9,451 research outputs found

    Survival probability of surface excitations in a 2d lattice: non-Markovian effects and Survival Collapse

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    The evolution of a surface excitation in a two dimentional model is analyzed. I) It starts quadratically up to a spreading time t_{S}. II) It follows an exponential behavior governed by a self-consistent Fermi Golden Rule. III) At longer times, the exponential is overrun by an inverse power law describing return processes governed by quantum diffusion. At this last transition time t_{R} a survival collapse becomes possible, bringing the survival probability down by several orders of magnitude. We identify this strongly destructive interference as an antiresonance in the time domain.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in press. Braz. Journ. of Phys., in pres

    Emotional intelligence compensates for low IQ and boosts low emotionality individuals in a self-presentation task

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    The research on emotional intelligence (EI) has focused mainly on testing the incremental validity of EI with respect to general intelligence and personality; less attention has been devoted to investigating the potential interaction effects. In a self-presentation task that required participants to obtain positive evaluations from others, individuals low in IQ but high in EI performed as well as the high IQ individuals. In addition, the low emotionality individuals performed significantly higher when also high in EI. The results extend the previous findings on the compensatory effect of EI on low IQ to the domain of interpersonal effectiveness and shed light on the effective functioning of personality traits when interpreted with the interaction of EI. Overall this study suggests that the role of EI in predicting performance might have been overlooked by checking solely for main effects and illustrates new venues for understanding the contribution of EI in explaining emotion-laden performance

    Effective one-body dynamics in multiple-quantum NMR experiments

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    A suitable NMR experiment in a one-dimensional dipolar coupled spin system allows one to reduce the natural many-body dynamics into effective one-body dynamics. We verify this in a polycrystalline sample of hydroxyapatite (HAp) by monitoring the excitation of NMR many-body superposition states: the multiple-quantum coherences. The observed effective one-dimensionality of HAp relies on the quasi 1d structure of the dipolar coupled network that, as we show here, is dynamically enhanced by the quantum Zeno effect. Decoherence is also probed through a Loschmidt echo experiment, where the time reversal is implemented on the double-quantum Hamiltonian, I_{i,+}I_{j,+} + I_{i,-}I_{j,-}. We contrast the decoherence of adamantane, a standard 3d system, with that of HAp. While the first shows an abrupt Fermi-type decay, HAp presents a smooth exponential law.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Design and Simulation of a Neuroevolutionary Controller for a Quadcopter Drone

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    The problem addressed in the present paper is the design of a controller based on an evolutionary neural network for autonomous flight in quadrotor systems. The controller's objective is to govern the quadcopter in such a way that it reaches a specific position, bearing on attitude limitations during flight and upon reaching a target. Given the complex nature of quadcopters, an appropriate neural network architecture and a training algorithm were designed to guide a quadcopter toward a target. The designed controller was implemented as a single multi-layer perceptron. On the basis of the quadcopter's current state, the developed neurocontroller produces the correct rotor speed values, optimized in terms of both attitude-limitation compliance and speed. The neural network training was completed using a custom evolutionary algorithm whose design put particular emphasis on the cost function's definition. The developed neurocontroller was tested in simulation to drive a quadcopter to autonomously follow a complex path. The obtained simulated results show that the neurocontroller manages to effortlessly follow several types of paths with adequate precision while maintaining low travel times

    Simulation of hydrogenated graphene Field-Effect Transistors through a multiscale approach

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    In this work, we present a performance analysis of Field Effect Transistors based on recently fabricated 100% hydrogenated graphene (the so-called graphane) and theoretically predicted semi-hydrogenated graphene (i.e. graphone). The approach is based on accurate calculations of the energy bands by means of GW approximation, subsequently fitted with a three-nearest neighbor (3NN) sp3 tight-binding Hamiltonian, and finally used to compute ballistic transport in transistors based on functionalized graphene. Due to the large energy gap, the proposed devices have many of the advantages provided by one-dimensional graphene nanoribbon FETs, such as large Ion and Ion/Ioff ratios, reduced band-to-band tunneling, without the corresponding disadvantages in terms of prohibitive lithography and patterning requirements for circuit integration

    To reorient is easier than to orient: An on-line algorithm for reorientation of graphs

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    We define an on-line (incremental) algorithm that, given a (possibly infinite) pseudo-transitive oriented graph, produces a transitive reorientation. This implies that a theorem of Ghouila-Houri is provable in RCA_0 and hence is computably true

    Study of sequential semileptonic decays of b hadrons produced at the Tevatron

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    We present a study of rates and kinematical properties of lepton pairs contained in central jets with transverse energy E_T > 15 GeV that are produced at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We compare the data to a QCD prediction based on the HERWIG and QQ Monte Carlo generator programs.We find that the data are poorly described by the simulation, in which sequential semileptonic decays of single b quarks (b --> l c X with c --> l s X) are the major source of such lepton pairs.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures. Some typos were fixed in the text and bibliography. Submitted to Phys. Rev.