40 research outputs found
Use of the Haddon matrix as a tool for assessing risk factors for sharps injury in emergency departments in the United Arab Emirates
We investigated the epidemiology and prevention of sharps injuries in the United Arab Emirates. Among 82 emergency nurses and 38 doctors who responded to our questionnaire, risk factors for sharp device injuries identified using the Haddon matrix included personal factors (for the pre‐event phase, a lack of infection control training, a lack of immunization, and recapping needles, and for the postevent phase, underreporting of sharps injuries) and equipment‐related factors (for the pre‐event phase, failure to use safe devices; for the event phase, failure to use gloves in all appropriate situations). Nearly all injuries to doctors were caused by suture needles, and among nurses more than 50% of injuries were caused by hollow‐bore needles
The precautions of clinical waste: disposable medical sharps in the United Kingdom
This article deals with recent changes in UK guidance on clinical waste, in particular a shift to disposable, single-use instruments and sharps. I use interviews conducted with nurses from a GP practice and two clinical waste managers at alternative treatment and incineration sites as a springboard for reflection on the relationship between the legislation on clinical waste management and its implementation. Scrutinizing the UK guidance, European legislation and World Health Organization principles, I draw out interviewees’ concerns that the changed practices lead to an expansion of the hazardous waste category, with an increased volume going to incineration. This raises questions regarding the regulations’ environmental and health effects, and regarding the precautionary approach embedded in the regulations. Tracing the diverse reverberations of the term ‘waste’ in different points along the journeys made by sharps in particular, and locating these questions in relation to existing literature on waste, I emphasize that public health rationales for the new practices are not made clear in the guidance. I suggest that this relative silence on the subject conceals both the uncertainties regarding the necessity for these means of managing the risks of infectious waste, and the tensions between policies of precautionary public health and environmental sustainability
Hepatitis B virus genotypes and evolutionary profiles from blood donors from the northwest region of China
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is prevalent in China and screening of blood donors is mandatory. Up to now, ELISA has been universally used by the China blood bank. However, this strategy has sometimes failed due to the high frequency of nucleoside acid mutations. Understanding HBV evolution and strain diversity could help devise a better screening system for blood donors. However, this kind of information in China, especially in the northwest region, is lacking. In the present study, serological markers and the HBV DNA load of 11 samples from blood donor candidates from northwest China were determined. The HBV strains were most clustered into B and C genotypes and could not be clustered into similar types from reference sequences. Subsequent testing showed liver function impairment and increasing virus load in the positive donors. This HBV evolutionary data for China will allow for better ELISA and NAT screening efficiency in the blood bank of China, especially in the northwest region
Vacinação contra hepatite B e exposição ocupacional no setor saúde em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à vacinação contra hepatite B em trabalhadores da saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.808 trabalhadores da saúde do setor público de Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2009. Questionário autoadministrado foi usado e a situação vacinal foi analisada considerando características sociodemográficas, estilo de vida, características e condições de trabalho. Análises estatísticas univariada (p < 0,20) e múltipla foram realizadas utilizando regressão de Poisson (p < 0,05) para avaliação de fatores associados à vacinação. RESULTADOS: Declararam ter sido vacinados 85,6% dos trabalhadores, 74,9% dos quais receberam esquema completo da vacina. Não ter sido vacinado associou-se a não ter companheiro, a escolaridade em nível médio/técnico ou superior incompleto e a características do trabalho, como atuar na vigilância ou setor administrativo/serviços gerais e não utilizar equipamentos de proteção individual. CONCLUSÕES: Foram identificados grupos com menor cobertura vacinal. São necessários esforços para garantir o acesso e a adesão à vacinação a todos os grupos ocupacionais.OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with vaccination against hepatitis B among healthcare workers. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study on 1,808 public-sector healthcare workers in Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil, in 2009. A self-administered questionnaire was used and the vaccination situation was analyzed taking sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle and working conditions and characteristics into consideration. Univariate (p < 0.20) and multiple (p < 0.05) statistical analyses were performed using Poisson regression to evaluate factors associated with vaccination. RESULTS: Of the workers, 85.6% declared that they had been vaccinated, although only 74.9% of the vaccinated professionals had received a complete imunization schedule. Not having been vaccinated was associated with not having a partner; having high school, technical or incomplete higher education level; work characteristics such as working in surveillance or the administrative/general services sector; and not using personal protection equipment. CONCLUSIONS: Groups with lower vaccination coverage were identified. Efforts are required to ensure access and adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers, such as awareness-raising mechanisms.OBJETIVO: Identificar factores asociados con la vacunación contra hepatitis B en trabajadores de la salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con 1.808 trabajadores de la salud del sector público de Belo Horizonte, Sudeste de Brasil, en 2009. Se usó cuestionario auto-administrado y se analizó la situación de la vacunación considerando características sociodemográficas, estilo de vida, características y condiciones de trabajo. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos univariado (p< 0,20) y múltiple utilizando regresión de Poisson (p< 0,05) para evaluación de factores asociados con la vacunación. RESULTADOS: Declararon haber sido vacunados 85,6% de los trabajadores, 74,9% recibieron esquema completo de vacunación. No haber sido vacunado se asoció a no tener compañero, a la escolaridad en nivel medio/técnico o superior incompleto y a características de trabajo, como actuar en la vigilancia o sector administrativo/servicios generales y no utilizar equipamientos de protección individual. CONCLUSIONES: Se identificaron grupos con menor cobertura de vacunación. Son necesarios esfuerzos para garantizar el acceso y la adhesión a la vacunación entre los trabajadores de la salud, como ejemplo de mecanismos de sensibilización