18 research outputs found

    Выявление избыточного количества натрия в миокарде в условиях натриевой нагрузки с помощью двухэнергетической компьютерной томографии

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    Introduction. The direct relationship between the level of sodium intake, arterial hypertension, followed by the development of heart failure, a hypothesis of the direct influence of excessive sodium accumulation in myocardial glycosaminoglycans seems quite probable, which can further contribute to the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction and heart failure.The aim of the study was to identify excess sodium in rats under conditions of sodium loading, in comparison with rats at a normal level of sodium intake. Materials and methods. Ten male Wistar rats with the same body weight were divided into two groups: the excess salt intake group and the normal salt intake group. Estimation of the amount of Na and NaCl in the animal myocardium was performed using dual energy computed tomography (DECT) samples. Samples were scanned on a Revolution GSI tomograph (GE Healthcare). For statistical processing of the obtained data, the R language was used. Results. The results of the study showed that the accumulation of Na and NaCl does not depend on the average level of animal feed intake, there is no correlation between weight and accumulation of excess Na in tissues, the level of Na and NaCl detected in myocardial tissue significantly increases the likelihood of a high salt diet in rats, and a relationship between the content Na in the myocardium and NaCl+H2O. Conclusion. The experiment confirmed the existence of a reliable relationship between the sodium compounds calculated on the basis of DECT and the content of these compounds in the samples. The small number of samples did not allow us to calculate normalized rats, but we noted a clear difference between the control group and the high sodium diet.Введение. Учитывая прямую взаимосвязь между уровнем потребления натрия (Na), артериальной гипертензией с последующим развитием сердечной недостаточности, достаточно вероятным представляется гипотеза непосредственного влияния избыточного накопления Naвгликозаминогликанах миокарда, что в дальнейшем может способствовать возникновению диастолической дисфункции и сердечной недостаточности. Цель исследования: выявление избыточного количества натрия у крыс, находящихся в условиях натриевой нагрузки, в сравнении с крысами, находящимися на нормальном уровне потребления натрия. Материалы и методы. Десять самцов крыс рода Wistar с одинаковой массой тела были разделены на две группы: группа избыточного потребления соли и группа нормального потребления соли. Оценка количества натрия и NaCl в миокарде животных была выполнена при двухэнергетической компьютерной томографии (ДЭКТ) образцов. Сканирование образцов выполняли на томографе RevolutionGSI (GEHealthcare). Для статистической обработки полученных данных использовали язык R. Результаты исследования показали: накопление натрия и NaCl, не зависит от среднего уровня потребления корма животным, отсутствует корреляция между весом и уровнем накопления избытка натрия в тканях, уровень натрия и NaCl в ткани миокарда значимо повышают вероятность высокосолевой диеты у крысы, выявлена зависимость между содержанием натрия в миокарде и NaCl+Н2О. Заключение. Эксперимент подтвердил наличие достоверной связи вычисленных на основании ДЭКТ значений соединений натрия с содержанием этих соединений в образцах. Малое количество образцов не позволило нам рассчитать нормализованные показатели для крыс, однако мы отметили четкое различие между контрольной группой и группой с высоким содержанием натрия в диете

    Crystal and magnetic structures of Cr1/3NbSe2 from neutron diffraction

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    Neutron diffraction measurements of the Cr intercalated niobium diselenide Cr1/3NbSe2 together with magnetization measurements have revealed that this compound exhibits ferromagnetic ordering below TC = 96 K unlike a chiral helimagnetic order observed in the sulfide compound Cr1/3NbS2. As derived from neutron diffraction data, the Cr magnetic moments µCr = 2.83 ± 0.03 µB in Cr1/3NbSe2 are aligned within basal plane. The discrepancy in the magnetic states of Cr1/3NbS2 and Cr1/3NbSe2 is ascribed to the difference in the preferential site occupation of Cr ions in crystal lattices. In Cr1/3NbSe2, the Cr ions are predominantly distributed over 2b Wyckoff site, which determines a centrosymmetric character of the crystal structure unlike Cr1/3NbS2, where the Cr ions are mainly located in 2c position and the crystal structure is non-centrosymmetric

