. The control cervical swab was taken after the four-week interval without any therapy. The results showed that examinees were cured in about 70 % cases after the first treatment against T. vaginalis and mycoplasma. The rest of 30 % were cured in the second therapy treatment. Unfortunately, the therapy of C. trachomatis wasn\u27t so successful. We were monitoring clinical characteristics of the inflammation such as redness of vulva, vagina and cervicitis manifestation, intensified secrete and characteristic repeated discharge. Clinical symptoms of the inflammation disappeared mostly till the fourth control, except in a lesser number of cases. Also we made control cervical swabs for C. trachomatis. We repeated swab controls as long as the patient arrived to control because of disturbances, or the swab was positive in some cases nine times. Swabs tested for C. trachomatis became negative in only 36,8 % cases. The validity of such long treatment with apparently unfavorable results is controversal. On the other hand, examinees in whom clinical symptoms of illness ceased, experienced disease relapse in only a small number of cases. Complications were prevented, therefore it is our opinion that diagnostics and therapy have to be continued

    Simultaneous High-Purity Enantiomeric Resolution of Conglomerates Using Magnetic Substrates

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    Applying magnetic substrates, magnetized perpendicular to the surface, we were able to crystallize from racemic solution pure conglomerates of several molecules. The resolution is based on the spin-dependent charge reorganization (SDCR) effect. By having two surfaces with opposite magnetization, it was possible to simultaneously crystallize on each surface a different enantiomer. The method does not require any seeding or chemical modification and is generally employable to any conglomerate. A system is presented for performing the separation, while the racemic mixture flows between the two magnetic surfaces

    On the impact of mobility on the channel estimation in WiMax OFDMA-uplink

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    The demand for wireless broadband access systems supporting mobility of the individual users has dramatically increased in recent years. To this end, we analyze the impact of user-mobility in the uplink of an OFDMA system on the performance of pilot-aided channel estimation. We analyze the mean square error (MSE) performance of two pilot-aided channel estimation schemes, the simple Gauss-Markov estimator and the optimal LMMSE estimator. We derive closed-form expressions for the MSE taking into account the impact of intercarrier-interference and time-variations of the channel. Different pilot allocation strategies are analyzed and their performances are compared. Finally, the results are illustrated by numerical simulations based on the WiMax 802.16e specifications

    Milling strategies optimized for industrial robots to machine hard materials

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    Industrial robots offer a good basis for machining from a conceptual point of view. Still they are rarely utilized for machining applications in industry compared to CNC machines due to their low stiffness and the bad achievable work piece quality. Available compensation approaches, like online compensation approaches to increase position accuracy using costly additional hardware and measurement equipment as well as offline compensation approaches using a set of empirical measurement data and models to predict deviation, try to compensate errors whether to already avoid them if possible. In this paper milling and robot strategies are proposed to increase work piece quality without additional hardware or models. Experimental validations of the results have been performed for different kinds of shapes and materials

    Detailed Joint Region Analysis of the 7-Joint Ultrasound Score: Evaluation of an Arthritis Patient Cohort over One Year

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    Objective. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the 7-joint ultrasound (US7) score by detailed joint region analysis of an arthritis patient cohort. Methods. The US7 score examines the clinically most affected wrist, MCP and PIP II, III, MTP II, and V joints for synovitis, tenosynovitis/paratenonitis, and erosions. Forty-five patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (84.4%) and spondyloarthritis with polyarticular peripheral arthritis (PsA 13.3%; AS 2.2%) with a median disease duration of 6.5 yrs (range 7.5 mths–47.6 yrs) were included and examined at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months after starting or changing therapy (DMARD/biologic). In this study, detailed US7 score joint region analysis was firstly performed. Results. The joint region analysis performed at baseline disclosed synovitis in 95.6% of affected wrists in the dorsal aspect by greyscale (GS) US where Grade 2 (moderate) was most often (48.9%) detected. Palmar wrist regions presented Grade 1 (minor) capsule elevation in 40% and Grade 2 (moderate synovitis) in 37.8%. Tenosynovitis of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon was found in 40%, with PD activity in 6.6%. Most of the erosions in MCP II were detected in the radial (68.9%), followed by the dorsal (48.9%) and palmar (44.4%) aspects. In MTP V, erosions were seen in 75.6% from lateral. Conclusions. Synovitis in GSUS was more often detected in the wrist in the dorsal than in the palmar aspect. ECU tendon involvement was frequent. Most erosions were found in the lateral scan of MTP V and the medial (radial) scan of MCP II

    First description of the life cycle of the jellyfish Rhizostoma luteum (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae).

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    Jellyfish blooms are a significant environmental problem that is increasing and may be influenced by anthropocentric practices such as overfishing, pollution, eutrophication, translocation, climate change, and ocean acidification. Many jellyfish have unknown life cycles leading to these blooms. We describe for the first time, the life cycle of scyphozoan jellyfish Rhizostoma luteum from the planula to the young medusa stages, based on laboratory observations. We also provide a preliminary assessment of temperature related to life stages. Comparisons were made with early life history stages of its sibling species Rhizostoma pulmo and Rhizostoma octopus. The life cycle of R. luteum follows the general pattern of metagenesis of scyphozoans. Scyphistoma culture was maintained in filtered seawater at 17-17.5 °C, salinity 37 and light photoperiod (12:12 h light:dark). Scyphistomae were exposed to an experimental temperature descent for two days to test their survival capacity under severe winter conditions. Only one asexual reproduction mode was observed, which is employed for propagation, consisting of podocyst formation with excystment, subsequent development of scyphistoma, strobilation and liberation of viable ephyra. The development of the ephyra to metaephyra was photodocumented, reaching the metaephyra stage in approximately 21-25 days. Young medusae grow rapidly and maturity was reached after a 3-month post-liberation period with a mean bell diameter of 13.27 ± 2.26 cm and wet weight of 181.53 ± 53 g. The life cycle of R. luteum resembles that of its congeners, with the distinction that it has the unique features of being a brooding species (internal fertilisation with subsequent release of planulae) and under the conditions tested, the predominantly strobilation type observed was monodisc, and not polydisc as with the other two species in the genus Rhizostoma. As R. luteum shows sufficient requisite to form blooms if environmental circumstances change, it is important to understand its life cycle