1,058 research outputs found

    Robust Unconditionally Secure Quantum Key Distribution with Two Nonorthogonal and Uninformative States

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    We introduce a novel form of decoy-state technique to make the single-photon Bennett 1992 protocol robust against losses and noise of a communication channel. Two uninformative states are prepared by the transmitter in order to prevent the unambiguous state discrimination attack and improve the phase-error rate estimation. The presented method does not require strong reference pulses, additional electronics or extra detectors for its implementation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Correlation Bounds for Quantum Information Experiments Optimization: the Wigner Inequality Case

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    Violation of modified Wigner inequality by means binary bipartite quantum system allows the discrimination between the quantum world and the classical local-realistic one, and also ensures the security of Ekert-like quantum key distribution protocol. In this paper we study both theoretically and experimentally the bounds of quantum correlation associated to the modified Wigner's inequality finding the optimal experimental configuration for its maximal violation. We also extend this analysis to the implementation of Ekert's protocol

    Three-intensity decoy state method for device independent quantum key distribution with basis dependent errors

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    We study the measurement device independent quantum key distribution (MDIQKD) in practice with limited resource, when there are only 3 different states in implementing the decoy-state method and when there are basis dependent coding errors. We present general formulas for the decoy-state method for two-pulse sources with 3 different states, which can be applied to the recently proposed MDIQKD with imperfect single-photon source such as the coherent states or the heralded states from the parametric down conversion. We point out that the existing result for secure QKD with source coding errors does not always hold. We find that very accurate source coding is not necessary. In particular, we loosen the precision of existing result by several magnitude orders for secure QKD.Comment: Published version with Eq.(17) corrected. We emphasize that our major result (Eq.16) for the decoy-state part can be applied to generate a key rate very close to the ideal case of using infinite different coherent states, as was numerically demonstrated in Ref.[21]. Published in PRA, 2013, Ja

    Secure and efficient decoy-state quantum key distribution with inexact pulse intensities

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    We present a general theorem for the efficient verification of the lower bound of single-photon transmittance. We show how to do decoy-state quantum key distribution efficiently with large random errors in the intensity control. In our protocol, the linear terms of fluctuation disappear and only the quadratic terms take effect. We then show the unconditional security of decoy-state method with whatever error pattern in intensities of decoy pulses and signal pulses provided that the intensity of each decoy pulse is less than μ\mu and the intensity of each signal pulse is larger than μ\mu'