    Динамическая компьютерная томография легких с пониженной лучевой нагрузкой

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    Aim. To evaluate the possibilities of dynamic lung CT using a low-dose scanning Protocol.Materials and methods. The study is based on the experience of using two protocols of dynamic lung CT in 97 patients with single foci in the lungs. CT study was performed on a multispiral computed tomograph GE Optima CT660 with bolus administration of 100 ml of iodine-containing drug at a rate of 3.5 ml/sec. Native the study was conducted from the level of the jugular notch to the diaphragmatic sinuses. After that, the focus area was scanned for 30 seconds, 1, 2, 4, 6, 15 minutes after administration of contrast agent. Depending on the scanning Protocol used, the patients were divided into 2 groups. The Protocol of the first group of patients (n = 20) included the following parameters: radiation field (Nativ/contrast phase) – 270–340 mm/100-140 mm; voltage – 120 kV; the current 80–400 mA; rotation time of the tube – 0,6 sec; slice thickness 5 mm. the parameters of the scanning Protocol of the second group of patients (n = 50): radiation field (Nativ/contrast phase) – 270–340 mm/30–45 mm; voltage – 100 kV; the current 80–400 mA; rotation time of the tube – 0,6 sec; the slice thickness is 5 mm. Quantitative assessment included measurement of effective dose. Qualitative assessment of each study included the analysis of the CT scans obtained with an assessment of the degree of “noise” of the image and its impact on the interpretation of the obtained CT data.Results. In the first group of patients, the tube voltage was 120 kV, the irradiation field in the native phase was within 270–340 mm, in contrast phases of the study-within 100–140 mm (124.5 ± 12.8 mm), while the effective dose ranged from 13.7 mSv to 21.5 mSv and averaged 18.1 ± 2.4 mSv. In the second group of patients radiation field in the native phase was in the range of 270–340 mm, the contrast phase of the study – in the range of 30–45 mm (36.0 ± 6.1 mm), the effective radiation dose was varied in the range of 5.1 mSv – 10.2 mSv and the average was 7.6 ± 1.7 mSv.Conclusion. The use of the developed Protocol of CT-study in the dynamic CT of the chest provides a reduction in the dose of radiation by an average of 42% while maintaining an adequate assessment of the data on the accumulation and leaching of contrast agent formation.Цель исследования: оценка возможности применения метода динамической КТ легких с пониженной лучевой нагрузкой.Материал и методы. Исследование основано на применении двух протоколов динамической КТ легких у 97 больных с одиночными очагами в легких. КТ-исследование выполняли на компьютерном томографе GE Optima CT660 с болюсным введением 100 мл йодсодержащего контрастного препарата со скоростью введения 3,5 мл/с. Нативное исследование проводили от уровня яремной вырезки до диафрагмальных синусов. После этого сканировали область очага на 30-й секунде, 1, 2, 4, 6, 15-й минутах после введения контрастного вещества. В зависимости от используемого протокола сканирования пациенты были разделены на 2 группы. Параметры протокола 1-й группы пациентов (n = 20): поле облучения (натив/контрастные фазы) 270–340 мм/100–140  мм; напряжение 120 кВ; сила тока 80–400 мА; время вращения трубки 0,6 с; толщина среза 5 мм. Параметры протокола сканирования 2-й группы пациентов (n = 50): поле облучения (натив/контрастные фазы) 270–340 мм/30–45 мм; напряжение 100 кВ; сила тока 80–400 мА; время вращения трубки 0,6 с; толщина среза 5 мм. Количественная оценка включала измерение эффективной дозы облучения. Качественная оценка каждого исследования включала анализ полученных КТ-сканов с оценкой степени “шума” изображения и его влияния на интерпретацию полученных КТ-данных.Результаты. В 1-й группе пациентов напряжение на трубке составило 120 кВ, поле облучения в нативную фазу находилось в пределах 270–340 мм, при контрастных фазах исследования – в пределах 100–140 мм (124,5 ± 12,8 мм), при этом эффективная доза облучения находилась в пределах 13,7–21,5 мЗв и в среднем составила 18,1 ± 2,4 мЗв. Во 2-й группе пациентов поле облучения в нативную фазу находилось в пределах 270–340 мм, при контрастных фазах исследования – в пределах 30–45 мм (36,0 ± 6,1 мм), эффективная доза облучения при этом варьировала в пределах 5,1–10,2 мЗв и в среднем составила 7,6 ± 1,7 мЗв.Заключение. Использование разработанного протокола КТ-исследования при проведении динами ческой КТ органов грудной клетки обеспечивает снижение дозы облучения в среднем на 42% с сохранением адекватной оценки данных о накоплении и вымывании контрастного вещества образованием

