17 research outputs found

    Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients

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    The study was designed to determine comparatively the prognostic value of immunoblotting and ELISA in the serological follow-up of young cystic echinococcosis (CE) patients exhibiting either a cured or a progredient (non-cured) course of disease after treatment. A total of 54 patients (mean age 9 years, range from 3 to 15 years) with surgically, radiologically and/or histologically proven CE were studied for a period up to 60 months after surgery. Additionally, some of the patients underwent chemotherapy. Based on the clinical course and outcome, as well as on imaging findings, patients were clustered into 2 groups of either cured (CCE), or non-cured (NCCE) CE patients. ELISA showed a high rate of seropositivity 4 to 5 years post-surgery for both CCE (57·1%) and NCCE (100%) patients, the difference found between the two groups was statistically not significant. Immunoblotting based upon recognition of AgB subcomponents (8 and 16kDa bands) showed a decrease of respective antibody reactivities after 4 years post-surgery. Only sera from 14·3% of CCE patients recognized the subcomponents of AgB after 4 years, while none (0%) of these sera was still reactive at 5 years post-surgery. At variance, immunoblotting remained positive for AgB subcomponents in 100% of the NCCE cases as tested between 4 and 5 years after surgical treatment. Immunoblotting therefore proved to be a useful approach for monitoring post-surgical follow-ups of human CCE and NCCE in young patients when based upon the recognition of AgB subcomponent

    Isolation and molecular characterization of recombinant Echinococcus granulosus P29 protein (recP29) and its assessment for the post-surgical serological follow-up of human cystic echinococcosis in young patients

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    We synthesized recombinant Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex recP29 antigen to be preliminarily assessed by ELISA and immunoblotting. RecP29-serology was carried out on 54 young patients with cystic echinococcosis (CE). Patients were classified into either cured (CCE) (n=40) or non-cured (NCCE) (n=14) CE patients. RecP29 ELISA showed a gradual decrease of antibody concentrations in all CCE cases that were initially (before treatment) seropositive to this antigen (25 out of 40) or that seroconverted following treatment. A complete seronegativity was reached within 3 years post-surgery in all of these cases. Conventional HCF ELISA yielded seronegativity in only 10% of initially recP29-seropositive CCE patients (P=0.086). Likewise, recP29 immunoblotting yielded seronegativity in 93% of 29 out of 40 initially recP29-immunoblot-positive CCE patients after 3 years follow-up, compared with 72% in the HCF immunoblotting (P=0.060). Eleven out of 14 NCCE patients were initially positive by recP29 ELISA, and 10 out of these maintained a marked anti-recP29 antibody reactivity until the endpoint of the follow-up period. All 14 NCCE cases were initially seropositive by recP29 immunoblotting, and 13 cases remained seropositive until the end of the study. Thus, recombinant P29 protein appears prognostically useful for monitoring those post-surgical CE cases with an initial seropositivity to this marker

    Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients

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    The study was designed to determine comparatively the prognostic value of immunoblotting and ELISA in the serological follow-up of young cystic echinococcosis (CE) patients exhibiting either a cured or a progredient (non-cured) course of disease after treatment. A total of 54 patients (mean age 9 years, range from 3 to 15 years) with surgically, radiologically and/or histologically proven CE were studied for a period up to 60 months after surgery. Additionally, some of the patients underwent chemotherapy. Based on the clinical course and outcome, as well as on imaging findings, patients were clustered into 2 groups of either cured (CCE), or non-cured (NCCE) CE patients. ELISA showed a high rate of seropositivity 4 to 5 years post-surgery for both CCE (57.1%) and NCCE (100%) patients, the difference found between the two groups was statistically not significant. Immunoblotting based upon recognition of AgB subcomponents (8 and 16 kDa bands) showed a decrease of respective antibody reactivities after 4 years post-surgery. Only sera from 14.3% of CCE patients recognized the subcomponents of AgB after 4 years, while none (0%) of these sera was still reactive at 5 years post-surgery. At variance, immunoblotting remained positive for AgB subcomponents in 100% of the NCCE cases as tested between 4 and 5 years after surgical treatment. Immunoblotting therefore proved to be a useful approach for monitoring post-surgical follow-ups of human CCE and NCCE in young patients when based upon the recognition of AgB subcomponents

