28 research outputs found

    Landau Collision Integral Solver with Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Emerging Architectures

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    The Landau collision integral is an accurate model for the small-angle dominated Coulomb collisions in fusion plasmas. We investigate a high order accurate, fully conservative, finite element discretization of the nonlinear multi-species Landau integral with adaptive mesh refinement using the PETSc library (www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc). We develop algorithms and techniques to efficiently utilize emerging architectures with an approach that minimizes memory usage and movement and is suitable for vector processing. The Landau collision integral is vectorized with Intel AVX-512 intrinsics and the solver sustains as much as 22% of the theoretical peak flop rate of the Second Generation Intel Xeon Phi, Knights Landing, processor

    Computational science and re-discovery: open-source implementations of ellipsoidal harmonics for problems in potential theory

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    We present two open-source (BSD) implementations of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions for solving problems of potential theory using separation of variables. Ellipsoidal harmonics are used surprisingly infrequently, considering their substantial value for problems ranging in scale from molecules to the entire solar system. In this article, we suggest two possible reasons for the paucity relative to spherical harmonics. The first is essentially historical---ellipsoidal harmonics developed during the late 19th century and early 20th, when it was found that only the lowest-order harmonics are expressible in closed form. Each higher-order term requires the solution of an eigenvalue problem, and tedious manual computation seems to have discouraged applications and theoretical studies. The second explanation is practical: even with modern computers and accurate eigenvalue algorithms, expansions in ellipsoidal harmonics are significantly more challenging to compute than those in Cartesian or spherical coordinates. The present implementations reduce the "barrier to entry" by providing an easy and free way for the community to begin using ellipsoidal harmonics in actual research. We demonstrate our implementation using the specific and physiologically crucial problem of how charged proteins interact with their environment, and ask: what other analytical tools await re-discovery in an era of inexpensive computation?Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Closed Strings with Low Harmonics and Kinks

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    Low-harmonic formulas for closed relativistic strings are given. General parametrizations are presented for the addition of second- and third-harmonic waves to the fundamental wave. The method of determination of the parametrizations is based upon a product representation found for the finite Fourier series of string motion in which the constraints are automatically satisfied. The construction of strings with kinks is discussed, including examples. A procedure is laid out for the representation of kinks that arise from self-intersection, and subsequent intercommutation, for harmonically parametrized cosmic strings.Comment: 39, CWRUTH-93-

    Analysis of Charged-Particle/Photon Observables in Hadronic Multiparticle Production

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    In order to analyze data on joint charged-particle/photon distributions from an experimental search (T-864, MiniMax) for disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, we have identified robust observables, ratios of normalized bivariate factorial moments, with many desirable properties. These include insensitivity to many efficiency corrections and the details of the modeling of the primary pion production, and sensitivity to the production of DCC, as opposed to the generic, binomial-distribution partition of pions into charged and neutral species. The relevant formalism is developed and tested in Monte-Carlo simulations of the MiniMax experimental conditions.Comment: Latex, 35 pages, no figures. Submitted to Physical Review D. PostScript file at http://fnmine.fnal.gov:80