20,164,216 research outputs found

    Spaces of embeddings of compact polyhedra into 2-manifolds

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    Let M be a PL 2-manifold and X be a compact subpolyhedron of M and let E(X, M) denote the space of embeddings of X into M with the compact-open topology. In this paper we study an extension property of embeddings of X into M and show that the restriction map from the homeomorphism group of M to E(X, M) is a principal bundle. As an application we show that if M is a Euclidean PL 2-manifold and dim X >= 1 then the triple (E(X,M), E^LIP(X,M), E^PL(X, M)) is an (s,Sigma,sigma)-manifold, where E_K^LIP(X,M) and E_K^PL(X, M) denote the subspaces of Lipschitz and PL embeddings.Comment: 13 page

    A quantitative version of the commutator theorem for zero trace matrices

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    Let AA be a m×mm\times m complex matrix with zero trace and let \e>0. Then there are m×mm\times m matrices BB and CC such that A=[B,C]A=[B,C] and \|B\|\|C\|\le K_\e m^\e\|A\| where K_\e depends only on \e. Moreover, the matrix BB can be taken to be normal

    Triangle-roundedness in matroids

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    A matroid NN is said to be triangle-rounded in a class of matroids M\mathcal{M} if each 33-connected matroid M∈MM\in \mathcal{M} with a triangle TT and an NN-minor has an NN-minor with TT as triangle. Reid gave a result useful to identify such matroids as stated next: suppose that MM is a binary 33-connected matroid with a 33-connected minor NN, TT is a triangle of MM and e∈T∩E(N)e\in T\cap E(N); then MM has a 33-connected minor M′M' with an NN-minor such that TT is a triangle of M′M' and ∣E(M′)∣≤∣E(N)∣+2|E(M')|\le |E(N)|+2. We strengthen this result by dropping the condition that such element ee exists and proving that there is a 33-connected minor M′M' of MM with an NN-minor N′N' such that TT is a triangle of M′M' and E(M′)−E(N′)⊆TE(M')-E(N')\subseteq T. This result is extended to the non-binary case and, as an application, we prove that M(K5)M(K_5) is triangle-rounded in the class of the regular matroids

    Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine: Volume 2

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    Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey. First published by the Wellcome Trust, 1998 Occasional Publication no. 6, 1998. ©The Trustee of the Wellcome Trust, London, 1998.All volumes are freely available online following the links to Publications/Wellcome Witnesses at www.ucl.ac.uk/histmed.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Annotated and edited transcripts of 4 Witness Seminars. Introduction by E M Tansey.Second volume of four Witness Seminar transcripts of meetings held between 1996 and 1997: ‘Making the Human Body Transparent: The Impact of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging’ (Tansey E M, Christie D A, eds); ‘Research in General Practice’ (Tansey E M, Reynolds L A, eds); ‘Drugs in Psychiatric Practice’ (Tansey E M, Christie D A, eds); ‘The MRC Common Cold Unit (Tansey E M, Reynolds L A, eds). Tansey E M, Christie D A, Reynolds L A. (eds) (1998) Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine: Volume 2. London: The Wellcome Trust.The Wellcome Trust is a registered charity, no. 210183
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