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia

    Seasonal chemical compositions and antifungal activities of Tunisian Lupinus pilosus Murr. volatiles

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    The chemical composition and antifungal activities of the volatile fractions from leaves, roots and flowers of Lupinus pilosus Murr. harvested in winter and spring were studied. The yields of volatiles ranged from 0.01 to 0.04%. Those in spring were higher than in winter. The GC and GC-MS analysis permitted us to identify 83 compounds. The harvest season and the studied organ affected qualitatively and quantitatively the percentage of the different constituents. Spathulenol (1.0 to 8.7%), globulol (2.3 to 8.7%), α-bisabolol (7.0 to 8.8%) and nonanal (2.8 to 16.3%) were the major compounds of the studied volatile fractions. Non- terpene derivatives (14.3 to 72.5%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (6.4 to 33.4%) were the most represented chemical classes. The antifungal properties depended on the studied organ and the harvest season. The fraction obtained from roots harvested in winter showed moderate antifungal activity against C. glabrata and C. krusei (ΦIZ= 10 mm

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia

    Use of PCR, IFAT and in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to assess the use of parasitological, serological and molecular methods for the detection of Leishmania infection in blood of 67 dogs and to investigate the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in Kairouan (central Tunisia), an area known to be of reduced endemicity and has not been studied since 1973. Veterinarians clinically examined all dogs, and the titer of anti-Leishmania antibodies was determined by indirect immune-fluorescence antibody test. The presence of Leishmania was performed by PCR and in vitro culture. IFAT was positive in 12% of dogs and promastigote form of the parasite was isolated by in vitro culture from only 4.5% of them. However, DNA of Leishmania was detected by PCR in 20.9% of dogs. PCR was more sensitive than IFAT (p = 0.004) and in vitro culture (p < 10–5). A prevalence of 21% was found in Kairouan, which is significant high (p < 10–3) when compared to that of thirty years ago. This state is in correlation with the increase in other Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, 50% of positive dogs were asymptomatic. Preventive measures must be taken against these dogs as for symptomatic ones since their role in the transmission of the infection to vectors has been proven

    Use of PCR, IFAT and in vitro culture in the detection of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs and evaluation of the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis in a low endemic area in Tunisia

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    The aim of this study was to assess the use of parasitological, serological and molecular methods for the detection of Leishmania infection in blood of 67 dogs and to investigate the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in Kairouan (central Tunisia), an area known to be of reduced endemicity and has not been studied since 1973. Veterinarians clinically examined all dogs, and the titer of anti-Leishmania antibodies was determined by indirect immune-fluorescence antibody test. The presence of Leishmania was performed by PCR and in vitro culture. IFAT was positive in 12% of dogs and promastigote form of the parasite was isolated by in vitro culture from only 4.5% of them. However, DNA of Leishmania was detected by PCR in 20.9% of dogs. PCR was more sensitive than IFAT (p = 0.004) and in vitro culture (p < 10–5). A prevalence of 21% was found in Kairouan, which is significant high (p < 10–3) when compared to that of thirty years ago. This state is in correlation with the increase in other Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, 50% of positive dogs were asymptomatic. Preventive measures must be taken against these dogs as for symptomatic ones since their role in the transmission of the infection to vectors has been proven

    Use of PCR, IFAT and

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    The aim of this study was to assess the use of parasitological, serological and molecular methods for the detection of Leishmania infection in blood of 67 dogs and to investigate the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in Kairouan (central Tunisia), an area known to be of reduced endemicity and has not been studied since 1973. Veterinarians clinically examined all dogs, and the titer of anti-Leishmania antibodies was determined by indirect immune-fluorescence antibody test. The presence of Leishmania was performed by PCR and in vitro culture. IFAT was positive in 12% of dogs and promastigote form of the parasite was isolated by in vitro culture from only 4.5% of them. However, DNA of Leishmania was detected by PCR in 20.9% of dogs. PCR was more sensitive than IFAT (p = 0.004) and in vitro culture (p < 10–5). A prevalence of 21% was found in Kairouan, which is significant high (p < 10–3) when compared to that of thirty years ago. This state is in correlation with the increase in other Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, 50% of positive dogs were asymptomatic. Preventive measures must be taken against these dogs as for symptomatic ones since their role in the transmission of the infection to vectors has been proven