6 research outputs found

    Novi podatci o Eimeria dicentrarchi (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), učestalom nametniku u lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) uzgajanih u istočnom dijelu srednjeg Jadrana

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    This study extends the original description of Eimeria dicentrarchi Daoudi and Marquès, 1987, a common coccidian parasite of European sea bass from the mid-eastern Adriatic, by providing insights into the parasite’s site of infection, development and pathogenicity. E. dicentrarchi was found in various developmental stages in most segments, mainly anterior, of the digestive tract. In infected segments of the digestive tract, merogonic and gamogonic stages were located in the enterocyte cytoplasm, whereas sporogonic stages were situated in the epithelium and occasionally beneath it, in the lamina propria. Most oocysts in the lumen of the digestive tract were completely sporulated, indicating endogenous sporulation. E. dicentrarchi infection caused localised histopathological changes, restricted primarily to individual epithelial cells. Additionally, the results of our preliminary study suggest that oral administration of potentiated sulphonamide Trimetosul® (trimethoprim-sulfadiazine) may be effective against E. dicentrarchi infection.Ovo istraživanje doprinosi izvornom opisu kokcidije Eimeria dicentrarchi Daoudi i Marquès, 1987, koja se učestalo pojavljuje u lubina u istočnom dijelu srednjeg Jadrana. U radu je prikazan njezin smještaj u probavnoj cijevi, razvojni ciklus i patološki učinak na domaćina. Prisutnost razvojnih stadija E. dicentrarchi utvrđena je u raznim dijelovima probavne cijevi, uglavnom u prednjem dijelu crijeva. Čitav razvojni ciklus odvija se u citoplazmi enterocita, iako do sporogonije dolazi i u lamini propriji. Oociste većinom potpuno sporuliraju u probavnoj cijevi što upućuje na unutarnju sporulaciju. E. dicentrarchi uzrokuje lokalizirane histopatološke promjene primarno ograničene na pojedinačne epitelne stanice. Rezultati preliminarnog istraživanja pokazuju da potencirani sulfonamid Trimetosul® (trimetoprim-sulfadiazin) može biti učinkovit u liječenju invazije kokcidijom E. dicentrarchi

    Porphyrin homing in proteins : A model study

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    Novi podatci o Eimeria dicentrarchi (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), učestalom nametniku u lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) uzgajanih u istočnom dijelu srednjeg Jadrana

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    This study extends the original description of Eimeria dicentrarchi Daoudi and Marquès, 1987, a common coccidian parasite of European sea bass from the mid-eastern Adriatic, by providing insights into the parasite’s site of infection, development and pathogenicity. E. dicentrarchi was found in various developmental stages in most segments, mainly anterior, of the digestive tract. In infected segments of the digestive tract, merogonic and gamogonic stages were located in the enterocyte cytoplasm, whereas sporogonic stages were situated in the epithelium and occasionally beneath it, in the lamina propria. Most oocysts in the lumen of the digestive tract were completely sporulated, indicating endogenous sporulation. E. dicentrarchi infection caused localised histopathological changes, restricted primarily to individual epithelial cells. Additionally, the results of our preliminary study suggest that oral administration of potentiated sulphonamide Trimetosul® (trimethoprim-sulfadiazine) may be effective against E. dicentrarchi infection.Ovo istraživanje doprinosi izvornom opisu kokcidije Eimeria dicentrarchi Daoudi i Marquès, 1987, koja se učestalo pojavljuje u lubina u istočnom dijelu srednjeg Jadrana. U radu je prikazan njezin smještaj u probavnoj cijevi, razvojni ciklus i patološki učinak na domaćina. Prisutnost razvojnih stadija E. dicentrarchi utvrđena je u raznim dijelovima probavne cijevi, uglavnom u prednjem dijelu crijeva. Čitav razvojni ciklus odvija se u citoplazmi enterocita, iako do sporogonije dolazi i u lamini propriji. Oociste većinom potpuno sporuliraju u probavnoj cijevi što upućuje na unutarnju sporulaciju. E. dicentrarchi uzrokuje lokalizirane histopatološke promjene primarno ograničene na pojedinačne epitelne stanice. Rezultati preliminarnog istraživanja pokazuju da potencirani sulfonamid Trimetosul® (trimetoprim-sulfadiazin) može biti učinkovit u liječenju invazije kokcidijom E. dicentrarchi