30 research outputs found

    Digitalisierung: Perspektiven für Arbeitsmodelle der Zukunft in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung

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    Die Digitalisierung ist derzeit einer der wichtigsten Wandlungstreiber in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Die aus den neuen technischen Möglichkeiten resultierenden Veränderungen wirken sich auch auf das Verhalten von Kunden und Mitarbeitenden aus. In Bezug auf die Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen und Organisationen sind bestehende Arbeitsmodelle für administrative Arbeit anzupassen und neue Formen digitaler Kollaboration einzuführen. Hiermit verbunden sind Änderungen der Arbeitszeitmodelle, der Organisation der Mitarbeitenden, der Art der Zusammenarbeit und Führung sowie der Gestaltung von Büroräumlichkeiten. In einem vergleichenden Case-Study-Ansatz von zwei Schweizer Großunternehmen und einer großen Verwaltungseinheit des Bundes werden die existierenden Arbeitsmodelle für Büroarbeit analysiert und auf Entwicklungsperspektiven hin untersucht. Ein derzeit vorhandener Mix aus traditionellen und agilen Arbeitsmodellen wird sich in Zukunft im digitalen Kontext voraussichtlich unternehmensspezifisch stärker in Richtung einer höheren Agilität weiterentwickeln

    Ueber einen physiologischen Unterschied der Haut des Europäers und der des Malaien

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    Beiträge zu den „Abweichungen vom Physiologischen” bei den in den Tropen lebenden Europäern

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    The association between BMI and hospitalization for heart failure in 83 021 persons with Type 2 diabetes: a population-based study from the Swedish National Diabetes Registry

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    AIM\u27S: The aim was to To study the relationship between BMI and hospitalization for heart failure in people with Type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We identified 83 021 individuals with Type 2 diabetes from the Swedish National Diabetes Registry during 1998-2003, who were followed until hospitalization for heart failure, death or end of follow-up on 31 December 2009. Cox regression analyses were performed, adjusting for age, sex, HbA1c , blood pressure, diabetes duration, smoking, microalbuminuria, cardiac co-morbidities, glucose-lowering and anti-hypertensive medications. RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 7.2 years, 10 969 patients (13.2%) were hospitalized with heart failure. By categories of BMI, with BMI 20 t

    Long-term care, care needs and wellbeing of individuals after cancer in childhood or adolescence (VersKiK): study protocol of a large scale multi-methods non-interventional study

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    Background It has been shown previously that a relevant proportion of childhood cancer survivors suffers from late effects, which are often directly related to the cancer itself or its therapy, resulting in particular follow-up needs, additionally burdening healthcare systems. Being diagnosed with cancer at a vulnerable stage of development, this group of cancer survivors is at comparatively higher risk of relapse or subsequent cancer. Although national and international follow-up guidelines based on treatment modalities have been developed, their implementation seems to leave room for improvement. Additionally, they lack a sufficient consideration of the survivors' psychosocial needs, affecting their adherence to them. The aim of the VersKiK study is to provide representative information on late effects in childhood and adolescence cancer survivors in Germany. The main research objectives are: (1) to describe the state of follow-up care among survivors after a cancer diagnosis in childhood or adolescence; (2) to quantify the occurrence of late effects among this group of survivors; (3) to examine the adherence to selected audiological and cardiological follow-up guidelines and to identify factors affecting it; (4) to explore actual follow-up needs of paediatric cancer survivors; (5) to review selected follow-up guidelines with the aim to improve and expand them. Methods VersKiK is designed as a mixed-methods non-interventional study. We will use claims data from statutory health insurance companies in combination with individually linked population-based registry data from the German Childhood Cancer Registry (GCCR). This data base will permit us to quantify diagnoses and procedures in comparison to the general population as well as the adherence to existing follow-up guidelines. Additional information will be obtained through interviews with childhood and adolescence cancer survivors and their informal caregivers, as well as in focus groups with healthcare professionals. Discussion The present study aims to research the actual needs of individuals after cancer diagnosis and treatment in childhood or adolescence - physical, psychological and organisational - in order to improve existing follow-up guidelines. These improvements might further positively affect not only actual care provided to paediatric cancer survivors, but also benefit healthcare systems in general while decreasing consequent medical visits in this group of patients