54 research outputs found

    Solubility limit and precipitate formation in Al-doped 4H-SiC epitaxial material

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    Heavily Al-doped 4H–SiC structures have been prepared by vapor phase epitaxy. Subsequent anneals have been carried out in an Ar atmosphere in a rf-heated furnace between 1500 °C and 2000 °C for 0.5 to 3 h. Secondary ion mass spectrometry has been utilized to obtain Al concentration versus depth as well as lateral distributions (ion images). Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) has been employed to study the crystallinity and determine phase composition after heat treatment. A solubility limit of ∌2×10ÂČ⁰ Al/cmÂł (1900 °C) is extracted. Three-dimensional ion images show that the Al distribution does not remain homogeneous in layers heat treated at 1700 °C or above when the Al concentration exceeds 2×10ÂČ⁰ cm⁻³. Al-containing precipitates are identified by energy-filtered TEM.Financial support was partly received from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) SiCEP program

    Capric Acid Secreted by S. boulardii Inhibits C. albicans Filamentous Growth, Adhesion and Biofilm Formation

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    Candidiasis are life-threatening systemic fungal diseases, especially of gastro intestinal track, skin and mucous membranes lining various body cavities like the nostrils, the mouth, the lips, the eyelids, the ears or the genital area. Due to increasing resistance of candidiasis to existing drugs, it is very important to look for new strategies helping the treatment of such fungal diseases. One promising strategy is the use of the probiotic microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit. Such a probiotic microorganism is yeast Saccharomyces boulardii, a close relative of baker yeast. Saccharomyces boulardii cells and their extract affect the virulence factors of the important human fungal pathogen C. albicans, its hyphae formation, adhesion and biofilm development. Extract prepared from S. boulardii culture filtrate was fractionated and GC-MS analysis showed that the active fraction contained, apart from 2-phenylethanol, caproic, caprylic and capric acid whose presence was confirmed by ESI-MS analysis. Biological activity was tested on C. albicans using extract and pure identified compounds. Our study demonstrated that this probiotic yeast secretes into the medium active compounds reducing candidal virulence factors. The chief compound inhibiting filamentous C. albicans growth comparably to S. boulardii extract was capric acid, which is thus responsible for inhibition of hyphae formation. It also reduced candidal adhesion and biofilm formation, though three times less than the extract, which thus contains other factors suppressing C. albicans adherence. The expression profile of selected genes associated with C. albicans virulence by real-time PCR showed a reduced expression of HWP1, INO1 and CSH1 genes in C. albicans cells treated with capric acid and S. boulardii extract. Hence capric acid secreted by S. boulardii is responsible for inhibition of C. albicans filamentation and partially also adhesion and biofilm formation

    Entwicklung von Closed Loop Systemen bei Hörimplantaten: Epidurale Ableitungen elektrisch evozierter Potenziale

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    Einleitung: Closed Loop Systeme stellen einen Meilenstein der Optimierung von Hörimplantaten dar. Hierdurch kann eine direkte RĂŒckkopplung zwischen der physiologischen kortikalen Antwort und dem Implantat erreicht und so eine direkte Steuerung des Implantates erzeugt werden. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen EEG-Elektroden bietet die Anwendung von implantierten epiduralen Elektroden fĂŒr die TrĂ€ger von implantierbaren Hörsystemen zahlreiche Vorteile, da so eine bessere SignalqualitĂ€t und eine Nah-Feld-Ableitung vom auditorischen Kortex erwartet werden können. Ziel dieser Studie war es daher, epidurale Ableitungskonzepte fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Closed Loop Systemen zu implementieren. Methoden: Im Rahmen einer Cochlea Implantation wurden temporĂ€r ĂŒber dem primĂ€ren auditorischen Kortex epidurale Elektroden zwischen Dura Mater und SchĂ€delkalotte bei n=5 platziert. Intraoperativ wurden BERA und MLR abgeleitet. Postoperativ folgten Ableitungen von BERA, MLR, CERA, MMN sowie P300. Die Stimulation erfolgte akustisch ĂŒber das Cochlea Implantat. Nach einigen Tagen wurden die epiduralen Elektroden wieder entfernt. Ergebnisse: Die ersten Daten zeigen vielversprechende Ergebnisse. Besonders bei der CERA konnten epidural klarere Wellen abgeleitet werden, die auch bei niedrigeren StimulationsintensitĂ€ten deutlich erkennbar waren. Dabei zeigte sich eine starke AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom Ableitort und der Art des Stimulus.Schlussfolgerungen: Der hier verfolgte Ansatz der epiduralen Ableitungen konnte gut durchgefĂŒhrt werden und liefert klar erkennbare AEP-Wellen. Die Ergebnisse stellen einen wichtigen Baustein der Entwicklung von Closed Loop Systemen bei Hörimplantaten dar. ZukĂŒnftig soll diese Methode in Cochlea-Implantate implementiert werden.UnterstĂŒtzt durch: DFG Exzellenzcluster Hearing4AllDer Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

