18 research outputs found

    Noncommutative gravity and the relevance of the

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    The breaking of diffeomorphism invariance in the Moyal-Weyl (θ-constant) noncommutative (NC) space-time is a well-known and a long-standing problem. It makes the construction of NC gravity models and interpretation of their results very difficult. In order to solve this problem in this letter we construct a NC gravity action based on the NC SO(2,3)SO(2,3)_\star gauge group and the Seiberg-Witten expansion. The NC equations of motion show that the noncommutativity plays the role of a source for the curvature and/or torsion. Finally, we calculate the NC corrections to the Minkowski space-time and show that in the presence of noncommutativity the Minkowski space-time becomes curved, but remains torsion-free. More importantly, we show that the coordinate system we are using is given by the Fermi normal coordinates; the NC deformation is constant in this particular reference system. The breaking of diffeomorphism invariance is understood as a consequence of working in a preferred reference system. In an arbitrary reference system, the NC deformation is obtained by an appropriate coordinate transformation

    BV quantization of braided scalar field theory

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    We address the problem of UV/IR mixing in noncommutative quantum field theories from the perspective of braided L∞-structures and the Batalin--Vilkovisky formalism. We describe the example of braided noncommutative scalar field theory and its quantization using braided homological perturbation theory. The formalism is illustrated through one-loop calculations of the two-point functions for ϕ4-theory in four dimensions and ϕ3-theory in six dimensions. In both cases we find that there are no non-planar diagrams and no UV/IR mixing

    Noncommutative gravity and the relevance of the θ

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    The breaking of diffeomorphism invariance in the Moyal-Weyl (θ-constant) noncommutative (NC) space-time is a well-known and a long-standing problem. It makes the construction of NC gravity models and interpretation of their results very difficult. In order to solve this problem in this letter we construct a NC gravity action based on the NC SO(2,3)SO(2,3)_\star gauge group and the Seiberg-Witten expansion. The NC equations of motion show that the noncommutativity plays the role of a source for the curvature and/or torsion. Finally, we calculate the NC corrections to the Minkowski space-time and show that in the presence of noncommutativity the Minkowski space-time becomes curved, but remains torsion-free. More importantly, we show that the coordinate system we are using is given by the Fermi normal coordinates; the NC deformation is constant in this particular reference system. The breaking of diffeomorphism invariance is understood as a consequence of working in a preferred reference system. In an arbitrary reference system, the NC deformation is obtained by an appropriate coordinate transformation

    BV quantization of braided scalar field theory

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    We address the problem of UV/IR mixing in noncommutative quantum field theories from the perspective of braided L∞-structures and the Batalin--Vilkovisky formalism. We describe the example of braided noncommutative scalar field theory and its quantization using braided homological perturbation theory. The formalism is illustrated through one-loop calculations of the two-point functions for ϕ4-theory in four dimensions and ϕ3-theory in six dimensions. In both cases we find that there are no non-planar diagrams and no UV/IR mixing