270 research outputs found
Lifetimes of Stark-shifted image states
The inelastic lifetimes of electrons in image-potential states at Cu(100)
that are Stark-shifted by the electrostatic tip-sample interaction in the
scanning tunneling microscope are calculated using the many-body GW
approximation. The results demonstrate that in typical tunneling conditions the
image state lifetimes are significantly reduced from their field-free values.
The Stark-shift to higher energies increases the number of inelastic scattering
channels that are available for decay, with field-induced changes in the image
state wave function increasing the efficiency of the inelastic scattering
through greater overlap with final state wave functions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Ab initio study of mirages and magnetic interactions in quantum corrals
The state of the art ab initio calculations of quantum mirages,the
spin-polarization of surface-state electrons and the exchange interaction
between magnetic adatoms in Cu and Co corrals on Cu(111) are presented. We find
that the spin-polarization of the surface-state electrons caused by magnetic
adatoms can be projected to a remote location and can be strongly enhanced in
corrals compared to an open surface.Our studies give a clear evidence that
quantum corrals could permit to tailor the exchange interaction between
magnetic adatoms at large separations. The spin-polarization of surface-state
electrons at the empty focus in the Co corral used in the experimental setup of
Manoharan et al., (Nature 403, 512 (2000)) is revealed.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter
Disorder induced local density of states oscillations on narrow Ag(111) terraces
The local density of states of Ag(111) has been probed in detail on
disordered terraces of varying width by dI/dV-mapping with a scanning tunneling
microscope at low temperatures. Apparent shifts of the bottom of the
surface-state band edge from terrace induced confinement are observed.
Disordered terraces show interesting contrast reversals in the dI/dV maps as a
function of tip-sample voltage polarity with details that depend on the average
width of the terrace and the particular edge profile. In contrast to perfect
terraces with straight edges, standing wave patterns are observed parallel to
the step edges, i.e. in the non-confined direction. Scattering calculations
based on the Ag(111) surface states reproduce these spatial oscillations and
all the qualitative features of the standing wave patterns, including the
polarity-dependent contrast reversals.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure
Spin-polarized surface states close to adatoms on Cu(111)
We present a theoretical study of surface states close to 3d transition metal
adatoms (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) on a Cu(111) surface in terms of an
embedding technique using the fully relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method.
For each of the adatoms we found resonances in the s-like states to be
attributed to a localization of the surface states in the presence of an
impurity. We studied the change of the s-like densities of states in the
vicinity of the surface state band-edge due to scattering effects mediated via
the adatom's d-orbitals. The obtained results show that a magnetic impurity
causes spin-polarization of the surface states. In particular, the long-range
oscillations of the spin-polarized s-like density of states around an Fe adatom
are demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR
Nonlinear screening in two-dimensional electron gases
We have performed self-consistent calculations of the nonlinear screening of
a point charge Z in a two-dimensional electron gas using a density functional
theory method. We find that the screened potential for a Z=1 charge supports a
bound state even in the high density limit where one might expect perturbation
theory to apply. To explain this behaviour, we prove a theorem to show that the
results of linear response theory are in fact correct even though bound states
exist.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Magnetic properties of Quantum Corrals from first principles calculations
We present calculations for electronic and magnetic properties of surface
states confined by a circular quantum corral built of magnetic adatoms (Fe) on
a Cu(111) surface. We show the oscillations of charge and magnetization
densities within the corral and the possibility of the appearance of
spin--polarized states. In order to classify the peaks in the calculated
density of states with orbital quantum numbers we analyzed the problem in terms
of a simple quantum mechanical circular well model. This model is also used to
estimate the behaviour of the magnetization and energy with respect to the
radius of the circular corral. The calculations are performed fully
relativistically using the embedding technique within the
Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Cond. Matt. special issue
on 'Theory and Simulation of Nanostructures
Dissipative dynamics of an extended magnetic nanostructure: Spin necklace in a metallic environment
We study theoretically the dynamics of an ``xxz'' spin necklace coupled to a
conduction electron sea, a model system for a nanostructure in a dissipative
environment. We extract the long-time behavior via a mapping to a multichannel
Coulomb gas problem followed by a scaling analysis. The strong quantum
fluctuations of the necklace cause a nontrivial dependence of couplings on
system size which we extract via an analysis involving the ``boundary condition
changing operator'', and confirm via a detailed numerical evaluation of one
case.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Direct comparison between potential landscape and local density of states in a disordered two-dimensional electron system
The local density of states (LDOS) of the adsorbate induced two-dimensional
electron system (2DES) on n-InAs(110) is studied by low-temperature scanning
tunneling spectroscopy. The LDOS exhibits irregular structures with fluctuation
lengths decreasing with increasing energy. Fourier transformation reveals that
the k-values of the unperturbed 2DES dominate the LDOS, but additional lower
k-values contribute significantly. To clarify the origin of the additional
k-space intensity, we measure the potential landscape of the same 2DES area
with the help of the tip induced quantum dot. This allows to calculate the
expected LDOS from the single particle Schroedinger equation and to directly
compare it with the measured one. Reasonable correspondance between calculated
and measured LDOS is found.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
Multiply Folded Graphene
The folding of paper, hide, and woven fabric has been used for millennia to
achieve enhanced articulation, curvature, and visual appeal for intrinsically
flat, two-dimensional materials. For graphene, an ideal two-dimensional
material, folding may transform it to complex shapes with new and distinct
properties. Here, we present experimental results that folded structures in
graphene, termed grafold, exist, and their formations can be controlled by
introducing anisotropic surface curvature during graphene synthesis or transfer
processes. Using pseudopotential-density functional theory calculations, we
also show that double folding modifies the electronic band structure of
graphene. Furthermore, we demonstrate the intercalation of C60 into the
grafolds. Intercalation or functionalization of the chemically reactive folds
further expands grafold's mechanical, chemical, optical, and electronic
diversity.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures (accepted in Phys. Rev. B
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