48 research outputs found

    Effect of the Size of Clods Contained Covering Soil on the Seedling Emergence of Rice Plant Sown under Upland Field Condition

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    水稲農林23号を用いて, 覆土の土塊の大きさが, 乾田に深播き(覆土7cm)された個体の出芽ならびに幼苗諸器官の長さに及ぼす影響について, 覆土が3cmの場合と比較しながら検討した。乾田に播種された種子が大きい土塊で覆土されると, 覆土が3cmの場合には鞘葉の伸長が抑制される。しかし, 不完全葉はほとんどの個体で3cm以上に伸長する。また大土塊の間隙が小土塊で充足された場合は, 鞘葉および不完全葉ともに, 大土塊だけの場合よりも長くなる。その結果, すべての区の出芽率は, 播種後12日目には90%以上に達する。覆土が7cmの場合には, 覆土の土塊が大きくても, 鞘葉および不完全葉は覆土が3cmの場合よりも著しく長くなる。その結果, 第1本葉が不完全葉から抽出する位置が高められる。しかし, 鞘葉および不完全葉の伸長のみによっては出芽することはできず, 出芽するためには, 第2節間および第1本葉が伸長しなければならない。覆土の土塊が大きい場合には, 第2節間の伸長が抑制される。と同時に, 出芽までの間に幼芽の伸長を妨げる土塊の数も多くなるので, 出芽率は著しく低下する。しかし, 大土塊の間隙が小さい土塊によって充足されると, 第2節間が著しく長くなり, 第1本葉をおしあげる。その結果, 出芽率は単一土塊の場合に比べて著しく高まる。以上の結果と土壌中への光の侵入量との関係について, 若干考察した。 / This experiment was carried out to clarify the effects of size of clods in covering soil on the emergence and the elongation of rice seedling sown under upland field condition in pot (10cm×10cm×12cm) culture. Variety used was Norin No. 23. Seeds were covered with 3cm and 7cm depth of soil. In the case of 3cm in depth of seeding, if seeds were covered with larger clods, the elongation of coleoptile was inhibited, but the profile elongated longer than 3cm. When gaps between larger clods were filled with smaller clods, the length of coleoptile and profile became longer. Consequently, the emergence percentage of all plots reached more than 90% the 12th day after seeding. In the case of 7cm in depth of seeding, if seeds were covered with larger clods, coleoptile or profile elongated to 3 to 4cm in length, but the elongation of second internode was inhibited. As a result, the emergence percentage decreased significantly. When gaps between larger clods were filled with smaller clods, however, the length of second internode increased and first leaf was pushed up through the soil by second internode. Consequently, the emergence percentage increased significantly

    Securing the Downside Up: Client and Care Factors Associated with Outcomes of Secure Residential Youth Care

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    Although secure residential care has the potential of reducing young people's behavioral problems, it is often difficult to achieve positive outcomes. Research suggests that there are several common success factors of treatment, of which the client's motivation for treatment and the quality of the therapeutic relationship between clients and therapists might be especially relevant and important in the context of secure residential care. The objective of the present study was to explore the association of these potential success factors with secure residential care outcomes. A repeated measures research design was applied in the study, including a group of adolescents in a secure residential care center that was followed up on three measurements in time. Interviews and questionnaires concerning care outcomes in terms of adolescents' behavior change during care were administered to 22 adolescents and 27 group care workers. Outcomes in terms of adolescents' treatment satisfaction were assessed by the use of questionnaires, which were completed by 51 adolescents. Adolescents reported some positive changes in their treatment motivation, but those who were more likely to be motivated at admission were also more likely to deteriorate in treatment motivation from admission to departure. Treatment satisfaction was associated with better treatment motivation at admission and with a positive adolescent-group care worker relationship. The results suggest that outcomes can be improved by a more explicit treatment focus on improving the adolescent's treatment motivation and the quality of the adolescent-care worker relationship during secure residential care

    Comorbid problems in ADHD: degree of association, shared endophenotypes, and formation of distinct subtypes: Implications for a future DSM

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    We aimed to assess which comorbid problems (oppositional defiant behaviors, anxiety, autistic traits, motor coordination problems, and reading problems) were most associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); to determine whether these comorbid problems shared executive and motor problems on an endophenotype level with ADHD; and to determine whether executive functioning (EF)-and motor-endophenotypes supported the hypothesis that ADHD with comorbid problems is a qualitatively different phenotype than ADHD without comorbid problems. An EF-and a motor-endophenotype were formed based on nine neuropsychological tasks administered to 816 children from ADHD-and control-families. Additional data on comorbid problems were gathered using questionnaires. Results indicated that oppositional defiant behaviors appeared the most important comorbid problems of ADHD, followed by autistic traits, and than followed by motor coordination problems, anxiety, and reading problems. Both the EF-and motor-endophenotype were correlated and cross-correlated in siblings to autistic traits, motor coordination problems and reading problems, suggesting ADHD and these comorbid problems may possibly share familial/genetic EF and motor deficits. No such results were found for oppositional defiant behaviors and anxiety. ADHD in co-occurrence with comorbid problems may not be best seen as a distinct subtype of ADHD, but further research is warranted

    They ask for protection: An exploratory study into experiences with violence among unaccompanied refugee children in Dutch reception facilities

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    Background: Children placed under governmental supervision and staying in residential or foster care are more vulnerable to violence than children who live with their own families. One specific group of children staying in reception facilities under governmental supervision comprises unaccompanied refugee children who have fled to a host country without their parents. Objective: This qualitative study explores the experiences of unaccompanied children with regard to violence in reception facilities in the Netherlands from the perspective of the children. Participants and setting: 183 unaccompanied children (N = 183) sheltered in a variety of reception facilities in the Netherlands. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted focusing on several topics related to their perceived quality of life. The transcripts of the interviews were analyzed for experiences with violence occurring inside the reception facilities. The codebook that was used was based on the categorization of maltreatment in the fourth United States National Incidence Study (NIS-4) and the interpretation of violence by the Committee on the Rights of the Child in General Comment No. 13 (GC 13). Results: A large share (66 %) of the unaccompanied children had experienced violence in various reception facilities. Most of the experiences reported had to do with either physical and emotional abuse and neglect or institutional violence. Conclusion: The breadth of experiences of violence underlines the responsibility of the Dutch state to invest in the safe reception of unaccompanied children in order to protect their development, while also investing in further research on the prevalence of violence in the reception of unaccompanied children

    Recently arrived refugee children:The quality and outcomes of Best Interests of the Child assessments

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    Best Interests of the Child (BIC) assessments provide migration authorities with behavioral information about which interests of the child could be taken into account before a decision is made on the request for a residence permit. This study provides insight into the quality and outcomes of BIC assessments with 16 unaccompanied children (15-18 years) and 11 accompanied children (4-16 years) who have recently arrived in the Netherlands and requested asylum (N = 27). The results suggest that BIC assessments provide relevant information that enables assessors to determine the best interests of recently arrived refugee children. The inter -rater reliability of the BIC-Questionnaire, an instrument that evaluates the child -rearing environment and that is one of the components of the BIC assessment, was fairly good. The children in the sample had experienced a high number of stressful life events and a majority reported trauma related stress symptoms or other emotional problems. The quality of the child -rearing environment in the country of origin had protected their development insufficiently in the past and would not protect their development sufficiently in the future. The results show that in many cases forced return to the country of origin can put children's development at risk. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p