5,078 research outputs found

    White Light Flare Continuum Observations with ULTRACAM

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    We present sub-second, continuous-coverage photometry of three flares on the dM3.5e star, EQ Peg A, using custom continuum filters with WHT/ULTRACAM. These data provide a new view of flare continuum emission, with each flare exhibiting a very distinct light curve morphology. The spectral shape of flare emission for the two large-amplitude flares is compared with synthetic ULTRACAM measurements taken from the spectra during the large 'megaflare' event on a similar type flare star. The white light shape during the impulsive phase of the EQ Peg flares is consistent with the range of colors derived from the megaflare continuum, which is known to contain a Hydrogen recombination component and compact, blackbody-like components. Tentative evidence in the ULTRACAM photometry is found for an anti-correlation between the emission of these components.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (PASP conference series, in press

    Transport mechanisms and rates for the long-lived Chernobyl deposits

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    Observation of Collective-Emission-Induced Cooling inside an Optical Cavity

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    We report the observation of collective-emission-induced, velocity-dependent light forces. One third of a falling sample containing 3 x 10^6 cesium atoms illuminated by a horizontal standing wave is stopped by cooperatively emitting light into a vertically oriented confocal resonator. We observe decelerations up to 1500 m/s^2 and cooling to temperatures as low as 7 uK, well below the free space Doppler limit. The measured forces substantially exceed those predicted for a single two-level atom.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    33.8 GHz CCS Survey of Molecular Cores in Dark Clouds

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    We have conducted a survey of the CCS JN=3221J_N = 3_2-2_1 line toward 11 dark clouds and star-forming regions at 30 arcsec spatial resolution and 0.054 km/s velocity resolution. CCS was only detected in quiescent clouds, not in active star-forming regions. The CCS distribution shows remarkable clumpy structure, and 25 clumps are identified in 7 clouds. Seven clumps with extremely narrow nonthermal linewidths < 0.1 km/s are among the most quiescent clumps ever found. The CCS clumps tend to exist around the higher density regions traced by NH_3 emission or submillimeter continuum sources, and the distribution is not spherically symmetric. Variation of the CCS abundance was suggested as an indicator of the evolutionary status of star formation. However, we can only find a weak correlation between N(CCS) and nH2,virn_{H_2,vir}. The velocity distributions of CCS clouds reveal that a systematic velocity pattern generally exists. The most striking feature in our data is a ring structure in the position-velocity diagram of L1544 with an well-resolved inner hole of 0.04 pc x 0.13 km/s and an outer boundary of 0.16 pc x 0.55 km/s. This position-velocity structure clearly indicates an edge-on disk or ring geometry, and it can be interpreted as a collapsing disk with an infall velocity \gtrsim 0.1 km/s and a rotational velocity less than our velocity resolution. Nonthermal linewidth distribution is generally coherent in CCS clouds, which could be evidence for the termination of Larson's Law at small scales, \sim 0.1 pc.Comment: 21 pages, 25 ostscript figures, accepted for publication in the Supplement Series of the Astrophysical Journal (May 2000

    Representation theory of some infinite-dimensional algebras arising in continuously controlled algebra and topology

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    In this paper we determine the representation type of some algebras of infinite matrices continuously controlled at infinity by a compact metrizable space. We explicitly classify their finitely presented modules in the finite and tame cases. The algebra of row-column-finite (or locally finite) matrices over an arbitrary field is one of the algebras considered in this paper, its representation type is shown to be finite.Comment: 33 page

    MOST Observations of the Flare Star AD Leo

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    We present continuous, high-precision photometric monitoring data with 1 minute cadence of the dM3e flare star AD Leo with the {\it MOST} satellite. We observed 19 flares in 5.8 days, and find a flare frequency distribution that is similar to previous studies. The light curve reveals a sinusoidal modulation with period of 2.230.27+0.362.23^{+0.36}_{-0.27} days that we attribute to the rotation of a stellar spot rotating into and out of view. We see no correlation between the occurrence of flares and rotational phase, indicating that there may be many spots distributed at different longitudes, or possibly that the modulation is caused by varying surface coverage of a large polar spot that is viewed nearly pole-on. The data show no correlation between flare energy and the time since the previous flare. We use these results to reject a simple model in which all magnetic energy is stored in one active region and released only during flares.Comment: 20 Pages, 8 Figures, PASP Accepte

    The Role of Bulge Formation in the Homogenization of Stellar Populations at z2z\sim2 as revealed by Internal Color Dispersion in CANDELS

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    We use data from the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey to study how the spatial variation in the stellar populations of galaxies relate to the formation of galaxies at 1.5<z<3.51.5 < z < 3.5. We use the Internal Color Dispersion (ICD), measured between the rest-frame UV and optical bands, which is sensitive to age (and dust attenuation) variations in stellar populations. The ICD shows a relation with the stellar masses and morphologies of the galaxies. Galaxies with the largest variation in their stellar populations as evidenced by high ICD have disk-dominated morphologies (with S\'{e}rsic indexes <2< 2) and stellar masses between 10<Log M/M<1110 < \mathrm{Log~M/ M_\odot}< 11. There is a marked decrease in the ICD as the stellar mass and/or the S\'ersic index increases. By studying the relations between the ICD and other galaxy properties including sizes, total colors, star-formation rate, and dust attenuation, we conclude that the largest variations in stellar populations occur in galaxies where the light from newly, high star-forming clumps contrasts older stellar disk populations. This phase reaches a peak for galaxies only with a specific stellar mass range, 10<Log M/M<1110 < \mathrm{Log~M/ M_\odot} < 11, and prior to the formation of a substantial bulge/spheroid. In contrast, galaxies at higher or lower stellar masses, and/or higher S\'{e}rsic index (n>2n > 2) show reduced ICD values, implying a greater homogeneity of their stellar populations. This indicates that if a galaxy is to have both a quiescent bulge along with a star forming disk, typical of Hubble Sequence galaxies, this is most common for stellar masses 10<Log M/M<1110 < \mathrm{Log~M/M_\odot} < 11 and when the bulge component remains relatively small (n<2n<2).Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure