37 research outputs found
Characterization of exponential distribution via regression of one record value on two non-adjacent record values
We characterize the exponential distribution as the only one which satisfies
a regression condition. This condition involves the regression function of a
fixed record value given two other record values, one of them being previous
and the other next to the fixed record value, and none of them are adjacent. In
particular, it turns out that the underlying distribution is exponential if and
only if given the first and last record values, the expected value of the
median in a sample of record values equals the sample midrange.Comment: To appear in Metrik
Wild vascular plants gathered for consumption in the Polish countryside: a review
BACKGROUND: This paper is an ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants gathered for consumption from the end of the 18(th )century to the present day, within the present borders of Poland. METHODS: 42 ethnographic and botanical sources documenting the culinary use of wild plants were analyzed. RESULTS: The use of 112 species (3.7% of the flora) has been recorded. Only half of them have been used since the 1960s. Three species: Cirsium rivulare, Euphorbia peplus and Scirpus sylvaticus have never before been reported as edible by ethnobotanical literature. The list of wild edible plants which are still commonly gathered includes only two green vegetables (Rumex acetosa leaves for soups and Oxalis acetosella as children's snack), 15 folk species of fruits and seeds (Crataegus spp., Corylus avellana, Fagus sylvatica, Fragaria vesca, Malus domestica, Prunus spinosa, Pyrus spp., Rosa canina, Rubus idaeus, Rubus sect. Rubus, Sambucus nigra, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. oxycoccos, V. uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea) and four taxa used for seasoning or as preservatives (Armoracia rusticana root and leaves, Carum carvi seeds, Juniperus communis pseudo-fruits and Quercus spp. leaves). The use of other species is either forgotten or very rare. In the past, several species were used for food in times of scarcity, most commonly Chenopodium album, Urtica dioica, U. urens, Elymus repens, Oxalis acetosella and Cirsium spp., but now the use of wild plants is mainly restricted to raw consumption or making juices, jams, wines and other preserves. The history of the gradual disappearance of the original barszcz, Heracleum sphondylium soup, from Polish cuisine has been researched in detail and two, previously unpublished, instances of its use in the 20(th )century have been found in the Carpathians. An increase in the culinary use of some wild plants due to media publications can be observed. CONCLUSION: Poland can be characterized as a country where the traditions of culinary use of wild plants became impoverished very early, compared to some parts of southern Europe. The present use of wild plants, even among the oldest generation, has been almost entirely restricted to fruits
Wsparcie logistyczne akcji ratunkowej w aspekcie minimalizacji śladu ekologicznego jako wymogu środowiskowego zrównoważonego rozwoju na przykładzie katastrofy naturalnej
Background: The aim of the considerations is to present the concept of the ecological footprint of logistic support for a rescue operation on the example of a natural disaster. Increasing pressure of environmental requirements placed on all logistic activities, including logistic support, justifies the attention drawn to the subject.
Methods: Selecting a natural disaster - as a reference for the concept of the ecological footprint - constitutes an attempt to draw attention to the fact that logistic support for a rescue operation in the case of a natural disaster - apart from an unquestionably positive role - also negatively affects the environment, which should be exposed, and this will be manifested by creation of measuring and analysing instruments necessary within undertaken activities aimed at minimalization of the negative impact of logistic support on the environment. The ecological footprint can be considered to be such an instrument.
Results: Based on the general formula of the ecological footprint and its methodology presented in "Working Guidebook to the National Footprint Accounts 2014", a formula of the ecological footprint of logistic support for a rescue operation on the example of a natural disaster was created.
Conclusions: The assumptions of the concept of the ecological footprint of logistic support for a rescue operation on the example of a natural disaster were based on the assumptions of logistic support for a rescue operation and on the assumptions of the resource concept and external costs of logistic support for a rescue operation on the example of a natural disaster.Wstęp: Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie koncepcji śladu ekologicznego wsparcia logistycznego akcji ratunkowej na przykładzie katastrofy naturalnej. Coraz większa presja wymogów środowiskowych wywierana na wszelką działalność logistyczną, w tym również tą, w formie wsparcia logistycznego, uzasadnienia atencję dla podjętej problematyki.
Metody: Wybór katastrofy naturalnej - jako płaszczyzny odniesienia koncepcji śladu ekologicznego - jest z kolei próbą zwrócenia uwagi, że wsparcie logistyczne akcji ratunkowej w sytuacji katastrofy naturalnej, oprócz bezsprzecznie pozytywnej roli, również oddziałuje negatywnie na środowisko, które należy eksponować, czego przejawem będzie tworzenie instrumentów pomiaru i analizy, niezbędnych przy podejmowaniu działań, mających na celu minimalizację negatywnego oddziaływania wsparcia logistycznego na środowisko. Ślad ekologiczny można uznać za taki instrument.
Wyniki: W oparciu o ogólną formułę śladu ekologicznego oraz jej metodykę przedstawioną w "Working Guidebook to the National Footprint Accounts 2014", utworzono formułę śladu ekologicznego wsparcia logistycznego akcji ratunkowej na przykładzie katastrofy naturalnej.
Wnioski: Założenia koncepcji śladu ekologicznego wsparcia logistycznego akcji ratunkowej na przykładzie katastrofy naturalnej oparto na założeniach wsparcia logistycznego akcji ratunkowej oraz na założeniach koncepcji zasobowej i kosztów zewnętrznych wsparcia logistycznego akcji ratunkowej na przykładzie katastrofy naturalnej
Drawability Studies of Magnesium Alloy Sheets at Elevated Temperature / Badania Tłoczności Blach Ze Stopów Magnezu W Podwyższonej Temperaturze
The paper presents the results of a study of drawability of thin AZ31 magnesium alloy metal sheets. These studies are a continuation of experiences in presenting the characteristics of technological plasticity of strips made of magnesium alloy which have been cast between rolls in vertical and horizontal systems called ‘twin-roll casting’. In the context of previous experiments conducted at the Institute of Material Technology of the Silesian University of Technology in cooperation with the Technical University - Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), drawability of these strips at elevated temperatures has been comprehensively defined while using forming limit curves. Due to low formability of magnesium alloys at ambient temperature, formability tests - including cup forming tests presented in this paper - have been carried out in heated dies at temperature range of 200°C to 350°C. A modern AutoGrid digital local strain analyzer has been used in the examinations and the method of image analysis of deformed coordination nets has been applied. Quantitative and qualitative impact of deformation temperature upon the drawability effects of AZ31 magnesium alloys products have been evaluated
Niektóre aspekty zakażenia skóry nużeńcem ludzkim
Some aspects of the skin infestation by Demodex folliculorum. The importance of demodicids (Demodex folliculorum and D. brevis) infestation and their effect on skin lesions has been described based on literature data and our own clinical and parasitological investigations. Hair follicie mites have been detected in 45% of patients with rosacea, 27% of patients with perioral dermatitis, 28% of patients suffering from seborrhoeic dermatitis and in 3 out of 7 patients with chronic blepharitis. Clinical picture of demodecosis included erythemato-papulous and pustulous (rosacea-like) skin lesions together with erythemato-desquamative changes of the face