15 research outputs found

    YK-4-279 Inhibits ERG and ETV1 Mediated Prostate Cancer Cell Invasion

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    Background: Genomic rearrangements involving the ETS family of transcription factors occur in 40–70 % of prostate cancer cases. ERG and ETV1 are the most common ETS members observed in these genetic alterations. The high prevalence of these rearrangements and their biological significance represents a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of prostate cancer. Methods and Findings: We recently reported the development of YK-4-279, a small molecule inhibitor of EWS-FLI1 oncoprotein in Ewing’s Sarcoma. Since ERG and ETV1 belong to the same class of ETS factors as FLI1, we tested the ability of YK-4-279 to inhibit biological functions of ERG and ETV1 proteins in prostate cancer. YK-4-279 inhibited ERG and ETV1 mediated transcriptional activity in a luciferase assay. YK-4-279 also decreased ERG and ETV1 downstream target mRNA and protein expression in ETV1-fusion positive LNCaP and ERG fusion positive VCaP cells. YK-4-279 reduced the motility of LNCaP cells in a scratch assay and the invasive phenotype of both LNCaP and VCaP cells in a HUVEC invasion assay. Fusion-negative PC3 cells were unresponsive to YK-4-279. SiRNA mediated ERG knockdown in VCaP cells resulted in a loss of drug responsiveness. Concurrently, transient ERG expression in PC-3 cells resulted in increased invasive potential, which was reduced by YK-4-279. Conclusion: These data demonstrate that YK-4-279 inhibits ERG and ETV1 biological activity in fusion-positive prostat

    Primary structure of a novel subunit in ba3-cytochrome oxidase from Thermus thermophilus.

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    The bax-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus is known as a two subunit enzyme. Deduced from the crystal structure of this enzyme, we discovered the presence of an additional transmembrane helix "subunit IIa" spanning the membrane. The hydrophobic N-terminally blocked protein was isolated in high yield using high-performance liquid chromatography. Its complete amino acid sequence was determined by a combination of automated Edman degradation of both the deformylated and the cyanogen bromide cleaved protein and automated C-terminal sequencing of the native protein. The molecular mass of 3,794 Da as determined by MALDI-MS and by ESI requires the N-terminal methionine to be formylated and is in good agreement with the value calculated from the formylmethionine containing sequence (3,766.5 Da + 28 Da = 3,794.5 Da). This subunit consits of 34 residues forming one helix across the membrane (Lys5-Ala34), which corresponds in space to the first transmembrane helix of subunit II of the cytochrome c oxidases from Paracoccus denitrificans and bovine heart, however, with opposite polarity. It is 35% identical to subunit IV of the ba3-cytochrome oxidase from Natronobacterium pharaonis. The open reading frame encoding this new subunit IIa (cbaD) is located upstream of cbaB in the same operon as the genes for subunit I (cbaA) and subunit II (cbaB)

    Evidence for a copper-coordinated histidine-tyrosine cross-link in the active site of cytochrome oxidase.

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    Following hints from X-ray data (Ostermeier C et al., 1997, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:10547-10553; Yoshikawa S et al., 1998, Science 280: 1723-1729), chemical evidence is presented from four distantly related cytochrome-c oxidases for the existence of a copperB-coordinated His240-Tyr244) cross-link at the O2-activating Heme Fea3-CuB center in the catalytic subunit 1 of the enzyme. The early evolutionary invention of this unusual structure may have prevented damaging *OH-radical release at e(-)-transfer to dioxygen and thus have enabled O2 respiration

    New and revised occurrences of Ordovician crinoids from southwestern Europe

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    10 páginas.A comprehensive treatment of Ordovician crinoids from southwestern Europe is presented, including taxa based on articulated crowns and stems. This summary incorporates new material, new localities, and a revision of some southwestern Europe occurrences. The first record of an Ordovician crinoid from Portugal, Delgadocrinus oportovinum n. gen. and sp., is reported, and this is the oldest known crinoid from the Iberian Peninsula (Arenigian/Oretanian boundary, early Darriwilian). Geographic and temporal ranges of several crinoids are revised from peri-Gondwanan areas in southwestern Europe and northern Africa or modified with new Iberian material. The Spanish range of Heviacrinus melendezi Gil Cid et al., 1996 is extended down into the lower upper Oretanian, and Merocrinus millanae Ausich et al., 2002 is restricted to the upper lower Dobrotivian. The stratigraphic position of Ortsaecrinus cocae Gil Cid et al., 1999b is restricted to the early middle Berounian, and the range of Visocrinus castelli Ausich et al., 2002 is restricted to the late middle Berounian (see Fig. 2). New topotype material of Morenacrinus silvani Ausich et al., 2002 is reported that furthers understanding of the occurrence this taxon, which was previously only positively known from the holotype.Peer reviewe

    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor protects from nonmelanoma epidermal tumors by regulating the number of antigen-presenting cells in skin

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    The response of the skin to harmful environmental agents is shaped decisively by the status of the immune system. Keratinocytes constitutively express and secrete the chemokine-like mediator, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), more strongly than dermal fibroblasts, thereby creating a MIF gradient in skin. By using global and epidermis-restricted Mif-knockout (Mif(-1-) and K14-Cre(+ltg) ;Mif(fllft)) mice, we found that MIF both recruits and maintains antigen-presenting cells in the dermis/epidermis. The reduced presence of antigen-presenting cells in the absence of MIF was associated with accelerated and increased formation of nonmelanoma skin tumors during chemical carcinogenesis. Our results demonstrate that MIF is essential for maintaining innate immunity in skin. Loss of keratinocyte-derived MIF leads to a loss of control of epithelial skin tumor formation in chemical skin carcinogenesis, which highlights an unexpected tumor-suppressive activity of MIF in murine skin.- Brocks, T., Fedorchenko, O., Schliermann, N., Stein, A., Moll, U. M., Seegobin, S., Dewor, M., Hallek, M., Marquardt, Y., Fietkau, K., Heise, R., Huth, S., Pfister, H., Bernhagen, J., Bucala, R., Baron, J. M., Fingerle-Rowson, G. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor protects from nonmelanoma epidermal tumors by regulating the number of antigen-presenting cells in skin