24 research outputs found

    Charting the landscape of enterprise architecture management

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    Todays enterprises are faced with the challenge of an everchanging environment, which they continuously have to adaptto. A commonly accepted means to support an enterprisein the transformation process and furthermore enhance thealignment between business and IT is enterprise architecture(EA) management, which provides a holistic perspectiveon the enterprise. In order to support an enterprise inthe transformation process, EA management creates architecturaldescriptions of current, planned, and future statesof the enterprise. Reecting the aforementioned importanceof EA management a plurality of approaches for establishingan EA management function in an enterprise have beenproposed by researchers, practitioners, and standardizationbodies. The approaches vary widely in respect to the proposedmethods, models, and languages.The objective of this article is to analyze the state-of-theartin EA and EA management respectively. Therefore, anextensive literature survey on publications in the area is performed.Criteria for the analysis are inter alia the distribution of papers over time, their regional distribution, type ofpublication, number of references of an article, and the involvedauthors groups. Thereby the article seeks to give anoverview on the current research occupation in the eld ofEA management

    Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Driven Lattice Gas Systems with Interactions

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    We present a new method to describe the kinetics of driven lattice gases with particle-particle interactions beyond hard-core exclusions. The method is based on the time-dependent density functional theory for lattice systems and allows one to set up closed evolution equations for mean site occupation numbers in a systematic manner. Application of the method to a totally asymmetric site exclusion process with nearest-neighbor interactions yields predictions for the current-density relation in the bulk, the phase diagram of non-equilibrium steady states and the time evolution of density profiles that are in good agreement with results from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Androconial hairbrushes of the Syntomis (Amata) phegea (L.) group (Lepidoptera, Ctenuchinae): A synapomorphic character supported by sequence data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene

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    Males of several palaearctic Syntomis/Amata species (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) possess androconial hairbrushes in connection with the foreleg core. The cuticular structure of these potentially behaviour-related and pheromone dissipating brushes is described. Such male-specific organs and signals play a crucial role in the female choice procedure. The presence of hairbrushes was found in 17 out of 28 inspected species df the tribe;Syntomini. All members of the Syntomis phegea group (Europe to Central Asia, as well as Caspian, Caucasian and near-middle East species) have these structures, and only three oriental and south Asian, but none of three African species, carry this trait. The common genetic base of this morpho: logical character is supported by an analysis of mitochondrial 16S rRNA from 19 representative taxa; species with hairbrushes form a monophyletic clade and the brushes are a synapomorphic character. This genetic finding corroborates the ethological significance of these organs. Phylogenetic data show a substantial genetic divergence between the tribe Ctenuchini (New World species) and the Old World Syntomini. Furthermore, DNA sequence data suggest a split of the genus Amata (sensu Obraztsov, 1966) in two distinct genera, Amata (without hairbrushes) and Syntomis (with hairbrushes)

    Phase Transitions in Brownian Pumps

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