37 research outputs found

    What is "system": some decoherence-theory arguments

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    We discuss the possibility of making the {\it initial} definitions of mutually different (possibly interacting, or even entangled) systems in the context of decoherence theory. We point out relativity of the concept of elementary physical system as well as point out complementarity of the different possible divisions of a composite system into "subsystems", thus eventually sharpening the issue of 'what is system'.Comment: 9 pages, no figure


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    Increase of ecological awareness affected the realization of more strict laws concerning the environment, which are being imposed in many countries. It also affected lubricant area and tendency for decreased pollution that lubricants can induce if they are uncontrollably spread around. Earlier it was believed that biodegradability is the most important criteria for evaluating the ecologically acceptable lubricants. Many studies had given the results of testing the affect that lubricants have on flora and fauna in water, their accumulation potential and human health. European Union commission had presented in 2005. the document under number 2005/360/EC that applies on lubricants that can carry the so-called Eco-label. It defines seven basic criteria that lubricants must fulfill. Manufacturers of components for lubricant production and lubricants itself had gotten newmissions. In this paper are shown the results of lubricant testing that completely satisfy the given criteria. They apply on toxicity for flora and fauna in water, bio accumulation potential and harmful health impact potential. Special demand is applied on using feedstock that are not only biodegradable, but are produced from renewable sources, and thus fulfill technical lubricant performances

    What is "system": the information-theoretic arguments

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    The problem of "what is 'system'?" is in the very foundations of modern quantum mechanics. Here, we point out the interest in this topic in the information-theoretic context. E.g., we point out the possibility to manipulate a pair of mutually non-interacting, non-entangled systems to employ entanglement of the newly defined '(sub)systems' consisting the one and the same composite system. Given the different divisions of a composite system into "subsystems", the Hamiltonian of the system may perform in general non-equivalent quantum computations. Redefinition of "subsystems" of a composite system may be regarded as a method for avoiding decoherence in the quantum hardware. In principle, all the notions refer to a composite system as simple as the hydrogen atom.Comment: 13 pages, no figure


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    Increase of ecological awareness affected the realization of more strict laws concerning the environment, which are being imposed in many countries. It also affected lubricant area and tendency for decreased pollution that lubricants can induce if they are uncontrollably spread around. Earlier it was believed that biodegradability is the most important criteria for evaluating the ecologically acceptable lubricants. Many studies had given the results of testing the affect that lubricants have on flora and fauna in water, their accumulation potential and human health. European Union commission had presented in 2005. the document under number 2005/360/EC that applies on lubricants that can carry the so-called Eco-label. It defines seven basic criteria that lubricants must fulfill. Manufacturers of components for lubricant production and lubricants itself had gotten newmissions. In this paper are shown the results of lubricant testing that completely satisfy the given criteria. They apply on toxicity for flora and fauna in water, bio accumulation potential and harmful health impact potential. Special demand is applied on using feedstock that are not only biodegradable, but are produced from renewable sources, and thus fulfill technical lubricant performances

    Quantum information processing: The case of vanishing interaction energy

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    We investigate the rate of operation of quantum "black boxes" ("oracles") and point out the possibility of performing an operation by a quantum "oracle" whose average energy equals zero. This counterintuitive result not only presents a generalization of the recent results of Margolus and Levitin, but might also sharpen the conceptual distinction between the "classical" and the "quantum" information.Comment: a new form of quant-ph/0103150; Journal Ref. Phys. Lett. A 302 (2002) 29

    Asymptotic dynamics of the alternate degrees of freedom for a two-mode system: an analytically solvable model

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    The composite systems can be non-uniquely decomposed into parts (subsystems). Not all decompositions (structures) of a composite system are equally physically relevant. In this paper we answer on theoretical ground why it may be so. We consider a pair of mutually un-coupled modes in the phase space representation that are subjected to the independent quantum amplitude damping channels. By investigating asymptotic dynamics of the degrees of freedom, we find that the environment is responsible for the structures non-equivalence. Only one structure is distinguished by both locality of the environmental in uence on its subsystems and a classical-like description.Comment: 11 pages, no figures/table


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    A quantum mechanical analysis of the decomposability of quantum systems into subsystems provides support for the so-called "attenuated Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism" within Categorical Structuralism studies in physics. Quantum subsystems are recognized as non-individual, relationally defined objects that deflate or relax some standard objections against Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism. Our considerations assume the universally valid quantum theory without tackling interpretational issues. O INDIVIDUALNOSTI U KVANTNOJ TEORIJIKvantnomehanička analiza dekompozabilnosti kvantnih sistema u podsisteme pruža podršku za takozvanu eliminativnu ontičku strukturalnu realnost, „attenuated Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism” (EOSR), u okvirima kategoričkih studija u fizici. Kvantni podsistemi se pojavljuju kao neindividualni, relacioni objekti, što umanjuje neke od postojećih primedaba na EOSR. Naša razmatranja podrazumevaju univerzalno važeću kvantnu teoriju bez dodira sa interpretacijskim pitanjima. HIGHLIGHTSQuantum theory does not offer a unique ground for the familiar classical individuality.The emerging field of the so-called quantum structural studies offers new insights and tools for addressing this issue.The approach originally developed by Jasmina Jeknić-Dugić et al. points out the new avenues in this regard.A qualitative agreement with the so-called Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism is recognized and discussed

    Cooling atoms into entangled states

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    We discuss the possibility of preparing highly entangled states by simply cooling atoms into the ground state of an applied interaction Hamiltonian. As in laser sideband cooling, we take advantage of a relatively large detuning of the desired state, while all other qubit states experience resonant laser driving. Once spontaneous emission from excited atomic states prepares the system in its ground state, it remains there with a very high fidelity for a wide range of experimental parameters and all possible initial states. After presenting the general theory, we discuss concrete applications with one and two qubits.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, typos correcte


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    Mineral base oils are extracted from oil fractions of naphta that has boiling point of over 350 °C, and contain different kinds of carbohydrates and hetero-compunds. Removal of unwanted compunds from mineral base oils in domestic rafineries is made by rafination of imported commercial clays. For ther eventual replacement there has been conducted a testing of various domestic adsorbens. In this paper, examples of natural alumina from the vicinity of Sipovo are previously activated with sulphuric acid, and then used for rafination of naphtenic and hydrocracked base oil in laboratory conditions. Emerged changes on mineral base oils are followed by corresponding standardised methods. Results of testing showed that, by refining the given base oils with activated alumina, one can achieve good results and therefore further explorations shoud be continued, because of their commercial application in semi-industry and industry condition