9 research outputs found

    Problems of legislative regulation of the procedure for issuing prescriptions for drugs containing narcotic and psychotropic substances

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    The article deals with the problem associated with the imperfection of the legislation on the issuance of prescription forms for drugs containing narcotic and psychotropic substances. The prescription, as a written prescription of a medicinal product in the prescribed form issued by a medical or veterinary worker who is entitled to it for the purpose of dispensing the medicinal product or its manufacture and release has several meanings. The medical value of the prescription is that it is an integral part in the treatment of the patient. This process includes the diagnosis by a doctor, paramedic or midwife, the choice of drug required by the patient, the dose of the drug, the intervals between doses, the duration of treatment and the dosage form. The financial and economic value of the prescription is manifested in the fact that it serves as a basis for mutual settlements between the pharmacy and the patient including within the framework of the organization of provision of medicines in order to provide state social assistance in the form of a set of social services for citizens of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions, it is also important to obtain a tax deduction when a patient purchases a medicine for cash which is possible only if a correctly prescribed prescription is available. But the prescription is not only a medical, but also a legal document. Prescription issued and prescribed not according to the regulations imposes judicial liability on the doctor or paramedic who wrote the prescription or the pharmacist who gave the medicine according to the wrong prescription. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the variety of prescription forms in the medical field complicates the process of discharge and use of drugs as intended

    Оценка клинико-функционального состояния и качества жизни больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких до и после комплексной медикаментозной терапии в амбулаторных условиях

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    A comparative randomised trial of fenspirid (Erespal) had been administered for 3 months together with bronchodilating and mycolytic drugs involved 45 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clinical status, forced expiratory values and quality of life (QoL) were studied using World Organization of Health questionnaire (W H O Q O L -100). Thirty four patients completed the examination (24 males and 10 females, the average age was 52.7±1.9 yrs). The comparative group included 25 healthy non-smokers. The trial demonstrated that the therapy resulted in improvement of QoL in physical and psychical health scales. The patients becam e more active, their sleep becam e better. Their attention was transferred from their physical status to the surroundings. The application of fenspirid (Erespal) facilitated the improvement in the forced expiratory values and ESR. The drug was well tolerated and caused only mild adverse effects which rates were equal to those in patients not received fenspirid. The results permit fenspirid to be included to modern treatment protocols for patients with mild to moderate COPD when combined with bronchodilators.В сравнительное рандомизированное исследование препарата фенспирид (эреспал), применявшегося в течение 3 мес в сочетании с бронхолитическими и муколитическими средствами, было включено 45 больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ). Изучали клинический статус пациентов, параметры форсированного выдоха и качество жизни больных ХОБЛ с помощью опросника Всемирной организации здравоохранения W H O Q O L-100. Полностью обследование завершили 34 больных ХОБЛ (24 мужчин и 10 женщин), средний возраст которых составил 52,7±1,9 года. 25 здоровых не курящих людей составили группу сравнения. Проведенное исследование показало, что после лечения качество жизни (КЖ), оцененное по методике, рекомендованной ВОЗ, улучшилось по шкалам, отражающим физическое и психическое здоровье. Больные стали более активными, у них улучшился сон. Акцентуация была перенесена с собственного физического состояния на окружающую среду. Использование фенспирида (эреспал) в лечении больных ХОБЛ потенцировало улучшение параметров форсированного выдоха, нормализацию СОЭ. Препарат хорошо переносился, вызывал только легкие побочные реакции, которые встречались не чаще, чем у пациентов, не получавших фенспирид. Полученные данные позволяют рекомендовать включение фенспирида (эреспал) в современные протоколы лечения больных ХОБЛ при легком и среднетяжелом течении в сочетании с бронхолитическими препаратами

    Интегральная модель диагностики и наблюдения больных саркоидозом в современных условия

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    The aim of the work performed was to develop a modern model of diagnosis and observation of sacroidosis patients. We examined 144 patients, and sarcoidosis was diagnosed in 109 of them. Each the third case of sarcoidosis was histologically verified. The phthysiatric facilities played the leading role in detecting sarcoidosis-like diseases and definition of the patients' contagiosity. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis and topic detection of injured organs require a complex examination in a modern diagnostic centre including various specialists' consultations. Such approach allows to assess a real spread of the disease, a rate of extrapuimonary lesions and efficacy of different therapeutic methods. The authors propose to create a national consensus on sarcoidosis.Задачей работы была отработка современной модели диагностики и наблюдения за больными саркоидозом. Были обследованы 144 пациента, у которых в 109 был подтвержден саркоидоз. В каждом третьем случае была проведена гистологическая верификация диагноза. В раннем выявлении состояний, сходных с саркоидозом, и исключения контагиозности пациентов при дальнейшем обследовании ведущая роль была отведена фтизиатрической службе. Верификация диагноза и топическая диагностика поражения органов и систем при саркоидозе требует комплексного обследования в условиях современного диагностического центра с привлечением специалистов различного профиля. Это позволит оценить реальную распространенность саркоидоза, частоту внелегочных поражений и эффективность различных методов лечения. Авторы предлагают приступить к выработке национального соглашения по данному заболеванию


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    The paper considers doctor-patient relationships, compliance in routine practice, and the psychological characteristics of patients with pulmonary diseases

    Russian school of bioethics: a quarter of a century of development

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    The article presents the reasons for the emergence and development of bioethics as a scientific direction in the world and in our country. In the end of 21st century, humanity faced the complex of global problems solving which affected its survival nowadays: these are the problems of peaceful coexistence of states and peoples, environmental security, demography, health and quality of life connected to health. The science of bioethics which appeared in 1970s started their discussion, understanding and finding solutions, using interdisciplinary approach, involving the general public and seeking political solutions. At the origins of bioethics stood the American biochemist V.R. Potter and doctor A. Hellegers, and a German pastor Fritz Jahr. Boris Grigorievich Yudin can be considered the founder of the Russian school of bioethics, who defined objectives, tasks, basic science perspective in the light of national and regional peculiarities and modalities and founded the platform for discussions. The development of bioethics in our country was multicentered: it is possible to distinguish Moscow, Volgograd and Kazan centers of science development, each of which has its own outstanding terms of reference. The article presents the authors' view of contribution of the brightest representatives developing bioethics in our country, and role of certain scientific and educational centers

    Особенности взаимоотношений медицинский работник - пациент в пульмонологической практике

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    The paper considers doctor-patient relationships, compliance in routine practice, and the psychological characteristics of patients with pulmonary diseases.В статье рассмотрены вопросы взаимоотношений врача и пациента, проблемы комплаенса в рутинной практике и психологические особенности пациентов пульмонологического профиля

    Risks of modern biotechnologies and legal aspects of their implementation in agriculture

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    The main purpose of this study is to determine the best practices of social regulation of negative consequences for modern biotechnology use based on a comparative review of European and Russian legal regulations on food safety. The paper gives original classification of risks of biotechnologies introduction in agriculture, namely: food, agricultural, environmental, patent, social and ethical ones. Although risk assessment systems have been in use for some time, consumers do not always trust the results. One explanation for this is that in the past many national food safety systems had problems with timely notification of certain products’ potential hazards. In many countries, social and ethical views can be the reason for rejection of certain products, manipulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Such conflicts often reflect deeper issues about the interaction of human society and nature – issues that must be fully taken into account in any attempt at social communication. Authors offer a mode of social control and consensus in the form of agrobioethics, similar to bioethics in biomedical technologies