372 research outputs found

    The freedom to be sustainable, from the past to the future

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    This study aims to investigate the historical evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), with a particular focus on the main theories and events that led it to no longer be a voluntary choice but a necessity for the company’s long-term survival. The article will first analyze the main definitions in the literature to determine the aspects that characterize it. Subsequently, using a theoretical approach, a literature review will be performed to describe its historical evolution, starting from its birth during the Industrial Revolution period (1760-1840) up to the present day. The analysis results show that, in the scientific debate, the CSR concept was initially focused on the workers’ well-being and, subsequently, it expanded its scope and significance to include all stakeholders’ categories. Furthermore, it emerged that CSR become a necessity for the companies’ long-term survival, especially in the post-pandemic period. For this reason, companies must develop new business models to face sustainability issues and meet social needs

    Controllo e sindacati azionari nelle societĂ  quotate italiane

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    Lo studio propone un indagine empirica sugli assetti proprietari delle società quotate italiane, per individuare situazioni di controllo individuale o congiunto, messi in relazione alla dimensione a-ziendale delle società, onde verificare l’interazione tra la struttura del controllo societario e le potenzialità economiche dell’impresa. L’indagine si soffermerà sui sindacati azionari, per valutarne la ri-levanza nel contesto delle società quotate: analizzando il contenuto del-le pattuizioni, si cercherà di mettere a fuoco l’incidenza di tali patti su-gli assetti di controllo delle società stesse. L’analisi delle situazioni di controllo congiunto da sindacato azionario potrà fornire ulteriori indica-zioni sulla correlazione tra controllo e dimensione economica. La ricerca intende sperimentare un nuovo approccio nello studio dei problemi applicativi del diritto societario, e avviare la necessaria rifles-sione sulla relativa impostazione metodologica

    Sensitivity Studies with the SPS Rest Gas Profile Monitor

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    During the SPS run in the year 2000 further test measurements were performed with the rest gas monitor. First, profiles of single circulating proton bunches were measured and the bunch charge progressively reduced, in order to determine the smallest bunch intensity which can be scanned under the present operating conditions. The image detector in this case was a CMOS camera. Using a multi-anode strip photo-multiplier with fast read-out electronics, the possibility to record profiles on a single beam passage and on consecutive turns was also investigated. This paper presents the results of these tests and discusses the expected improvements for the operation in 2001. Moreover, the issue of micro channel plate ageing effects was tackled and a calibration system based on electron emission from a heating wire is proposed. The gained experience will be used for the specification of a new monitor with optimised design, to be operated both in the SPS and in the LHC

    Crossing Over from Attractive to Repulsive Interactions in a Tunneling Bosonic Josephson Junction

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    We explore the interplay between tunneling and interatomic interactions in the dynamics of a bosonic Josephson junction. We tune the scattering length of an atomic 39^{39}K Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a double-well trap to investigate regimes inaccessible to other superconducting or superfluid systems. In the limit of small-amplitude oscillations, we study the transition from Rabi to plasma oscillations by crossing over from attractive to repulsive interatomic interactions. We observe a critical slowing down in the oscillation frequency by increasing the strength of an attractive interaction up to the point of a quantum phase transition. With sufficiently large initial oscillation amplitude and repulsive interactions the system enters the macroscopic quantum self-trapping regime, where we observe coherent undamped oscillations with a self-sustained average imbalance of the relative well population. The exquisite agreement between theory and experiments enables the observation of a broad range of many body coherent dynamical regimes driven by tunable tunneling energy, interactions and external forces, with applications spanning from atomtronics to quantum metrology.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, supplemental materials are include

    The preparation period in basketball: Training load and neuromuscular adaptations

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    © 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. Purpose: To investigate the effect of the preparation period on neuromuscular characteristics of 12 professional (PRO) and 16 semiprofessional (SEMIPRO) basketball players and relationships between training-load indices and changes in neuromuscular physical performance. Methods: Before and after the preparation period, players underwent a countermovement jump (CMJ) test followed by a repeated change-of-direction (COD) test consisting of 4 levels with increasing intensities. The peripheral neuromuscular functions of the knee extensors (peak torque [PT]) were measured using electrical stimulations after each level (PT1, PT2, PT3, and PT4). Furthermore, PT Max (the highest value of PT) and PT Dec (PT decrement from PT Max to PT4) were calculated. Results: Trivial to small (effect size [ES] = -0.17 to 0.46) improvements were found in CMJ variables, regardless of competitive level. After the preparation period, peripheral fatigue induced by a COD test was similarly reduced in both PRO (PT Dec: from 27.8% [21.3%] to 11.4% [13.7%]; ES = -0.71; 90% confidence interval [CI], ±0.30) and SEMIPRO (PT Dec: from 26.1% [21.9%] to 10.2% [8.2%]; ES = -0.69; 90% CI, ±0.32). Moderate to large relationships were found between session rating of perceived exertion training load and changes in peak power output (PPO) measured during the CMJs (rs [90% confidence interval]: PPOabs, -.46 [±.26]; PPOrel, -.53 [±.23]) and in some PTs measured during the COD test (PT1, -.45 [±.26]; PT2, -.44 [±.26]; PT3, -.40 [±.27]; and PT Max, -.38 [±.28]). Conclusions: The preparation period induced minimal changes in the CMJ, while the ability to sustain repeated COD efforts was improved. Reaching high session rating of perceived exertion training loads might partially and negatively affect the ability to produce strength and power

    Dynamical formation of quantum droplets in a K39 mixture

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    We report on the dynamical formation of self-bound quantum droplets in attractive mixtures of 39^{39}K atoms. Considering the experimental observations of Semeghini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 235301 (2018), we perform numerical simulations to understand the relevant processes involved in the formation of a metastable droplet from an out-of-equilibrium mixture. We first analyze the so-called self-evaporation mechanism, where the droplet dissipates energy by releasing atoms, and then we consider the effects of losses due to three-body recombinations and to the balancing of populations in the mixture. We discuss the importance of these three mechanisms in the observed droplet dynamics and their implications for future experiments

    Spatial Bloch oscillations of a quantum gas in a "beat-note" superlattice

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    We report the experimental realization of a new kind of optical lattice for ultra-cold atoms where arbitrarily large separation between the sites can be achieved without renouncing to the stability of ordinary lattices. Two collinear lasers, with slightly different commensurate wavelengths and retroreflected on a mirror, generate a superlattice potential with a periodic "beat-note" profile where the regions with large amplitude modulation provide the effective potential minima for the atoms. To prove the analogy with a standard large spacing optical lattice we study Bloch oscillations of a Bose Einstein condensate with negligible interactions in the presence of a small force. The observed dynamics between sites separated by ten microns for times exceeding one second proves the high stability of the potential. This novel lattice is the ideal candidate for the coherent manipulation of atomic samples at large spatial separations and might find direct application in atom-based technologies like trapped atom interferometers and quantum simulators.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The OTR screen betatron matching monitor of the CERN SPS

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    In order to satisfy the stringent emittance requirements of LHC, betatron matching monitors, based on multiturn beam profile measurements, have been proposed for the SPS and LHC. A test monitor has been installed for evaluation in the CERN SPS first in 1996 and improved in 1997. It is based on an OTR screen and a fast beam profile acquisition system. It has been used with proton beams to assess the quality of the betatron matching from the PS to the SPS in 1998. Experience and results are presented
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