496 research outputs found

    Vertical Melting of a Stack of Membranes

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    A stack of tensionless membranes with nonlinear curvature energy and vertical harmonic interaction is studied. At low temperatures, the system forms a lamellar phase. At a critical temperature, the stack disorders vertically in a melting-like transition.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Decrumpling membranes by quantum effects

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    The phase diagram of an incompressible fluid membrane subject to quantum and thermal fluctuations is calculated exactly in a large number of dimensions of configuration space. At zero temperature, a crumpling transition is found at a critical bending rigidity 1/αc1/\alpha_{\rm c}. For membranes of fixed lateral size, a crumpling transition occurs at nonzero temperatures in an auxiliary mean field approximation. As the lateral size L of the membrane becomes large, the flat regime shrinks with 1/ln⁥L1/\ln L.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Derivative expansion of quadratic operators in a general 't Hooft gauge

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    A derivative expansion technique is developed to compute functional determinants of quadratic operators, non diagonal in spacetime indices. This kind of operators arise in general 't Hooft gauge fixed Lagrangians. Elaborate applications of the developed derivative expansion are presented.Comment: 40 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gratitude among advanced cancer patients and their caregivers: The role of early palliative care

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    Objective: A cancer diagnosis represents a unique trauma, given its life-threatening, multidimensional, and uncertain nature. Gratitude is a construct representing the emotional state that arises when individuals recognize that a benefit has been received as a result of someone else’s action or a spiritual entity’s intervention. Based on the positive psychological wellbeing, gratitude has been associated with improved health outcomes even in the disease setting. Thus, the models of care that foster gratitude should be adopted in the clinical context. This study aims to explore whether and how gratitude may originate in patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers undergoing early palliative care (EPC). Methods: We analyzed 251 reports from 133 patients and 118 caregivers describing their clinical experience in two EPC units. The sources of gratitude were identified and ranked based on their frequencies. Words expressing gratitude and words referring to communication and spirituality were collected by means of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software and correlated. Results: In total, 123 (92.5%) of 133 patients’ and 97 (82.2%) of 118 caregivers’ reports, respectively, included explicit or implicit expressions of gratitude. Gratitude was associated specifically with successful physical symptom management, emotional support, improved attitude toward death, better information, humanity, and the familiar environment. The use of words of gratitude in patients’ reports was positively correlated with the use of words referring to communication (r =.215, p =.026) and spirituality (r =.612, p <.001). Conclusion: Our results suggest that interventions within the EPC model based on doctor–patient–caregiver communication may allow patients and caregivers to experience a feeling of gratitude, and this may represent a resource to be exploited to improve their physical and psychosocial wellbeing

    Enhancing the utility of antroduodenal manometry in pediatric intestinal pseudo-obstruction

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    BACKGROUND: Antroduodenal manometry (ADM) and histopathology are currently employed to aid the diagnosis of pediatric intestinal pseudo-obstruction (PIPO). Limited data are available on the reliability of ADM analysis and its correlation with histopathology. We aimed to develop a protocol for enhanced analysis of ADM contractile patterns, including a scoring system, and explore whether this provided better correlation with histopathology. METHODS: Children referred with suspected PIPO between April 2012-December 2019 who underwent both ADM and full-thickness biopsies were included. ADM tracings were analyzed using both standard (conventional ADM) and novel (enhanced ADM) motility parameters. A novel ADM score (GLASS score) was generated based on the enhanced ADM analysis. Conventional and enhanced ADM analyses were then correlated with histopathology. RESULTS: Forty patients were included. Using conventional clinical criteria, 29 of these were diagnosed with PIPO and the other 11 with non-PIPO diagnoses. Twenty-three of the PIPO patients had abnormal histopathology: 6 myopathy, 4 neuropathy, 3 neuro-myopathy, and 10 non-specific changes. No agreement in diagnosis was found between conventional ADM analysis and histopathology (Ï° = 0.068; p = 0.197), whereas the latter significantly correlated with enhanced ADM analysis (Ï° = 0.191; p = 0.003). The enhanced ADM score was significantly higher in PIPO versus non-PIPO (16.0 vs. 8.0; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: As opposed to conventional analysis protocols, the newly developed enhanced ADM analysis and associated score is not only able to discriminate between PIPO and non-PIPO patients, but also between distinct histopathological pathologies. Further studies are required to assess the utility of enhanced ADM analysis in larger populations

    Early Palliative Care in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Background: Several novel targeted therapies seem to improve the outcome of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Nonetheless, the 5-year survival rate remains below 40%, and the trajectory of the disease remains physically and emotionally challenging, with little time to make relevant decisions. For patients with advanced solid tumors, the integration of early palliative care (EPC) with standard oncologic care a few weeks after diagnosis has demonstrated several benefits. However, this model is underutilized in patients with hematologic malignancies. Methods: In this article, we analyze the palliative care (PC) needs of AML patients, examine the operational aspects of an integrated model, and review the evidence in favor of EPC integration in the AML course. Results: AML patients have a high burden of physical and psychological symptoms and high use of avoidant coping strategies. Emerging studies, including a phase III randomized controlled trial, have reported that EPC is feasible for inpatients and outpatients, improves quality of life (QoL), promotes adaptive coping, reduces psychological symptoms, and enhances the quality of end-of-life care. Conclusions: EPC should become the new standard of care for AML patients. However, this raises issues about the urgent development of adequate programs of education to increase timely access to PC

    VIPERdb: a relational database for structural virology

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    VIPERdb () is a database for icosahedral virus capsid structures. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive resource specific to the needs of the structural virology community, with an emphasis on the description and comparison of derived data from structural and energetic analyses of capsids. A relational database implementation based on a schema for macromolecular structure makes the data highly accessible to the user, allowing detailed queries at the atomic level. Together with curation practices that maintain data uniformity, this will facilitate structural bioinformatics studies of virus capsids. User friendly search, visualization and educational tools on the website allow both structural and derived data to be examined easily and extensively. Links to relevant literature, sequence and taxonomy databases are provided for each entry