    Classification of mouth movements using 7 T fMRI

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    Objective. A brain-computer interface (BCI) is an interface that uses signals from the brain to control a computer. BCIs will likely become important tools for severely paralyzed patients to restore interaction with the environment. The sensorimotor cortex is a promising target brain region for a BCI due to the detailed topography and minimal functional interference with other important brain processes. Previous studies have shown that attempted movements in paralyzed people generate neural activity that strongly resembles actual movements. Hence decodability for BCI applications can be studied in able-bodied volunteers with actual movements. Approach. In this study we tested whether mouth movements provide adequate signals in the sensorimotor cortex for a BCI. The study was executed using fMRI at 7 T to ensure relevance for BCI with cortical electrodes, as 7 T measurements have been shown to correlate well with electrocortical measurements. Twelve healthy volunteers executed four mouth movements (lip protrusion, tongue movement, teeth clenching, and the production of a larynx activating sound) while in the scanner. Subjects performed a training and a test run. Single trials were classified based on the Pearson correlation values between the activation patterns per trial type in the training run and single trials in the test run in a 'winner-takes-all' design. Main results. Single trial mouth movements could be classified with 90% accuracy. The classification was based on an area with a volume of about 0.5 cc, located on the sensorimotor cortex. If voxels were limited to the surface, which is accessible for electrode grids, classification accuracy was still very high (82%). Voxels located on the precentral cortex performed better (87%) than the postcentral cortex (72%). Significance. The high reliability of decoding mouth movements suggests that attempted mouth movements are a promising candidate for BCI in paralyzed people

    Event-Related Potentials Measured From In and Around the Ear Electrodes Integrated in a Live Hearing Device for Monitoring Sound Perception

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    Future hearing devices could exploit brain signals of the user derived from electroencephalography (EEG) measurements, for example, for fitting the device or steering signal enhancement algorithms. While previous studies have shown that meaningful brain signals can be obtained from ear-centered EEG electrodes, we here present a feasibility study where ear-EEG is integrated with a live hearing device. Seventeen normal-hearing participants were equipped with an individualized in-the-ear hearing device and an ear-EEG system that included 10 electrodes placed around the ear (cEEGrid) and 3 electrodes spread out in the concha. They performed an auditory discrimination experiment, where they had to detect an audible switch in the signal processing settings of the hearing device between repeated presentations of otherwise identical stimuli. We studied two aspects of the ear-EEG data: First, whether the switches in the hearing device settings can be identified in the brain signals, specifically event-related potentials. Second, we evaluated the signal quality for the individual electrode positions. The EEG analysis revealed significant differences between trials with and without a switch in the device settings in the N100 and P300 range of the event-related potential. The comparison of electrode positions showed that the signal quality is better for around-the-ear electrodes than for in-concha electrodes. These results confirm that meaningful brain signals related to the settings of a hearing device can be acquired from ear-EEG during real-time audio processing, particularly if electrodes around the ear are available

    Event-Related Potentials Measured From In and Around the Ear Electrodes Integrated in a Live Hearing Device for Monitoring Sound Perception

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    Future hearing devices could exploit brain signals of the user derived from electroencephalography (EEG) measurements, for example, for fitting the device or steering signal enhancement algorithms. While previous studies have shown that meaningful brain signals can be obtained from ear-centered EEG electrodes, we here present a feasibility study where ear-EEG is integrated with a live hearing device. Seventeen normal-hearing participants were equipped with an individualized in-the-ear hearing device and an ear-EEG system that included 10 electrodes placed around the ear (cEEGrid) and 3 electrodes spread out in the concha. They performed an auditory discrimination experiment, where they had to detect an audible switch in the signal processing settings of the hearing device between repeated presentations of otherwise identical stimuli. We studied two aspects of the ear-EEG data: First, whether the switches in the hearing device settings can be identified in the brain signals, specifically event-related potentials. Second, we evaluated the signal quality for the individual electrode positions. The EEG analysis revealed significant differences between trials with and without a switch in the device settings in the N100 and P300 range of the event-related potential. The comparison of electrode positions showed that the signal quality is better for around-the-ear electrodes than for in-concha electrodes. These results confirm that meaningful brain signals related to the settings of a hearing device can be acquired from ear-EEG during real-time audio processing, particularly if electrodes around the ear are available

    Give me a sign : decoding four complex hand gestures based on high-density ECoG

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    The increasing understanding of human brain functions makes it possible to directly interact with the brain for therapeutic purposes. Implantable brain computer interfaces promise to replace or restore motor functions in patients with partial or complete paralysis. We postulate that neuronal states associated with gestures, as they are used in the finger spelling alphabet of sign languages, provide an excellent signal for implantable brain computer interfaces to restore communication. To test this, we evaluated decodability of four gestures using high-density electrocorticography in two participants. The electrode grids were located subdurally on the hand knob area of the sensorimotor cortex covering a surface of 2.5–5.2 cm2. Using a pattern-matching classification approach four types of hand gestures were classified based on their pattern of neuronal activity. In the two participants the gestures were classified with 97 and 74 % accuracy. The high frequencies (>65 Hz) allowed for the best classification results. This proof-of-principle study indicates that the four gestures are associated with a reliable and discriminable spatial representation on a confined area of the sensorimotor cortex. This robust representation on a small area makes hand gestures an interesting control feature for an implantable BCI to restore communication for severely paralyzed people