    Cutaneous Manifestations in Patients with Covid-19 in the Practice of Emergency Medical Care

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    Currently, information about the epidemiology, clinical features, prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection affected by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is constantly updated and updated. The most common clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are fever, symptoms of intoxication, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest congestion, decreased sense of smell and taste, less often — abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and others. For the current period, there are data from clinical observations describing skin lesions in the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection. One of the first descriptions of skin manifestations in COVID-19 was published by the Italian dermatologist Recalcati S. (2020), who provided data on possible types of skin lesions as a variant of the manifestation of a new COVID-19 coronavirus infection.This paper presents the confirmed cases COVID-19 infection with skin lesions, from the practice of specialists of mobile teams of emergency medical care state budgetary institution «Station of emergency medical care to them. A.S. Puchkov» in Moscow, at survey of the patients at disease onset. In the initial period of the disease, when examining patients, various morphological elements were observed: papulo-vesicular, papulo-squamous, erythematous, urticary, and others, their localization was also different. Whether the described changes on the skin are associated with direct exposure to the pathogen COVID-19 or are a manifestation of secondary pathogenetic factors (infectious-allergic, allergic, toxic, etc.) is not currently known. Further accumulation of clinical observations of skin manifestations in this disease is necessary in order to analyze and evaluate their diagnostic and prognostic value


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    Abstract. Phosphorilated polyprenols (PP) isolated from different sources are known to exert immunomodulating and antiviral activities. In this paper possible anti-inflammatory action of PP were studied using sensitive models of 5-lypoxigenase and 15-lypoxigenase activity inhibition, as well as a model of the hypostasis induced by the complete Freundt’s adjuvant, or carraginan. Also in vitro model of bronchospasm was used to study prospective broncholytic activity of PP. The latter was found to exert dose-dependent inhibitory effect upon both 5-lypoxigenase and 15-lypoxigenase activity. In the suspension cell culture significant inhibitory effect of PP upon leukotriens production was found even at a concentration of 5 mcg/ml; at concentration of 100 mkg/ml activity of the enzyme was suppressed almost to zero. In neutrophil cells cultivated on a collagenic substrate the significant inhibitory effect was also found at the concentration of 5 mcg/ml; 20 mcg/ml of PP reduced 5-LOX activity approximately 20-fold. In another protocol PP significantly inhibited 15-LOX activity. Thus, PP may be regarded as active inhibitor of both lipoxygenases. The PP exerted anti-inflammatory activity at both models of hypostasis, though it was weaker compared with indomethacin. Also PP was found to possess broncholytic activity in vitro in the bronchospasm model. Taking into account early established findings proving that PP may function as a physiological counterregulator of MIF (macrophage inhibitory factor), a major pro-inflammatory cytokine, our data prove that PP possess anti-inflammatory and broncholytic activities, which might be used for development of novel drugs for preventive care and treatment of bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases and other pathologies